Last night I went over to my best friend, Lauren’s house and her fiancé, Jacob, helped me with this blog of mine. He was able to clean it up, make it easy to read, and get rid of all the random weird stuff that came with the “theme” of the page but wasn’t needed. He also set up the comments and the subscribe option so you can enter your email and be notified when I post. I find it kinda funny that anyone would be interested in reading about my journey, but here we are 🤣 Oh, and another biggie-he secured the site-whatever the hell that means. I really would have thought Xanga and MySpace prepared me better for this. Clearly not..

When I got home, my friend David let me FaceTime him and do a pack shake down. David hiked a big chunk of the AT a couple years ago, and he’s helped guide me tremendously.. with gear choices and motivation. With his help last night I was able shave off 2 pounds! That sounds like nothing, but when you’re carrying it on your back, trust me it’s huge. Haha. I plan to post my official gear list sometime within the next week, as I’m still dialing it all in. Stay tuned 🙂

As far as training goes, I’ve been a pretty busy bee since I’ve gotten home from my last covid crisis contract. I’ve hiked 5,6,8, & 10 mile days all while carrying my pack or Jacob’s weighted vest. The vest was 27lbs, with my camelback on top of it while Lauren and I walked 10 miles on the silver comet trail. The other days were just my pack, weighing in at 24 pounds prior to David’s shakedown. Today I knocked out another 6 miles carrying my pack at 22 pounds, but I added some weight from the vest to it, plus 2 liters of water, so it was around 30lbs total. Honestly, it felt good. I’m so ready to start my thru hike! The people at Kennesaw mountain were looking at me crazy with my big ‘ole pack while they’re just carrying a desani bottle or nothing at all.. lol

Anyway, thanks for following along. The more of you that subscribe will probably cause a feeling of necessity to keep my journals up to date while hiking.. and motivate me to succeed completing the trail. I have a weird sense of unnecessary obligation, and creating this one almost feels like a safety net to push me forward.. to not allow myself to quit out of mental weakness. So, do me a favor.. subscribe already 😉
You’re amazing and I’m so glad to know you! I cannot WAIT to follow your journey! Consider me subscribed!
You are awesome 😘
This is gonna be fun. I am excited for you and look forward to your journals. I so wish I could do this. We are so much alike. So very proud of you and everything you have done with your life.
Yay you!
you need to be my personal trainer!!
I need to do a whole lot more to actually be well prepared.. but, there are only so many hours in a day 🤣😬 at this point, it is what it is!
Subscribed! So excited for you girl!! Can’t wait to read all about it! ♥️