I’m so giddy today I can barely stand it. Like, I literally keep busting out into fits of laughter. At Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. At the very least, it’s helping other travelers to keep their distance from me! Ha
Yesterday was spent with Lauren, at my house, cleaning and packing and working on a blanket.. I crochet (I find it comforting somehow) and I’ve been working on a detailed llama Afghan for Lauren’s birthday (which was back in March 😬 LOL).. I’m so close to being done that my crazy self packed it up this morning, too, to bring with me to Harper’s Ferry.
I’m not set to start until tomorrow, and I’ve already mailed my gas, pepper spray, and lighter to the motel, so besides stopping at a gas station to get some smart water bottles, I really have no “actual” errands to run once I get to Harper’s Ferry, and maybe having this task to complete will make sure I actually wait to start the trail tomorrow instead of hopping right out there today. I get antsy. I like to be moving or doing or something. Sitting and waiting really isn’t my thing. So, now, the plan is to check into my motel, eat some dinner, rest up, stretch and finish Lauren’s blanket. Then, in the morning I’ll walk to the post office in town and send it out before going for breakfast and hitting the trail.
Last night, I went to my last dinner with my mom, Uncle Keith and Aunt Kathy. Then mom and I watched a movie while I crocheted. Then I unpacked and repacked while showing her all the things I’m taking. With food (but not water) I’m sitting at 32 pounds for my pack. While it sounds heavy, it’s actually not as bad as it could be, and now I’m super grateful for the recent practice hikes.
This morning, mom, Uncle Keith, and Aunt Kathy took me to breakfast. We ate at 1911 Biscuits & Burgers in Smyrna. Pretty great little place, next to Chick-fil-A. If you’re nearby, you should definitely try it out. After we said our goodbyes, mom ran me by the thrift store across the street and I bought a garment bag to stuff my pack into so the straps wouldn’t get caught in the conveyer belts when I checked it for the flight. Things to think about when deciding to do a flip flop instead of getting dropped off at the trailhead at Amicalola State Park! Anyway, I paid $11 and shoved that 32 pound baby in.
After hugs and tears, I said goodbye for now to my most favorite person, my mama.. walked inside and checked my pack and the small duffle holding Lauren’s blanket and my “stuff” to work on it with.
As for now, I’m sitting at my gate, full of energy.. waiting to start lining up to board this flight. Thank you to all my friends and family that have reached out yesterday and today. Y’all mean the world to me and I am beyond grateful for your love and prayers.
Y’all. It’s happening. My 5 year dream has literally started. It’s here. And I am SO. DAMN. HAPPY.