Another zero day.. another happy day! Well, you know, minus those first few minutes in the morning when I hate everything and everyone. I don’t know how to change my mindset on that one, but I really should figure that out.
I got woken up a little before 7am but they were kind to pack quickly, or grab their things quickly and pack in the other room. I tried my very best to ignore the noise for as long as possible, but at 730 I gave up and started to write out yesterday’s blog.
Curmy and Cholula came over and we all went down to the bakery to get breakfast. I’m seriously obsessed with the place and will probably eat there tomorrow, too. I resupplied for the next four days (I can’t completely get the hang of figuring out the food, I always carry too much. Better than not enough I guess). While I was resupplying, I ran into FarOut. We caught up for a few minutes before heading our separate ways. Her and HotSauce got a room at the hotel we did laundry at yesterday, and so did Towely.
I went back to the hostel and repacked my bag. The rest of the morning was just hanging out, looking things up, calling my mama, chatting with friends. It was a nice, relaxing morning. A hiker named Honeybadger helped me do some stretches for my shin, and I’ve been doing them since. I think it’s helping.
Sometime during the afternoon, Lizard and Hannah stopped by with some goodies from Walmart. They went there to resupply since Hannah is the cool kid with a car 😉 You totally forget how convenient life is with a vehicle when you always have one available lol
They headed out to spend the afternoon together and Cholula, Curmudgeon, Derby, and I went to get some food at the pizza place and have a few beers. The day turned gorgeous. Warmer than it has been and the sun came out, too. It was just what we all needed after that stretch of rainy coldness. Derby went back to the hostel while the 3 of us stayed at the picnic table outside of the pizza place. A few minutes after he left, FarOut and HotSauce showed up! These town meet ups are fantastic.

It was after 3pm when we finished up at the pizza place.. so I happily went to the hostel and grabbed my stuff to go check in at the hotel next door. It is beautiful. It’s called the Deer Head Inn, and it’s a boutique b&b above the restaurant and bar we ate at last night. Antique beds and gorgeous rugs on hardwood floors. The bed was like a cloud after a week of sleeping on a flat air mattress!

I showered, took a bath, showered again.. because why not? And then sometime near ish 6pm I met Derby, Cholula and Curmudgeon at the Sycamore for dinner. I can see how too many zeros lead to people getting off trail, because I’m loving the hell out of this town.. and it’s good food.

Tomorrow I have to wait for my shoes to get delivered before I can hike out. It’s a little stressful for sure, knowing that I may get behind on trail if they don’t come early enough.. but it’s out of my control, so I’ll try to not focus on it. I’m going to sleep in and enjoy every second this Inn has to offer.
Did you fix your mattress?
Technically no, I know it’s the valve losing pressure but idk how to fix it 😩😩😩
Oh, damn. That sucks. I can send you a new one. Seriously. It would make me happy to help.