Day 28: Brink Road Shelter

Start: Unnamed Campsite (AT mi 1308.2). Stop: Brink Road Shelter (AT mi 1321). Today’s miles: 12.8 miles Total AT mileage: 296.3 miles

Day 28

Our campsite was indeed perfect for watching the sunrise. I saw the light and hot pink come up sometime before 5:15am. I saw a little more after 5:30.. I rolled the other way and slept til 7am.
I finally got up and went to get my food bag, which took an embarrassing long time. I couldn’t get the stick to break free.. Ugh. Mornings. Also of note, I slept next to the snake all night and he was still there this morning. He stretched out towards the sun, super close to my tent stakes, so FeatherFoot gently nudged him with his trekking pole to get him to scoot into the tree more, and then he went ahead and pulled out my last 2 stakes for me, so I wouldn’t have to get so close to the snake. Lol

Everyone ate their breakfasts and left out at different times: first Derby, then Cholula and Curmudgeon, followed by FeatherFoot. I left after I got my leg taped up. FarOut gave me some KT tape and I watched a video of how to tape it up correctly. It made such a difference, but man my shin still hurts. Shin Splints are awful.

Less than half a mile out of camp I heard rustling and branches breaking. I slowed down thinking I was coming up on on of the other 4 popping a squat. As I listen and I’m about to yell out to them, I see a big black bear’s head up on the hill by the rocks. He was there just long enough for us to make eye contact with each other, for me to reach for my phone to take a video, and then poof-before I could open it to the right screen, he was gone. Just like that. Even still, I’m excited as hell I got my first bear siting! I was super jealous yesterday of everyone else getting to see them. It makes no sense whatsoever, I’m calm when coming across a bear outweighing me and could easily hurt or kill me.. I scream when I see little snakes that I could literally toss away in a second.

There were lots of great views and I did see another snake on trail. It was overcast, but breezy and I really enjoyed it, except when after 5 or so miles my shin slowed my pace down to 1.5 miles per hour. It was excruciating.

I finally made it to the shelter we were all aiming for a sometime around 3:45-4ish. Everyone was here except Lizard, FarOut, and HotSauce. Even Towely was here! This was my first time seeing him for a few days. The others must have enjoyed this day and taken lots of breaks too, because they definitely all hike faster than me lol

They were all here shortly after me, we ate dinner (yes, at 4:30-5pm lol) and did our camp chores.. I’m so tired that I keep yawning like crazy. T Bird got here and helped me with another stretch for my shin splints. We did that for while and then set up our stuff in the shelter. FeatherFoot, Derby, Curmudgeon, Cholula, TBird, me and some new guy are all smooshed in here. It was better when there were less of us. Hahahaha pray for us.

One thought on “Day 28: Brink Road Shelter”

  1. Have so much appreciation for what you are doing. Robert and I went on a 4 mile hike the other day and it about killed me. Lol.

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