Day 38: Telephone Pioneers Shelter

Start: RPH Shelter (AT mi 1431.9). Stop: Telephone Pioneers Shelter (AT mi 1448.7) Today’s miles: 16.8 miles. Total AT mileage: 424 miles

I tossed and turned last night because of the gnats.. once I’d drift off, one would suicide dive into my eyelids. I’d swat, shimmy down under my covers.. then, 30 minutes later, I’d wake up sweating and come up for air.. for another suicide dive into my ear. I could hear Derby just a snoozing, happy as a clam with not a single bug near him. So not fair.

I finally started snoozing sometime after 4am, and got woken up by heavy footed hikers coming and going through the shelter for the trash can. I got up at little after 6:15 and headed to the privy-there was a line, so when the guy in front of me went in, I looked around and popped a squat right where I was. I couldn’t wait for buddy to poop, I just couldn’t.

Once I got my pack on, it started raining. It was in the 60s and rained off and on all day-and you know what? It was glorious. I hiked quicker than I usually do, because I wasn’t stopping to sit on rocks or take pictures. The trail was once again smooth going, nice and gentle slopes with a few random rocky spots mixed in. It was seriously incredible.

I got to the first shelter for lunch at 11:30, and had already knocked out 10 miles! I had passed Ben and Beaver at the road before the road to the deli, and then Derby caught up to us, too. Derby and Ben went to the deli, Beaver and I continued on.. I had too much food in my bag to buy anything else! It’s still so heavy! So, Beaver beat me to the shelter, we ate lunch there, stretched.. then Derby reappeared.. good lord that dude hikes fast.

He left out before us, and before I left Cholula and Curmudgeon caught up and stopped for a break, too. Around 12:30 I headed back out. The day continued the same as was in the morning. I did have an ankle slip, but I was able to keep walking on it the whole time, so I’m calling it a win. I got to the shelter around 4pm, and Derby was at the stream. He said there was a ton of people at the shelter and camping, and if I wanted a spot to hurry up and claim it. I decided on the shelter (bugs and all) so I wouldn’t have to pack a wet tent in the morning.

I got my spot secured.. and holy Moses. It’s packed. There’s NayNay, a 72 year old section hiker who has quite literally not stopped talking since I’ve met her lol. Then there’s Pete, an over nighter out for some fresh air and relaxation. He’s a high school history teacher here in NY and got here with Derby earlier today. They met down at the gorgeous lake we passed on the way up. Then there’s 2 separate groups with children/teens.. one is a church group, the other is an outreach group from the Bronx.

Nuclear Lake

I tried sending a text to the group about how full it is, but my service is sketchy.. one second I have it and one second I don’t. I went down to the creek to bathe and get water. I made dinner when I got back, like 5pm ish-LOL.. and that’s when Curmy, Cholula, Beaver, and Towely got here. They didn’t get my text, and man did they look so deflated that there’s no where to put up a tent with all the little tent cities going on already.

Beaver stayed and set up his hammock, but the other three went back to the trail to find a spot for their tents. I’m sad there wasn’t room here. Derby, Beaver, Pete, NayNay and I have been chatting all evening. Now it’s almost 9 and NayNay is still just a chatting. She’s real sweet. We’re real tired. Looks like it’s time to do the tuck and roll with my earplugs in. Hahaha

Goodnight, y’all.