Day 41: Zero in Kent

I woke up sometime before 7:30, but didn’t move until the guys got up. They packed what they could and then darted over to the little grocery store to get their food for the next few days. When they came back, Derby told me he saw Cholula and Curmudgeon in town already, getting breakfast, and he shared half of his breakfast sandwich with me. Damn I’m motivated by food! Ha, but I also didn’t want to miss them and I wanted to see how Cholula was doing after her fall yesterday. I got ready and started walking while Derby and Beaver packed their food in their bags, planning to get their day started soon.

I found them at a little restaurant with outdoor seating.. my god her leg was black and blue from her fall. She was planning to take the brunt of the weight of their stuff, let Curmy hike on, and she’d meet him in 2 days in the next town up on trail. She’d zero those two days he’d be hiking light, hopefully she’d be healing up some and getting new shoes. Her plan was to Uber to that other town, Salisbury, today. I quickly talked her into staying with me today in Kent, and heading to Salisbury tomorrow when I got back on the trail. It wasn’t hard to convince her, and I was so glad!

I got my second breakfast to go, and walked with her to the welcome center where Curmy was charging his stuff and they were repacking for him to start hiking and her to hang out with me. Derby and Beaver came by moments later, and the guys planned to meet up on trail and camp together at a shelter close to 17 miles out.
Cholula and I went back to the inn, I figured out what I needed from the grocery store, she gathered their laundry and we set out to run errands. Grocery store, laundromat, post office. I took my new shoes and some snack stuff mom sent me back to the room, and then we went to the little outfitter, shoe store, and back to the inn.

At the outfitter, I got new trekking poles. Yay for being able to secure my tent upright again!
At the shoe store, Cholula shows the man her boots and how they split apart, and he got busy trying to find a new pair of boots for her. Sadly, it was to no avail. None of the boots he had came up high enough to support her ankle. I browsed while there, realizing I needed to try on my shoes when I got back to the room.. because this man had several brands of shoes and insoles, too.

Back at the inn.. my new shoes come no where near fitting. Like I couldn’t even get my left foot inside the shoe. Lord. I quickly make my way back to the shoe store, tell him my predicament, and he sets to work attempting to help me. The only shoes that my toes felt good in, with enough space, was the Altras. The brand of shoes I’ve been wearing. Ugh. He didn’t have an 8.5, but he did have a 9. I tried them on, and while a little big, they seemed to be my only option. We put in some cushier insoles, and walking around the store, my feet felt great! Sold!

I stopped by the wine store when walking back to the room, and then when I got there I showed Cholula my new stuff, and she informed me that she emailed Solomon about her boots splitting apart, and they offered her voucher due to a manufacturer’s defect of the boot because of how they fell apart! Holy crap! Then, she checked the tracking for my cellphone (it was 3pm at this point) and—MY PHONE WAS DELIVERED! I all but ran back to the post office (my new, non fitting shoes in tow)! They handed me my package and I squealed like a kid on Christmas. While the man working was putting in the info for my shoes to get shipped back, I opened my package and then choked up. Sweet Pete had put a card in there with my phone! I forced the post office guy to get excited with me, as I read the card to him. Someone was going to celebrate this very thoughtful moment with me right now, dang it! I am just so blown away by his kindness, even still as I’m writing this. The good you put out into the world always finds its way back to you. I know good things must be coming back tenfold to Pete and his family.

I walked back to the inn taking pictures the whole way. I showed Cholula the card and she found it as kind as I did. The two of us had some wine and snacks to celebrate all the good things that have been happening.. this awesome room, my phone, her voucher and soon to be new boots, my new shoes. I checked in on a few things and sat my phone on the charger, then went to finally take that awesome bath I’ve planning since yesterday. I soaked my sore muscles and updated what I could on the blog.

When I got out, we walked to the Asian restaurant. They aren’t doing indoor seating, so we ordered at the door and ate outside. It was some of the best pad Thai I’ve had in a long time! So stinking good! Back at the room, Cholula took her a hot soaking bath and I continued to write out my blog entries. I don’t know what time I finally fell asleep, but I do know that I really enjoyed everything about this whole day. The people we encountered, spending the day with Cholula talking and doing errands, the rest and relaxation that came with this nice room. I thought I’d be sad about being 1-2 days behind everyone (which, I still sort of am), but I’m thankful I decided to stay in town tonight and not rush out when I got my phone.

Something tells me tomorrow will be tough. Only one way to find out!

4 thoughts on “Day 41: Zero in Kent”

  1. Great days come when staying strong and positive. I told you that if bad things didn’t happen you wouldn’t know how good things are. Bad never out ways the good. Always remember that. Continue your journey to success.

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