Day 42: Caesar Brook Campsite

Start: Kent, Connecticut (AT mi 1470.2). Stop: Caesar Brook Campsite (AT mi 1483.8). Today’s miles: 13.6 miles. Total AT mileage: 459.1 miles

I was proud of me today. I actually got up a little after 7, packed and ate my left over pad Thai, chatting with Cholula a bit before heading out. I was out of town and on the trail by 8:30, but before I actually started hiking, I had to sit down and change my insoles back to the ones that came with the shoes. Just that little road walk to the trail from town left me with numb toes. Yikes.

There was a trail angel and his wife there, offering breakfast stuff, but I declined. He said he’d be up trail this afternoon doing trail magic lunch.. so I told him I’d hope to see him then. My morning started off by hiking with BakedPotato, a NOBO thru hiker that was at the trail magic. We maybe hiked and talked for a few miles before I needed to stop again because of my shoes. He carried on, I sat down and I realized the heel of my new shoe rubbed a hole into my sock and was attempting to rub a nasty blister on my heel! I taped up my foot, put my ripped sock back on, stretched and carried on.

It was a pretty day, sunny and low 60s mostly. The trail was beautiful, but the same old ups and downs with trees and creeks. Sometimes describing it feels monotonous, because while it changes dramatically, it also feels the exact same, too. I did walk a long stretch right beside a big river though, the Housatonic River. and that was stunning. I also saw 2 garter snakes, one that quickly got away from me after BakedPotato pointed it out (I still got a picture), and then another one sunbathing mid trail, that I had to dance around to pass. He wasn’t going to move and could care less about me. I, of course, still did my yell/jump/full body shutter when I spotted each one, but managed to get pictures of both.

My best friend, Sarah, told me her daughter, Kylie, liked my snake stories. She’s going to have to tell me if it’s because of how scared I am of the snakes, or because she likes them. Ever since Sarah told me that, I’ve been looking for them more. I still see at least one garter a day (for the most part), but I haven’t seen any more black snakes yet, and no rattlesnakes at all. I kinda think the long snake I saw go under a rock the other day may have been a copperhead, but because I only saw the back end of him, I can’t confirm.. and I was DEFINITELY not sticking around to see him come back out! God those little boogers totally freak me out, still! I get the cold chill down my spine every single time I spot anything slithering. So creepy. (Also, hi Kyliebug! I love you!)

I crossed a few roads and never saw the trail angel, so I stopped at the first shelter and ate my lunch. There were caterpillars everywhere. I chatted with some trail maintenance folks, very grateful for their hard work. And then I carried on. I was on an uphill that came to a road crossing when I ran back into BakedPotato and the trail angel! I caught a ride down the hill with the angel to where he and his wife had a little spread set up by the river! It was so perfect! I had a hotdog (I wasn’t actually hungry at all) and a Gatorade, oh and a banana, too. We hung out and chatted with another thru hiker I hadnt met before. The trail angel, PTL (for Praise The Lord), did a flip flop in 2020, and only took 3 zero days the whole time! His wife was his support so he had easy access to a vehicle and whatnot. They were so dang nice. Now they’ve been giving back to the trail community, since he said so many people helped him along his journey.

He drove me back up the hill and I carried on. The miles seemed to be passing slowly. I had told myself however far I got today would be enough, regardless of where everyone else is, because of the whole breaking in new shoes thing. I had options to camp at mile 10, 13.6, and 17.

I only made it to the 13.6 mile campsite and decided that would do. It was already 5:30pm and I was beat. Plus the creek nearby was a nice one. I set up my tent and sleep stuff, filtered water, bathed, and cooked dinner. I cleaned up, put my food bag in the bear box, and chatted a little with the other people staying here tonight. 3 women appear to be doing a section hike (I didn’t ask them, and I shouldn’t assume, but they look so clean!) and then another couple is thruhiking from springer mountain.

He didn’t give one crap that he was blocking the trail! LOL

My spot was heavenly and far from the others until the couple came. They camped technically in the other campsite area, but I can literally here them talking to each other now, from inside my tent and them in theirs. Thank goodness for earplugs!

Now that I’ve gotten everything semi up to date, I’m going to plan out my day tomorrow and then fall asleep. Either way, I’m getting up early in the morning to try to get in some decent miles. Towely, FarOut and HotSauce all made it to Massachusetts today. Lizard has to zero to get a package (but I can’t remember if that’s today or tomorrow) and I’m not sure where everyone else is. Massachusetts is 40 miles from where I am, too bad I can’t knock that out tomorrow! Hahaha wishful and delusional thinking there! Lol

Goodnight, y’all.

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