Day 48: Econo Lodge, Pittsfield, MA

Start: October Mountain Shelter (AT mi 1560.4). Stop: EconoLodge, Pittsfield, MA (AT mi 1572.4). Today’s miles: 12 miles Total AT mileage: 547.7 miles

I fell fast asleep the second I finished typing out my day last night. Around 10:30pm, I felt thunder rumble through (felt, not heard.. my earplugs are a nighttime saving grace!). I popped up real fast to go to the bathroom before the rain came. I made it out and back in just in time! There was a lightening show, but I was back to sleep within seconds of the rain tapping on my tent.

Sometime after midnight, I felt the presence of something near my head.. I couldn’t figure out what was happening, so I scrounged around for my headlamp. Once the light was on and I was sitting up in my tent, I could see a huge collection of rain water on my tent, bulging in just where my head is when I’m laying down! How that water didn’t start seeping through the material is beyond me! I knew I’d run into some trouble due to not having enough space to properly stake out my tent.

I carefully tipped the material back, making the water slide off the tent, while trying to also not let it flood the underside. It seemed to work fine, but I needed to find something to prop that part of the tent up so water couldn’t pool there again.. eventually that luck will run out and the water will get inside! I looked for sticks outside the tent but in the vestibules (still covered and dry), but for once I actually did a good job clearing the tent site so there weren’t any. I decided to use my water bottle, and it held up perfectly! I used the other one on the opposite side by my feet, just in case there was an issue there, too. Once I saw that I was staying dry, I laid back down and closed my eyes.

The rain poured all night, but I slept through most of it. I love thunderstorm sleep. I ended up sleeping until just after 6:30. Instead of immediately hopping out to pee and whatnot, I methodically packed my entire pack inside the tent. All but my food bag and the tent itself. That way, at least everything besides the tent will be dry.

Once out, I zipped back up the tent, praying for some miracle sunshine to dry it out while I ate my breakfast, but that was unlikely to happen. The sky was practically grey and very angry looking. I wanted to check the weather, I just didn’t have any service. Oh well.

I ate breakfast with Towely and then packed my wet tent and hit the trail. I didn’t see a single soul until after 2+ miles. I was going to see the “cookie lady” but she didn’t appear to be awake yet.. it was only 8:30 in the morning and her stand looked closed. Later, someone said I should have knocked on her door, but that felt rude. On my way walking back from her stand, I ran into Lilo and Sweeps. We hiked out together and then at the next road crossing we were greeted with trail magic! I had a Gatorade and piece of cake.
I left before them, and minutes after I did, the sky broke open and started dumping buckets. Lovely. I was so happy I had already put my rain cover on my pack as a precaution. Once that rain started, it didn’t stop or slow until way late into the afternoon. I had decided when I woke up that I wanted to consider getting a motel for the night, just to dry out my tent and do laundry.. soon after I was drenched head to toe, I knew for a fact I would be getting a motel.

I didn’t stop for lunch or snacks, I only paused briefly to put my phone in a ziplock bag inside a deeper pocket, and to get out my umbrella. People think it’s nuts, but I’m here to tell you, an umbrella can totally change your mood! LOL I rigged it between my chest strap and front pocket of my shirt, so it mostly held itself in place. I kept my left arm swinging or holding the umbrella while the right held a trekking pole and navigated. It worked nicely and kept my face dry.

When I got to a sign saying I was 2.5 miles from town, I went off on a side trail to dig a hole. Heaven forbid my body let me get to town and use a flushing toilet. While I had my pack off, I dug out my phone, booked the hotel room, and messaged Lizard and FarOut to tell them my plan. I packed it all back in, and then when I got back to the main trail, Lizard was there! She caught up to me and agreed to split the room with me. I felt a little guilty because I know everyone was planning on hiking farther, but I was sick of the rain.. and apparently so was she.

Almost to the road, I get a call from Sauce. I can’t answer because it’s buried in my pack, but Lizard called him back and said we were hiking out together. Sauce and FarOut decided they were going to stay at the hotel, too! Sweet! And then here’s the kicker: while I was off digging holes and booking a room (all of 10 minutes, seriously, because it was pouring down rain), Sauce and FarOut passed me! So did Wizard, Killer, Lilo, AND Sweeps. Like how is that possible for 7 people to have been so close but so completely out of site ALL DAY LONG? Craziness. The only one that didn’t pass me during my bathroom break was Towely. He had a rough day, too, and stayed in the town closer to the trail.

Once Lizard and I got to the part of the road walk that the AT goes away from our hotel, we started trying to hitch. It was 2 miles from the trail to the motel. We ended up getting a ride within a few minutes.. and then passed Sauce and FarOut not having any luck getting a ride. Our lady barely had room for the 2 of us in her Lexus, But I still felt bad as we drove past them.

At the hotel, we checked in and then quickly got down to business: showers, laundry, drying out all the wet things, cleaning all the dirty things, ate McDonald’s from across the street.. then we walked to Walmart with Sauce (FarOut stayed behind to do their laundry). We resupplied our food, I got more rash cream that will probably stay with me until I get home in November.. and then on our walk back to the motel, as any hiker should, we stopped at Taco Bell. LOL.. yes, that’s 2 fast food chains we ate at within like 4 hours. Mind your business! LMAO!

Back at the room, we ate and continued all the chores. Repacking and attempting to dry this and that.. doing any and everything we can to make tomorrow morning go smoothly, although we both still have so much stuff everywhere. I’m completely worn out, and morning will be here soon.

Before I forget, FarOut is also blogging about their experience on trail, too! (FarOut and Sauce are married). If you enjoy reading my blog, I guarantee you’ll like hers (probably more in my opinion).. she’s so very eloquent with her wording.. I find it poetic. Anyway, go follow them, too!

I think it’s time for some shut eye. Sweet dreams!

4 thoughts on “Day 48: Econo Lodge, Pittsfield, MA”

  1. Love following along with you in your journey! I’ve been cheering you on the whole way and just wanted to let you know! You are truly amazing and I know you can do this.
    Also I’m really jealous of all the amazing food you’re enjoying! And every time you find trail magic makes me soooo happy! I love that there are some people in this world helping others achieve their dreams and goals!

    1. Thank you for the kind words! These selfless people really blow my mind.. so very generous!

  2. Thanks for the bathroom
    Picture. I was wondering when you stay in motel how you are drying things out. Keep on going girl, your doing great!!!!!

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