Day 51: Congdon Shelter

Start: Sherman Brook Campsite (AT mi 1597.2). Stop: Congdon Shelter (AT mi 1609.6). Today’s miles: 12.4 miles. Total AT mileage: 584.9 miles

I slept until 7:30 this morning.. and I really slept! It was that good, deep sleep that I’ve been missing like crazy. I almost rolled over the other way, but the birds were chirping and I decided to go ahead and get the day started.

I packed most things, and then ate breakfast with FarOut and Sauce. While I was sitting on the ground, eating my breakfast bar, I checked my phone. Towelie (I’ve been spelling it wrong this whole time) sent a text to our tramily group chat. He ended up going to the hospital last night, had a fever of 102.5, and got put on antibiotics for Lyme’s Disease. After he said it, it made sense with how awful he’s been feeling.. fatigued and slap worn out. I can’t believe he’s been hiking and climbing Graylock Mountain while feeling that bad. Poor guy. But hopefully he’ll be on the mend soon, and back out here on trail. Do me a favor and say some prayers for a quick recovery. He’s staying at a hotel for a few days until he feels well enough to carry on.

I started hiking sometime after 8:30.. and once again, the miles were slow ones. The first couple miles were through an area that had very recently burned. I’m not sure if it was a wild brush fire or a controlled burn, but I hated every second of it. I’d be walking uphill and wanted to take deep breaths, but because of the smell of the charred wood, I wouldn’t let myself. Most of you know this, but for those that don’t, our house burned down when I was a child, with my mom, my brother, and I inside. We lost my brother because of that fire. Sometimes the slightest smell can trigger flashbacks, and sometimes it doesn’t bother me a bit. This morning, those few miles, those bothered me a whole lot. But once I was out of the burn area, I was back to breathing normal and feeling ok.

It was almost like Massachusetts had something to say about us getting close to leaving, because the last 2 miles in that state included climbs and lots of boulder hopping .. one section had been lovingly named “rock garden.” Rude, Massachusetts, real rude. It was pretty though, on top of that rock Mountain.

Once I crossed into Vermont, it felt like an instant change of scenery. While I’m sure it was more gradual than I realized, it felt instantaneous. The vibrant greens were back and everything looked luscious and alive. The ground was also full of a whole lot more mud. They don’t call it “Vermud” for nothing, I guess. I stopped and ate my lunch at a shelter, and then on my way back to the trail, Sauce and FarOut caught up to me. They felt like the miles were passing slow today, too. We can’t really explain why it feels like we’re dragging so much.

They hiked ahead and we caught up to each other off and on for the rest of the day. The terrain was cushy and mushy and green, with beaver ponds thrown in here and there for pretty scenery. I’m not sure if the mosquitos are just better here or if I’m getting more used to them, but I swear they’ve been better since getting into Vermont. I’m sure they’ll be back swarming soon enough, although I so very wish they wouldn’t.

We made it to camp and set up, then bathed in the creek, taking extra time to check for ticks and going through the whole routine for my stupid, still here, not any better rash. Lord, I may be only cut out for winter and “cooler weather” hiking. Haha I’ll need to remember that if I do any other trails.

We ate dinner together and then while sitting on a log and couple rocks eating, Wizard and Killer showed up. Then came Sweeps and Lilo. We briefly chatted, then hung our food bags and packed in for the night. There’s a few more people that have shown up since I’ve been in my tent.. but I’m not feeling very social, honestly. I’m ready to tuck in and get some more of that good sleep like last night. I didn’t have enough service last night or today to get my pictures to upload, and I have zero service now.. hopefully I can get these last 2 entries uploaded tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Sweet dreams, y’all.