Day 29: Rutherford Shelter

Start: Brink Road Shelter (AT mi 1321). Stop: Rutherford Shelter (AT mi 1336.1). Today’s miles: 15.1 miles Total AT mileage: 311.4 miles

Day 29

Welp. Last night was fun. Right after I finished writing the last post, the “dude in the middle” of the shelter ended up getting up and setting up his tent: because HoneyBadger and his friend Ghost appeared, checked out the shelter, and decided they plus 2 more were coming on in, too. Hahaha uhhhh-alrighty then.

So, guy in the middle left (because HoneyBadger said he’d just sleep under the bench FeatherFoot was sleeping on already), and then Ghost decided after their other friends showed up that he’d set up his tent (because he’s tall and the shelter then had 9 of us in there and on the “porch” sandwiched together in different directions.
It was tight, and they apparently didn’t come back to bed until almost 10.. I wouldn’t know because after I laughed a whole lot (watching these guys unpack and set up and smoosh in and basically take over the shelter and knowing every single soul already in the shelter was having a WTF IS HAPPENING?!!? moment) I put my earplugs in and passed out.

Sometime before 4am I woke up, to a flat pad (again-I thought I fixed the problem. I clearly didn’t), and needing to pee. T Bird got up at 4:30 and so I got up with her-she was making very little noise, but still noise, so that way I wasn’t the only one annoying everyone while I tried to find TP, and couldn’t, and just went outside to pee anyway. I was real close to having an accident while standing in the shelter lol, I don’t think my pretending to be sleeping companions would have appreciated me much!

I went back to sleep, rolled over and woke up face to face with Showtime (HoneyBadger’s friend, not the showtime we met at the beginning of our hike), very close.. like I could feel his breath.. so, I made more racket and moved the other way. On the flat pad. Dear God what is going on? Whyyyyy?

I got up at 7am. Everyone in the shelter was asleep and some snoring.. so, I grabbed some of my stuff and just went to the picnic table. I went to the privy, came back and made breakfast, all while BCM chatted me up. Luckily for me, HotSauce was already up too, so more of the conversation turned to him. He’s much nicer in the mornings than I am. FarOut appears to have my demeanor in the mornings, us “slow to warm up” people.. like, I like everyone here.. but there’s no reason to start talking yet lol (although this morning we got a good giggle over our ridiculous sleeping situation).

We all started walking randomly. The day had the threat of rain and storms all day long.. and was so dang muggy. It faintly sprinkled for like 30 seconds at one point, and I’ll be honest- it would have just felt better if the sky just fell out and cooled it all down.

I passed a little town less than 4 miles from where we started.. the 2 restaurants right there at the intersection of the trail were closed but I could see a gas station, so I headed towards it. A Gatorade and some Combos sounded like the perfect remedy to cool down my overly sweaty self. I got there-it’s not a gas station. It was just a tire shop with gas pumps. I was quite close to having a meltdown on the side of the road. Instead, I hung my head, turned around, and walked back to the trail.

I had lunch at the little spot where another shelter trail meets the AT. I saw a big group of tourists go down to the shelter, so I didn’t want to head that way, too. Cholula and Curmudgeon were at the Little Rock spot when I got to it. We chatted, they headed on their way, I sat and ate, then did some more stretching for my shin. I didn’t want to admit it that early on, but it really wasn’t hurting as bad today as it had been the last 2 days. I didn’t want to jinx it though.

As I was getting close to done, Lizard appeared and I stayed to chat with her while she ate her lunch. We got on the topic of shoes. I forgot to mention yesterday that Amazon ended up cancelling my order and refunding the cost of my shoes. I could have screamed I was so upset. Lizard ordered herself new shoes today, a different brand than I’ve worn.. we compared insoles and I ordered me a pair too, but to my house. I’m going to get mom to ship them and some other goodies to me via the post office so that they won’t get turned away again. Who knows when I’ll actually get to wear new shoes?! Lol i wasn’t expecting it to be this difficult.

Derby came from the shelter and all three of us hiked together for a few minutes-because then Derby got way ahead, and then Lizard got way ahead.. haha so it goes. I met back up with them shortly after, and then with HotSauce and FarOut. We started off again, and the same thing happened again, just not as fast.. or I was able to keep up with them longer. Until I couldn’t.

I made to the shelter, after being stampead-ed by a group of deer, I guess I startled them. The shelter is older and decent, but the area itself is pretty. And mostly flat. FarOut, HotSauce, Cholula, and Curmudgeon all put their tents up (2 tents for 2 couples, I worded that weird). Lizard, Derby and I are going to shelter it again because of the rain coming in and staying all day tomorrow, although to be fair the weather said that yesterday too, and it just started to sprinkle after dinner, so who knows.

We’re all set up, it’s getting chillier than it was during the day, and I’m happy to be getting curled up in my sleeping bag. The sun isn’t quite down yet, so I’m praying like crazy that no group of dudes show up and try to squeeze in here LMAO.
Goodnight y’all

Day 30: Pizza & Pochuck Shelter

Start: Rutherford Shelter (AT mi 1336.1). Stop: Pochuck Mtn Shelter (AT mi 1353.1). Today’s miles: 17 miles. Total AT mileage: 328.4 miles

Day 30

I slept decently well, minus the whole flat pad thing (it was flat before midnight.. I tried to quietly sneak out of the shelter to pee and then came back in and blew it back up.. and nothing in a shelter is quiet. I feel so bad for being so loud). Also, a whippoorwill decided to go batshit crazy right by the shelter and then right by FarOut and HotSauce’s tent, at both 8pm and apparently 4am-when FarOut actually got out of her tent and tried to scare it off with sticks and whisper yelling. I guess I do sleep some-because I missed all of that (although honestly I wish I would have seen her flipping out at the bird, she’s a sassy one! Hahaha).

We all got up after 7 and ate our breakfasts together. The plan was to hike 11 miles into a town, eat pizza and drink beer, get a quick resupply, and then hike the 6 miles to the next shelter out of town. Cool. In my head, we’d be there by 1 pm-MAX.

Well, the trail had other plans. We left out around 8:30am. We stopped to get snacks and use a real toilet at a state park headquarters with a little hiker store attached. There, while we were sitting around talking, I ordered myself a new pad. Every single air pad has at least 5 bad reviews for air leaking. I’m petrified I will have spent good money on a new pad and still end up in the same predicament. I’ll be so livid! However, I’ll be saving 3 ounces so maybe I’ll appreciate the switch.

From there we leapfrogged each other until we got to a cool tower with an outlook to a big monument across the way. Very pretty site. Actually, so much of today has had pretty views. After being in Pennsylvania where everything kinda looked the same and the views were always meh or non existent, New Jersey has really stepped it up. It feels like at least more than half the time a big climb gives some kind of view. Although, to be fair, it is very irritating to see the road you pass go right around the big mountain you go straight up and then down, just to cross the same dang road again on the other side, with not one view from the top.. which has happened at least once today, if I’m not mentally blocking out all the others.. it’s slightly demoralizing. It’s fine. I’m fine. Lol

Oh-and this morning while we were doing breakfast things, I thought to myself, “I’ve fallen at least once in every state I’ve hiked through. Maybe New Jersey will be my turning point!” I purposefully didn’t mention this out loud, as to not tempt the fate of the trail gods. About 3 miles into today’s hike-I busted it hard. I reopened the almost healed scab on my left knee, and also hit a rock over my right eye, right along my eyebrow. I contemplated not getting up once I did it. No one was around and I knew I was ok, I didn’t lose consciousness or anything. But I was mad. And wanted to pout.. however, falls are apart of it and I’m clumsy as hell so I highly doubt it’ll be my last, so I got up and dusted myself off. Lucky for me a few minutes later Derby came hauling through like a damn train (he’s got some quick feet), and he checked out my eye to make sure it wasn’t cut or anything. After he passed, I checked again with my camera phone lol talk about being vane. Good lord. This is not the place for vanity in the slightest!

FarOut and HotSauce made to town just before Lizard and I did, and we made it just before the rain got heavy.. it didn’t last very long though, luckily. We resupplied, and then got beers, and went to the pizza place down the street a little to eat on their porch. It was incredibly good. I got 2 slices of huge pizza, plus some garlic knots. It was so so worth all the soreness in my knee, shin, face, life hahahah. FarOut and HotSauce got a whole pizza-so I had a piece of that, too.

While we were sitting there, Towely appeared. I swear that man is into magic or something. It’s like he just shows up. Every time I think he’s ahead, he comes walking up behind me.. when I think he’s behind me, I end up walking into him. So strange, but always a happy encounter. Anyway, he decided to stay there in town and the 4 of us started our hike to the shelter.

It was a glorious, mostly flat, gentle 4+ miles though town, swampy bogs that had planks to walk on, dirt paths around a pond.. and then the very last little bit was a treacherous incline on a steep grade with slick leaves, rocks, almost mud from the recent rain. Every bit of my happy go lucky beer buzz was gone, evaporated.. all the nice dried off in town clothes were slap soaked with sweat like I’d just went swimming in the swamp-I probably smell like I did, too.

But, when we got to the top.. it was so worth it! Almost everyone was here! I set up my tent quickly, because space was sparse. Here’s the rundown: tenting is Cholula and Curmudgeon, FarOut and HotSauce, Smiles, DoubleDecker, Push, TownLegs, TBird, Poptart, 2 tents I don’t know, and Finch. Hammocking is Lizard. Sheltering was just Derby and Professor, but since we got here and set up, 3-4 other people appeared and some may be setting up a tent and some might be squeezing in the shelter. It’s a smaller one, but it’s nice.

I’m going to do some reading before falling asleep, mainly to keep myself awake long enough to stretch my shin a bit more. It hurt more today than yesterday, but nothing like the 2 days prior to that. I have compression sleeves coming with my air pad. I hope they help!

Day 31: Warwick Drive-In Movie Theater

Start: Pochuck Mtn Shelter (AT mi 1353.1). Stop: Warwick Drive Inn Movie Theater (AT mi 1365.1) Today’s miles: 12 miles. Total AT mileage: 340.4 miles

I slept something seriously awful. Which is frustrating because I should have slept so good at the campsite I was at! It was perfect! But, as the daily trend goes, my air mattress was flat, super fast this time.. so I was rolling around on the ground trying to get comfortable. As some point I ended up cuddling my deflated pad when I got cold, while laying on said cold ground-awesome.

I heard movement around me by 6am, and decided to get up to pee-it’s not like I was going to be falling back into a comfortable sleep anyway. I ate breakfast with some folks and then packed up.

The day got hot, fast. And then I was walking on a boardwalk, which looked beautiful but was without any kind of cover. I was toasting. As it kept getting hotter and I kept growing irritable (Quality sleep really does make everything better), I was thinking I no longer wanted to walk 1/2 mile past the planned shelter, hitchhike 3 miles to a drive in movie theater and camp there. The only issue with that was that I had already talked it up and got all of our tramily wanting to go.. ha. Last night at camp, Finch was telling us that was their plan (Finch, DoubleDecker, TownLegs, TBird, and some others).

After 6 or so miles, I made it to a farmers market/flower shop that sells cold drinks, ice cream, donuts, etc.. it’s name is Heaven Hills Farmers Market I think. Now the memory is a little fuzzy. They had tables and chairs outside and a pretty grassy area. Perfect for us hiker trash to spread out our damp gear and rest. I got there and Poptart and Professor and Frosty the SlowMan was already there. Poptart shared a huge chocolate chip cookie with me and then I got a Gatorade and an apple cider donut. The three of them didn’t want to go to the drive in either.

Shortly after I devoured my treats, Lizard got there. She too was backing out of the drive-in because she has a hammock and we all assumed there wouldn’t be trees at the drive-in for her to set up on, so she’d have to sleep on the ground. FarOut and HotSauce appeared. They too were hot and irritated and saying they didn’t think they wanted to go. Haha weren’t we a fun bunch? So now, the only ones who hadn’t backed out were Derby, Cholula, and Curmy-and all three of those speed demons haven’t been seen since their breakfast departure LOL

After almost an hour and a half of sitting at the little market filling up my water bottle for free, chugging it and repeating, I set out for the rest of the hike, fully planning on getting to the shelter and calling it a day. At the road, I ran into Fixit. We hiked together through the sun, into the canopy and to the start an apparently very popular day hike climb to a view. The AT follows this same trail, but at the top where the view is, the “tourists” hike back down and we follow the white blazes over. The climb was a beautiful 1.5 mile rock hopping, switch backing trail slap full of every single resident of New Jersey. People were all over the dang place. I got many side eyes.. not sure if it was because of my smell or that they thought I was nuts for carrying such a big “day pack” lol

About half way up, Lizard a passed me. She lives up to the trail name in more ways than one.. she seriously glides over the rocks like they’re not even there! I texted Cholula and Curmudgeon while going uphill to let them know we were reconsidering the camping plan. They were ALREADY THERE! Derby, too! Cholula sent me a picture of a bacon and blue cheese burger at the cidery across the street from the drive-in. Damn, she knows the way to my heart already! Haha

At the top, FarOut and HotSauce caught me. We started on a gentle decline with soft ground.. crossed over creeks on small wooden bridges.. and when we got to one, we cross the bridge-stopped and looked at each other- and then all 3 decided to get in. Why the hell not? It’s hot, we’re disgusting and smell bad. Our clothes are gross. We deserve this perfectly clear creek bed with a little rushing waterfall! The water was ice cold and everything my sore feet and muscles needed! I didn’t sit in, because of my knee bandaids and shin splint KT tape that FarOut has lent me again.. so I just take my shirt off, stand in the water and use my bandanna to carefully wet and wash everything but the majority of my left leg. I should have dunked my head, but that thought didn’t cross my mind at the time.

As the three of us are soaking up every second of the water, I catch myself starting to reconsider the drive-in. My whole mood has shifted, it’s getting later in the day and it’s still close to 4 miles away-so we wouldn’t get there until later, which means it won’t be as hot in an open field with sunshine on a blistering day. Not to mention that burger looked real good. Like REEEEEEAL good.

As we were drying off, Professor came up and mentioned trail angels just ahead at the road, with a grill and cold drinks! Then, minutes later, Finch text me telling me the same thing and that it won’t be hard to hitch into town. So, the three of us haul ass to the road (and really I mean they did and I chased them for half a mile-it’s fine). HalfBaked and 2 of his buddies had set up a canopy and were grilling burgers & hotdogs, plus had pickle spears and Gatorade’s, sodas, and beer! What a flipping delight! I got a Mountain Dew, pickle and a hotdog! Talk about a turn of events today!

As we were hanging out, I text Cholula to let her know that we were pretty sure we were coming, but that Lizard was ahead of us and probably was still a no. Seconds later, Lizard text me to say she was at the shelter and thinking she wanted to go to the drive-in-mosquitoes were out like crazy by the shelter. YESSS! We were all back in!!

Minutes of hanging out and talking with HalfBaked and his little crew, Quicksand and Hawk showed up! These two are the YouTube celebrities on trail that I’ve met weeks ago. I can’t remember if I mentioned them, but Hawk is set out to get the record for the most thruhikes of the AT. They are so much fun to be around-such positive vibes. They both said we have to do the drive-in, that it’s a once in a life time experience like no other-alright, we were definitely sold now!

We all head out, Lizard had gotten to the road and hitched into the drive in. The trail angel, Mario, that took her came back to the trailhead and was hiking in to the shelter to cook steaks for the hikers with his friends. When he passed us, he gave HotSauce a beer and then told us to wait by his van-He literally went to the shelter, dropped off the coolers he was toting, walked back and drove us to the drive-in! Talk about an angel! Holy crap! He ended up calling us his heroes, because we’re able to do something incredible that he’s currently not in a position to be able to do. So. Damn. Nice.

We got to the drive-in and picked out our spots on the hill at the back.. along a tree line, so Derby and Lizard were able to hang their hammocks! It was slightly sloped ground, so those two had to be the most comfortable by far! Lol In attendance of our hiker trash tent/hammock city besides myself were Lizard, Derby, Cholula, Curmudgeon, a couple I didn’t know, FarOut, HotSauce, Smiles, Push, DoubleDecker, TownLegs, TBird, Finch, and Tie-dye. What a group. Half of us went over to the cidery place and had dinner and drinks. It was a beautiful outdoor set up, tables under umbrellas and string light. Very cool little spot for sure!

We all came back to the drive in, FarOut got a radio from the security guy and we watched the new Cruella movie sitting under the stars on a hill back behind all the cars. We were far enough away that we could actually watch all three screens playing. What a day. It’s amazing how easily things change when you accept that you’re going to be miserable at times but don’t let it control all of your choices. I crawled into my tent before the movie was over, put in my earplugs and fell right to sleep on my flat pad.

Today was a good day.