I slept hard and I was so grateful for it. I still woke up with a headache that has persisted the last several days, but it’s tolerable. I finally got out of bed sometime close to 10am and then called a restaurant across the street to place my breakfast order. I almost asked if I could tip one of them a $10 to walk it over here to me, this is a college town after all. I put on my rain gear (all my other clothes were in a smelly damp heap by the door waiting to be washed), and headed out of my comfy room.
I ran into TBird, TownLegs, DoubleDecker, Smiles, and TieDye at the elevator. They offered to take my laundry for me when they decide to go, but me being typical me and not knowing how to except help, I said I’d go too, just let me know when.
I walked across the street to the gas station, got some more Gatorade’s and water (sometimes tap water just doesn’t cut it, so a fresh bottle was called for lol), then went next door and got my food. I don’t know if I’m actually just really damn slow or if all these restaurants in this town are super efficient, but both times I’ve ordered food it’s been sitting waiting on me to get there. Better than the other way around for sure.
Back at the room, I practically collapsed on the couch. I don’t necessarily feel “bad” but the littlest of things makes me so tired. I ate my breakfast sandwich, which had egg, bacon, avocado on toasted bread with Sriracha Mayo on it. It was very good. Because I wasn’t sure I’d like that, I also got an Asiago bagel with chive cream cheese.. I liked that, too. And I was happy that I was so dang hungry after hardly eating the last few days. Like-if you thought I was kidding: I don’t have to resupply for this next stretch.. I still have enough food for 3-4 more days. Ha oops.
Anyway, I ate and then got a text from DoubleDecker saying they were going to do laundry and resupply soon. I met her, TieDye, and Smiles downstairs and the 4 of us headed to the bus stop up close to the campus square. This town is absolutely gorgeous. In another life, I’d have loved to come here for school. Anyway, Curmy and Derby were in town, too! TownLegs and TBird said they saw them walking in when they were at breakfast. I text them to see where they were at now, but they were already gone to resupply. Another tramily miss for me.
We took the bus for a 20 ish minute ride, and walked the half block to the laundromat. Once we got everything started, they were trying to decide their resupply strategy.. I said I’d wait with the clothes and put theirs in the dryers when it was time to switch, so they could all go resupply, since I didn’t need to. They headed out, I got the pleasure of staying and being treated to the attentions of a kid running around the place like a banshee. I’m sure that mom was like, “have kids they said..” hahaha
I switched our clothes into the dryers and played on my phone a bit. I was getting so tired I could barely hold my head up. I realized that there was an outfitter by the Walmart they were headed to, and was a little disappointed in myself for not having the energy to go. If I went I could find a hat to protect my face from the sun (because of this antibiotic), I could have tried on new shoes.. so many things. But I seriously just couldn’t muster the energy. I think that kid was stealing it all.
Once my clothes were dry (theirs still had 15 minutes and I had no way to tote their clothes back with me.. I should have made them leave their bag), I packed them into my tiny gas station plastic bag and text DoubleDecker where there’s were and that I was headed back. I just couldn’t sit there a second longer.
I made it to the bus stop, nodded off on the ride back, and then walked back to my room, dropped my stuff, and promptly fell asleep. In my rain gear. Lol lord help me. An hour or so later, I woke up hot, so I forced myself up and into some of my clean clothes, and laid back down. I started to watch some of the shows on Hulu on my phone, I ordered a pizza to be delivered, and then I nodded back off.
That’s how the rest of the day went. I laid in bed, half sleeping, half watching shows and responding to messages. Cholula and Lizard both made it into Hanover today, and this evening so did FarOut and Sauce. I’m so frustrated that I didn’t feel up to going to meet any of them anywhere, or even having them come here.. which they all offered to bring me anything I needed, but apparently all this body wanted was sleep. So, that’s what it got. I have a practically whole pizza that I’ll have to figure out what to do with in the morning.
I did eventually get up and shower again, and I’m already back in bed. My stuff is semi packed for tomorrow, but I’ll have some to do in the morning. I don’t know how far I’ll make it tomorrow. Im going to hike out of town, and just have plans A, B, and C depending on how I feel. There’s shelters at semi decent increments tomorrow, so the most I’d do is 13 something.. the one before that is 11 miles total, but I’d have to tote my water for 3 miles up a mountain.. which sucks. So, who really knows? It sounds like a decision for tomorrow either way. Lol
It’s not even 8pm and my eyes will barely stay open to finish typing this out. Y’all know what that means.. goodnight 🙂
Ps: sorry for the lack of pictures, I should have been having a field day photographing this town.. the amount of pictures I have is a true reflection of how I’m feeling that day.. lol I’ve always been that way!