Start: Imp Shelter (AT mi 1886.8) Stop: Rattle River Hostel (AT mi 1895). Today’s miles: 8.2 miles. Total AT mileage: 870.3 miles
I woke up at 6 and decided it was too cold to attempt to get out of my mostly warm quilt.. so I slept in until 7:30. Eventually my bladder won the war, because if it weren’t for that, I’d probably still be sleeping now.. haha

I got up and got going just after 8am. It was cold enough that I hiked in my sleeping leggings, long sleeve shirt, and all my rain gear. The forecast didn’t call for any rain, but it was misty enough up in the clouds to threaten it anyway. I was slow going for a good 4 miles. The same stuff, up and over, climb and slide. I passed Mount Moriah and then started my way down, a descent I knew would end at a hostel. Hard to be in a bad mood when you know whatever happens-a hot shower and a bed are waiting for you.

I found a downed log by a creek crossing and ate my lunch around 11:45. I was too hungry to wait a second longer! And-I was looking forward to that Chick-fil-A sauce. Not long after packing back up, I started seeing more south bound folks. I chatted with Doolittle for a bit, she really gave me hope for the terrain getting better after my next 3-4 days.

Suddenly, without warning, the trail changed into a delightful, smooth, downward sloping ACTUAL footpath! I kept waiting for it to return to the mountaineering, but happily-it didn’t! I turned on some music and jammed out the whole way down to the hostel. I’d come up on people, briefly, and chit chat a little.. but man my mood was as good as it’s been in a long time! I was practically dancing down the trail and loving every second.

I got to the hostel and checked in. They’re pretty strict on their rules, so it was shoes and poles outside, pack on the pack hook, grab a towel and loaner clothes and then shower. After you shower, you’re allowed in the house and to your bunk. The pack, sleeping bag and that type gear wasn’t allowed inside, so I just took my toiletries and electronics-they washed all my clothes for me and returned them (actually very quickly).

I hung out outside in the sunshine with some other hikers, Flamingo and Lost&Found. We ordered some pizza and when it arrived we scarfed it down before going to dollar general for a resupply. The system here works out great. Everyone hung out around a fire talking, laughing, and shooting the shit. I hung out pretty late, not wanting to go climb up to my top bunk bed until I had to.. they aren’t the easiest to get in and out of as an adult with sore legs. Haha

Anyway, it’s bedtime now, and already there are folks snoring up a storm. Such is life in a hostel I guess. I think I’ll sleep well regardless! Goodnight, y’all!

Sweet dreams baby girl, I hope tomorrow is just as wonderful as today!! Keep on keeping on and I’ll see you soon😘