Start: No Business Knob Shelter (AT mi 338). Stop: Sam’s Gap (AT mi 319.7). Today’s miles: 18.3 miles. Total AT mileage: 1873.4 miles.
I’m liking my morning routine in the woods, way more than I like waking up in hostels for sure. I creeped around and got my food bag down, then snuggled back into my tent and sleeping bag, making my oatmeal and coffee while laying on my side all cozy. It’s a good feeling that’s short lived, because once I finish my meal, I’m already worrying about losing time with the daylight every second I lay there not hiking.
So, I packed up and was ready to leave by 8. MashedPotato came over and ate his breakfast chatting with me while I packed. He wouldn’t leave for a good 30 minutes or so after me, but naturally he’d catch me quickly. He’s a fast hiker, I only get ahead of him when he’s taking breaks. Hike hard, rest hard. Too bad I’m not quick enough to do the same.
The morning was uneventful and wooded with very little views of anything other than.. well, woods.. it was serene though. Eventually I climbed to an exposed bald that had stunning views of the mountains around it, and as I hiked down it and came up the next one, I made my way to the top only to find myself at Big Bald with 360 degree views. I think my desire to rest and recharge has me at a disadvantage because I’m simply too tired to figure out how in the world to describe these views to you. They were just-jaw dropping.
Blue bird skies and grassy mountaintops with nothing but mountains and more mountains overlapping each other in fading shades of blue in the distance, but vivid bright pops of color in the trees closer to me. Truly, just know it was everything I hoped it could be in that moment. Prettier than the views from New Hampshire, similar to that of the Roan Highlands.. magical really.
I was all smiles as I left that Bald, hiking downhill back into the tree coverage. I stayed on the high of those views for the rest of my hike, the majority being in spacious wooded mountainsides that let the sunshine come though. I got to Sam’s gap just before 5pm and happily plopped into the grass, took my shoes and socks off and laid back to rest while waiting for SoFarSoGood to get there. I told her 5-5:30 as my potential ETA, so I was early and she was right on time!
We were chatty on the way to Asheville, where she lives. She was so incredibly kind to pick me up and let me stay with her for the night. We quickly popped in the grocery store and picked up a few things before getting to her lovely home nestled on a mountain ridge in Asheville. It was beautiful! And her husband does woodworking, so he made all of the cabinets, tables, side tables, window trim.. I was blown away at the craftsmanship!
We sat on the front porch, sipping white wine and munching on cheese and crackers while dinner cooked.. which ended up being a nice fresh salad (man I’ve missed greenery more than I realized), baked chicken and potatoes! So so yummy. We did some trail talk and realized we’ve both gone through a lot of the same experiences and have gained so much from these experiences.. and she shared some perspective on what to expect, both mentally and physically, when I finish.. tonight has been a night I’ll cherish. I couldn’t be more thankful for meeting her back in Damascus, or more grateful for her kindness to me.
Eventually I showered and got ready for bed. She has set me up in a very nice room with an even nicer mattress AND a fan! Lol I have a good feeling I might actually sleep in a bit tomorrow! I sure hope so! Goodnight y’all!