I decided I wanted to take my mom to Italy back in 2019. Originally, the plan was to surprise her after I finished my thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2020: we all know what ruined that plan: the trail, Italy, the world got canceled. Then, I decided we’d go after I completed the trail in 2021.. which got pushed back to now simply because I kept extending the length of the trip.

So, to be sitting on an airplane, slightly uncomfortable with tingly feet while Mom snoozes next to me, feels absolutely incredible. I’m supposed to be sleeping, but can’t seem to manage the staying asleep part. My mind just won’t shut down.
The last few months have been a whirlwind, to say the least. I worked a contract at my home hospital for the first three months of the new year, my first contract after hiking the AT (and after being off work for 9 months-let me tell ya, it was a blast 😬). I also started dating someone I’ve had feelings for for several years now. Funny how those things tend to happen.

Anyway, Mom and I managed to pack for this 6 week EuroTrip with only a carry on suitcase and a small tote bag. I’m honestly impressed as hell. We both decided if we end up buying new things (which of course we will), we’ll just mail some of our other clothes home to lighten the load.
Our itinerary is pretty jam packed: London and then Paris, followed by a couple nights in Lyon, France with my friend Morgana and her husband and their fluffy animals (I’m a little disheartened that their most gorgeous floofy pupper does not allow cuddles-BUT they have a new baby floof that absolutely does allow all the loves, and I’m entirely too excited over getting to love on him haha).

We take a train from Morgana’s place to Milan, Italy and have day trips planned to Lake Como and Switzerland. From there, we head south to Florence, where we’ll also see some Tuscan countryside, Cinque Terre, and the leaning tower of Pisa, and obviously, Florence itself, too.
We only spend a couple nights in Venice before embarking on a 10 day cruise to the Greek and Turkish Islands.. Mom and I usually aren’t really cruise people (I get seasick, I refuse to blame the alcohol), but I got a Black Friday deal I just couldn’t pass up. Almost every day of the cruise has a stop with an excursion planned, whether it’s an ancient Athens tour or a beach and snorkeling adventure. Thanks to Covid, the cruise company isn’t (or wasn’t) allowed to let us off the boat without a planned excursion, so, whatever.. take my money.

When we doc back in Venice, we take a high speed train to Rome. We have all the must dos planned out, although I’m super sad to say the Colosseum at Night tour was just canceled and we got rebooked for a regular old day tour.. lol.. like seeing the Colosseum at any time of day wouldn’t be incredible.
From Rome we head to Sorrento, with day trips planned to Capri and the Almafi Coast/Positano. With such busy days filled with sight seeing and all the touristy must see things, we end up flying to Malta to relax on a beach for the last leg of the trip.. nothing is planned or required, just soaking up some sun before starting our “journey” back home.

I was concerned about Mom being on long flights, (one return flight would have been 11 hours), so, I chopped it up for our homecoming. We fly from Malta back to Paris for a night, then from Paris to Newark, New Jersey. Because of the times the flights arrive and the covid testing requirements, we can’t make the connections without spending a night in each place. Even still, I’m holding out hope that they won’t actually require the covid testing to get back into the country by the time we return *fingers crossed.*
Then, at last, we fly home. Sheesh, I’m exhausted just typing all of that out! I know we’ll hit some snags along the way, because it’s impossible for a trip to always go perfectly smooth, but I just pray they’re small (and cheap) snags and nothing monumental.

It’s 1am our time, and in 2 hours it’ll be 8am in London and time to start the day. Hopefully the excitement and newness will overpower the sleep deprivation! I’ll let y’all know how it goes 😉