It’s our last full day in Rome! I’ve really loved it here. I love it more when we get to sleep in, like today. And when we did finally get up, mom made me egg and cheese sandwiches. Talk about a happy girl! This is probably my favorite breakfast on this whole trip! Haha

We moseyed about the apartment, packing up things to send home. I decided all of my jeans and coats and the majority of my shirts are all going back. I’ve been wearing loose dresses everyday, and don’t plan on changing that. Mostly because it’s hot as can be, but also because I don’t want to know if my jeans won’t button right now.. yikes.
We walked to ship our stuff and it ended up weighing less than our stuff in Florence, but costing more. I explained to the man that we didn’t need to do express shipping, we’ll still be here two more weeks-but the cost wasn’t any cheaper, which makes no damn sense. I think they knew we needed to ship it and so they took advantage. I quickly pondered the idea of getting another suitcase to pack our stuff into and check, but that would have to be toted on at least 2 more trains and on 4 more flights.. those checked bag fees add up, and it would end up costing us more than it would to just ship it, plus less of a hassle for us, too. How annoying.

We decided to eat lunch at a place mentioned a lot in one of the Italy travel groups I’m in, Mimi e Coco.. it was a decent walk away from where we were, and we weren’t hungry yet-so we took our time, minding the crowd, taking pictures. We went almost the exact route from yesterday.. which was starting to feel familiar. When we passed the Trevi Fountain, one corner was slightly less populated, so I darted in to get my close up picture, and to toss my coin in.
The legend goes that if you toss in one coin, you’re guaranteed to return to Rome some day, if you toss in 2-you’re guaranteed to return and fall in love, 3 coins and you’ll return, fall in love, and get married. Since Nana wasn’t with me, I didn’t want to jinx us and toss in a second one-what if that would mean I wouldn’t fall in love until I return? Seems a little sketchy, especially since I’m already pretty smitten. Lol

We passed the Pantheon again, and the piazza it’s in, plus strolled through to some other huge piazza with multiple fountains everywhere. It was less crowded, but just as beautiful. Win win for us! Then, within 5 minutes, we were at our lunch spot. We had to wait in a line to get seated for about 20 ish minutes, maybe a little more, but it was in the shade and the people in line all raved about how great the food is here. While I kept our place, mom popped in and out of all the little shops nearby.
When we got our table, it was in the back corner and the service was quick! They needed people in and out to help with moving that line along! It was actually refreshing to get our drink order in and delivered within 5 minutes of sitting down. So far in Italy, that’s not really the case. I ordered the caccio e pepe and mom got ravioli. We both raved about how fantastic it was! I think this ravioli may actually be mom’s favorite meal! It’s definitely up there on my list too!

The walls of this place are decorated with wine crate lids that people have written their names on. Mom said I should write Nana and my name on there and one day I could show it to him in person when we return together. I thought it was sweet, and then she handed me a pen so I felt compelled. Ha, if we don’t work out I’m going to have to have an awkward trip to return to some of these places and scratch our names out and cut our locks off! Hahahaha
After lunch, completely stuffed, we walked to the Tiber River and saw the Castle of Saint Angelo. We crossed over and headed back towards Prati to look for the man with the cheap dresses. He wasn’t there! We were so sad! They’ve all fit well and will probably shrink up to fit a toddler when they get washed, but still! Ah, slightly disappointed we walked to the metro and took the subway back to the apartment.

In our cold sanctuary, we changed and put on a movie. We had planned to get dressed again and go out for dinner once we cooled off, but then decided to just Uber Eats some pizza to us instead. When the text came in, I just went down the elevator and met the lady at the door. See, it’s really starting to feel like home! We ate and watched the TV, comfortable and happy. Once it was over, mom got ready for bed while I got a crazy idea to run 4 miles. Almost at 2 miles in, I changed my mind, sort of. Remembering that it was Memorial Day back home, I did a modified Murph workout..
Every year on Memorial Day, tons of people throughout the country participate in “the murph” challenge. It’s a CrossFit workout in honor of LT. Michael Murphy, a Navy Seal, who died in Afghanistan fighting for our country. The workout is a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and finally, another 1 mile run.. with a 20 pound weighted vest. It’s supposed to be hard, it’s supposed to mentally push you, it’s supposed to make you appreciate everything our soldiers sacrifice for us, including the lives of so many.

Sooo, I did a very modified version. I ran 2 miles, did 50 of these lat pulls with my duffel bag and a towel (Brittany sent me a link on YouTube, if our lives depended on my ability to do an actual pull up-there would be no survivors), 100 push ups, 150 squats, and I ended with another 2 mile run. I also feel like I’m currently wearing an extra 20 pounds of pasta-so, that part was definitely covered. It took me over an hour to complete my personal mission, and by the end I could barely raise my arms to wash my hair in the shower!
I put on my pjs and fell fast asleep.. I’ve been exhausted lately, but this was the kind of worn out that makes you sleep oh so well! Which is just what I needed!