Start: 159
Stop: 178.7
Today’s miles: 19.7
Total PCT miles: 366.5
I didn’t sleep that great, which sucked because it was a beautiful spot.. it was just windy, cold, and I was on a slight slant making me slide on my pad during the night. I got up to Margo already awake, her stuff all laid out to dry in the sun because the condensation from the lake came in hard. I started packing pretty quick, but we still didn’t get on trail until 7:45. It was sunny and pretty and we just laughed and had breakfast together.

The trail was smooth sailing for the first 4 miles, and somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th mile I got just enough service to call Mom, and hear her voice! I love these mountains and the simplicity and the remoteness, but I really don’t like not getting to talk to her whenever I want. We caught up and I told her about the sketchy snow situation yesterday and sent her on a mission to find us a room for tomorrow night. We’ll be getting to Steven’s Pass on July 3rd, meaning it could be booked up with the holiday and all.

Minutes after walking, I was back to my “no service” icon. Dammit. I had a big climb to distract me, so it was probably for the best, especially if we plan on making it almost 20 miles today. I turned on my garmin while hiking up that mountain, and mom messaged me saying she was able to find us beds, but it was in the next town over from Skykomish because everything else was booked up. I was worried that we’d have a hard time getting there or finding a ride, so I messaged a trail Angel whose number was listed in FarOut, and he promised to help us get there.
Mom saved the day! Once Marquis and Margot caught up I told them the news and Margot said she had tried to book a room when she had service but it was all sold out, so she was extra excited mom was able to snag us one! Heck yeah. It’s weird being in a bubble in the woods with no idea what’s happening in the world outside of that said bubble. We don’t even know how our friends only a couple miles in either direction are doing.

The hike was a beautiful one today. The ups and downs were tiring, and my feet ache like crazy, but none of it was sketchy, unsafe, overgrown, or irritating. It was mostly smooth trail with rocks here and there and only a few patches of snow that were easily just walked across. I even crossed a “Grizzly Peak” that was absolutely nothing like the one in Northern California that tried to kill me. It was pretty incredible, covered in wildflowers.
We got to a little lake around 2pm and soaked our feet a bit. We all walked out like we were going to swim.. but it was just too cold to manage it. Margot’s legs are sunburnt and the cold water was unbearable, and my sweat bumps are back (like I got on the AT) so I did get my legs all the way in to try to scrub my pores clean, but no idea if it helped any.

Starting about 5pm, the mosquitoes called out the troops and were ready to slaughter us. It was getting more annoying as we walked, but not unbearable. Around 7:30, Margot and I found Marquis at the camp trail in all of his rain gear and his bug net. Crap. Here we go. We had to rush to find a spot to set up and then quickly get in our rain gear and nets, too. They were horrible, but still not quite to the level of hell Andrea and I dealt with that day in Hat Creek.
We set up our tents, I shoved my whole pack inside and then went to talk to A-Train and Drake a minute before climbing in my tent and refusing to come back out. I even ate dinner in here. We’re all camped pretty close together, so we still talked and laughed and planned-just from our individual tents. It’s 9:46 now, the sky is almost dark, but not quite-and Marquis, set up closest to me, is apparently already asleep because I can hear him snoring just a little bit.

So, that’s my cue to roll over and do the same. We only have 8.7 miles in the morning to get to the Steven’s Pass lodge/outfitter. I’m praying they have a restaurant there too! I can’t wait for real food again. And I really can’t wait for my first bed since that crappy hotel in Seattle. Besides that one, I haven’t had a real bed since Ashland.. that feels like an entirely different trip! Whoa.

Goodnight, y’all. Let me find my earplugs 😉