Start: 323.6
Stop: 340.5
Today’s miles: 16.9
Total PCT miles: 528.3
I felt like I was siding off my sleeping pad during the night, but even still-I slept hard. I’m pretty sure my night was filled with dreams, every single one of them escapes me now. I slept late, 7:45, and I didn’t have one single care. I had been tired and I wanted to sleep until I woke up.. so I did.

To my relief, Margot didn’t get up to start packing until she heard my sleeping pad deflate. She had been awake for a while, but wasn’t ready to start hiking.. Marquis had already vacated, quietly (because I never heard a peep), and as of now-I still haven’t seen him all day. He was planning to go farther than us today, so I’m sure he’s about 3 miles ahead right now.
I finally packed and was on trail by 8:30 ish I think. Maybe a few minutes early, but who cares, really? The views were so nice and the climbs-though they were there and seemed to bring me high above the clouds at times to see mountains upon mountains in the distance, they felt mild and easy to traverse.

I passed the Chinook Pass parking lot and took advantage of their pit toilet.. then continued on my way. At times I was inside the border of Mount Rainier National Park, but the trail weaves in and out along a boundary line for several miles-so at this exact moment, I’m not sure if I’m in the park or not. It has been gorgeous! So many green hillsides covered in wildflowers. Lots of day hikers and overnighters too.
At the bottom of a descent that I practically ran down, I came to Dewey Lake. I followed the trail around and found a spot to eat my lunch in the shade, with the plan to take a swim afterwards. The mosquitoes were so bad there, that I just quickly ate and decided to hike the trail to the other side of the lake, in more full sunshine to find a spot to swim.. thinking that would give me a brief break from the mosquitoes and make it easier for Margot to spot me swimming when she passes.

She never showed. Someone else did though, while I was just getting out from my swim and standing in my undies in the sun trying to dry-and constantly swatting at the pests attacking me. This hiker said she didn’t remember seeing someone with my description of Margot, shit, maybe she passed me while I was pooping in the parking lot bathroom?
Once I dried enough and got my clothes back on I filtered my water and kept hiking. Ups and downs, all gentle, all giving me the epic views you’d expect beside a national park. I even came upon this MASSIVE snowy mountain, real close compared, and I’m pretty sure it’s Mount Rainier..But a swivel of my head pointed me to the actual another snowcapped mountain that looks just like Rainier a bit farther off in the distance-looking smaller, thanks to the closeness of this one, but with clearly a lot more snow at its summit. I tried to figure out the names of the two mountains, to know for sure, but I don’t have service and there isn’t a name on my FarOut App.

I passed a couple with a dog coming towards me, who actually stopped to really consider who they’ve passed and they too don’t remember seeing Margot. So maybe she didn’t pass me after all? Today was filled with junctions on these mountain passes, and I really hope she didn’t go the wrong way, pass this spot completely, or some other way miss crossing paths with me.
I found where we agreed to camp and set up my stuff already.. I’ve been here just about an hour now. My rain gear is all on-thanks to the mosquitoes and I’m hanging out at the trail junction for a bit to see if she comes along. I’m sure she will.. I just hope her feet are doing ok. They tend to really hurt going downhill and today had a decent amount of it. Her new shoes are only 17 miles away!

When she gets here (assuming she didn’t pass me up already) I’ll let her decide tomorrow’s game plan. We’ll either go 14 miles and camp 3 miles shy of Whites Pass and go into town first thing Saturday morning, or we’ll go the full 17 to town tomorrow and sleep overnight camped outback of the store that allows that. I know she’s worried about the virus going around as much as I am, and everyone sick is going to the town we’re headed into.. so it’s just a little tricky.
I’m going to hang out up here for a bit longer, and if she’s not here by 7:30 (another hour) I’ll go make my dinner. She loves to swim, too, so maybe she had a blast at that lake after me 😉 We shall see!