Start: 531.2
Stop: 555.6
Today’s miles: 24.4
Total PCT miles: 743.5
Welp. I definitely slid a lot last night. I’d roll over and then have to kick a leg out and push my sleeping pad back up to the “flat” spot. Other than that, my sleeping quilt kept me toasty warm and I slept ok, considering. I did wake up before midnight to go pee, and was afraid I’d wake everyone else up, because it was completely silent out there. Weird.

Margot and I got moving around 7 and came across Marquis by 8. He slept in, knowing we’d be behind him, and had just packed up his stuff. Good timing indeed. We all set out hiking in the cool morning air, with frequent views of Mount Jefferson off in the close distance.
Marquis quickly got away from us, Margot and I leapfrogged each other off and on all day. We had 3 climbs of the day, the first one being not bad, the second one being brutal and the third just frustrating because I was ready to be done. The two of us ate lunch together, early, sometime well before noon. I was starving. My hiker hunger has 100% kicked in. I cannot seem to get enough to eat. I usually just stop because either I don’t have enough to continue eating or I’m just tired of chewing. My stomach stays growling, though.

At the bottom of that first climb’s mountain there was a sketchy ish river crossing. Originally I was ahead of Margot, when we passed Ramona Falls (gorgeous), but then I missed the turn and went over a half mile in the wrong direction. Once I realized it, I backtracked.. UPHILL.. and then a man stopped me to tell me in way too many words that “the Australian girl” was waiting for me at the sketchy crossing. Cool cool. Sorry Margot!
I rushed to get there, and I was glad she was ahead of me now.. because she told me where to go to safely cross the rushing water. That grey silty water is awful to cross, not only is it too dark to see the bottom of the stream bed, to know where you’re stepping, but it’s also got so many tiny pebbles that your shoes get filled with them. Meh, whatever. I got across and we walked up trail a bit and stopped, so I could clean out my shoes.. she already had while waiting on me.
That second climb was a rough one, and it came during the heat of the day. Some parts were exposed and steep.. and so much sand. This whole area looks like it’s one wind blow away from dissipating before our eyes. I got cell phone service somewhere in this second climb and called to make a reservation for us for the breakfast buffet at Timberline Lodge in the morning. I tried to do other random things, like venmo Curmy for our resupply boxes, but I lost service again.

Coming down that mountainside, we had to cross another stream, soaking our feet. It wasn’t a bad one, but I waited for Margot either way, to make sure she felt comfortable crossing it. It’s a good thing, too, because she wasn’t certain that I was ahead of her, so she would have waited for me there. Sometimes it’s really hard to remember where people are when you back and forth so much, and when she and I are both known for going down the wrong trail sometimes.
From there, we were on that third huge climb of the day. It was kicking my ass, but I didn’t have to stop and take breaks like I used to. I was able to just keep moving.. occasionally pausing only to let other hikers coming towards me safely pass. After that whole “slip down the mountain” deal yesterday, I only stopped where I knew the ground was stable. There was mud and huge sand steps to take to get up this thing, it was steep and I was exhausted. My feet were throbbing, but the only thing keeping me moving was learning that I could order a glass of wine at the bar at the Timberline Lodge until 10pm.

Every northbound person I passed, I asked them about the lodge. How was breakfast? When do they stop serving dinner? How late is the bar open? Do they serve food? Haha-I was a woman on a mission. Somewhere around the top of that last climb, I could see ski lifts and I had service. I called Mom and chatted while I walked, which ultimately caused me to go the wrong way and have trouble finding where Marquis set up camp.
Eventually I did make it, after circling the lodge twice. Margot had passed me in my wanderings.
We set up our stuff quick, and then went to the lodge. I was under the impression that I wouldn’t be able to order food, but boy oh boy was happily proven wrong. I ordered a glass of wine and a pulled pork sandwich with chips, always the epitome of class! Haha. Margot ended up getting a huge bowl of tomato bisque and it looked so good too. I devoured my food entirely too fast. Then got a second glass of wine.

We sat, ate, drank (wine, beer, soda, water), laughed and got warm enough to brave the cold temperatures outside. It’s been chilly at night here. I’m glad I kept my warm leggings, although I didn’t break them out tonight-I probably should have. In the morning we have an 8am reservation to the all you can eat breakfast buffet. My stomach just growled again while I wrote that. How ridiculous. Meh, ok, time to get some sleep. Goodnight y’all!