Start: 555.6
Stop: 569.8
Today’s miles: 14.2
Total PCT miles: 757.7
Just after midnight, three hikers came down the trail and started setting up. They kept their bright headlamps on, and frequently glared at my tent.. causing me to stir this way or that to get their lights out of my eyes. It was real annoying. That, plus my feet throbbing from all the elevation change yesterday really had me frustrated. Eventually their stuff was up and their lights were out.. and I finally fell back to sleep.

I woke up around 6:55 and immediately rushed to pack, for two reasons: 1. Breakfast buffet! 2. I had to pee and wanted to do so inside. When I got out to pack my tent, Marquis was still asleep! I could hear Margot starting to pack and all it took to get him moving was a, “Marquis? Breakfast?” And he was up, out of his tent and almost completely packed before I finished taking down my tent. His hiker hunger has kicked in, too.

We walked down to the lodge together, with Margot trailing not long behind us. I used the bathroom, scrubbed my hands, brushed my teeth, washed my face. It’s the little things. Once Margot was there and back from the bathroom, too, we went in. Breakfast was good, nothing fancy or phenomenal food wise-just regular breakfast buffet foods: bagels with cream cheese, ham, sausage, eggs, potatoes, quiche, fresh fruit, pancakes, and a waffle maker.

It was beautifully laid out-although trash would look beautiful if on display here-it’s a gorgeous property.. and we each got several platefuls. Plus unlimited coffee and water, too. We stayed there for what felt like forever. Once we were certain we couldn’t eat one more single bite-we hung out in the lodge’s main area.. comfortable cushioned sofas around a massive fireplace (that wasn’t on).
We relaxed, let our food settle, and finally headed back to the trail around noon. I had to purchase some overpriced batteries in their gift shop, my headlamp died last night and I didn’t want to risk not having it available.

When we started hiking, I was slow moving until my legs realized what was happening and decided to start working again. We went mostly downhill all afternoon, starting with sandy exposed trail and ending in the deep, thick, forest. It was easy going and we passed a lot of people out and about.. I felt real cruisey, even if my feet did start their throbbing by the end of the day.
When I got to where we had planned on camping, I saw a sign in the pine needles.. “I Push” which had to be from Marquis. As I waited for Margot to catch up to me-to decide on staying or going-mosquitoes found me and started their relentless torture. I started spraying my picaridin and swatting like a lunatic. When she arrived, maybe 5 or so minutes later, she said she didn’t want to push, and I gratefully went to set up my tent.

I had it up and me and my pack inside it within minutes, cursing the bloodsuckers the whole time. Margot would have been in hers even faster but where she originally wanted to set her tent was a tad too small so she had to move it. We set up camp before 5:30, and it’s now 8:15.. dinner has been eaten, Stache appeared out of no where, other people I don’t know have showed and I’m pretty sure that’s Henry and Pamela down at the end. It’s been filling up so fast lately. I’ll be happy when we’re out of the criss crossing bubble with both NOBOs and SOBOs.

Anyway. I was trying to wait for the sun to set to sneak out and go pee-for both mosquitoes and the people I don’t know.. but I don’t think I can wait. Thankfully, Poptart text me today and told me how to make sure my phone charges and wont drain my power bank.. so, since I don’t have to wait for this baby to hit 100%, I think I’ll go pee and go right to sleep! Sweet dreams, y’all. Pray the pests don’t attack me too harshly.
You have got to put something together of all these beautiful pictures. They are breath taking. You sure have gotten to see some awesome places.