Start: 782.1
Stop: 806.3
Today’s miles: 24.2
Total PCT miles: 994
Croc Miles: 102.2
My. Feet. Hurt. That’s it. That’s the post.

Ok, fine, I’ll say more-but please know, this was the one thought coursing through my brain all day long today. On repeat.
I woke up late, of course-by trail time anyway. Marquis and Margot were both packed and gone down the 1/2 mile side trail to get water. Keith was mostly packed, and the guy camping on the other side of me was gone. I just wish the days were still so long like they were in Washington, then I wouldn’t feel guilty about getting up “late” at 6:50am.

I was completely packed and walking down the side trail by 7:12 and back up by 7:30. That side trail was switchbacks down the mountainside to a tiny stream.. it was rough coming back straight up that booger that early in the morning. I started hiking after the other 3, because I knew I’d be slow today in my crocs. My feet have been aching so bad at the end of the day.
The trail was again, easy terrain. We crossed the highest part of the PCT in Oregon.. and it wasn’t steep or difficult or anywhere near the highest peak in the area. The trail is cut so smooth, even with tons of blowdowns to cross, that when I got to the sign telling me as much and that I was standing at 7,573 feet, I didn’t believe it. Oregon has been incredibly gentle. I wouldn’t be capable of doing the Washington part of the trail in crocs-not even a single day!

There really isn’t much else to say. Margot and I ate lunch together. There was a gorgeous stream and Mount Theilson was visible throughout the day. Keith is stopping at this stream and his buddies are hiking in-tomorrow they’ll all climb Mount Theilson, then the next day or so Keith will be back hiking. Pretty neat side trip!
The trail was beautiful and calm, and my sore feet were grateful for all of it. And now they’re throbbing and I’m tired as can be. Tomorrow is a very short day into Crater Lake, where we’ll claim our campsites and then hopefully go swim and get out to Wizard Island. I am SO READY for some short days and some swimming, too.

I hope I wake up on time. Ha. Fingers crossed. Sorry it’s a short one, there just isn’t much to say some days, it all honestly feels so repetitive. Wake up, walk, eat, walk, complain about my feet..
And now that I’ve done all of that, Goodnight 😉
Tell us how you really feel 😂