I slept in until 10am! I loved every second of it, too. I still had sleep voice when I called Derek, the motel owner, and asked for another night. He said right now the motel was booked because of the fires.. but if I’d wait a bit, he’d call to verify if the CalFire guys needed all of the rooms they

reserved, and then he’r let me know for sure.
I got up and started packing, assuming my luck had run out and Margot and I would be camping in the free campsites in town later tonight. Around 10:30, Derek called back and said he could rent me my room again! I was so happy I flopped back on my bed and laid there for another 15 minutes.

Eventually, I decided I was hungry and walked to the cafe in town. It was smoky outside. I got a breakfast burrito and talked with other hikers. I went to the post office, the new socks mom sent didn’t arrive yet, crap. And then I went back to my room to relax. I decided I didn’t want to hike south from Etna in all of the smoke, several hikers I talked to said they turned back because it was so thick and difficult to tell where it was coming from. Yeah-no thank you.

I reached out to Mark, the trail angel that helped me out of the snow in Dunsmuir. The bus would take us to Dunsmuir tomorrow, but then we’d need to get a ride to Old Station. Mark said he was at Dotty’s! No way!? I walked over and we talked. He was doing some shuttling with other angels to get hikers out of the fire. He was coordinating with BigMama today too! Who was on her way with Margot and my box! Yay!
Mark introduced me to Noelle, who had helped me figure out how to get to Seiad Valley back in June. She would pick up Margot and I tomorrow in Mount Shasta, at the bus drop off area, and take us halfway to old station, where another angel, Dennis, would take us the rest of the way. This network of people so willing to help hikers is truly unbelievable. I’m so very thankful to them all.

I walked back to my room, worked on the blog until 3:30, then went back to the post office to see if my socks arrived. They didn’t. BUT, the outfitter in town did exchange my hole ridden socks through the warranty exchange they offer, so I got a brand new pair of socks anyway. And the ladies working there were so kind! Actually, everyone in this town has been beyond nice, including stopping their cars to ask about my hike, and to wish me good luck on my journey as I walk down the road. Pretty neat.
On the way back to the room, Margot and BigMama arrived! Along with 4 other hikers. We all hugged and took pictures before they departed and Margot and I walked into the sweet bliss of the cold cold air conditioner. She showered and unpacked, then we went to Dotty’s for dinner. My 4th time there was just as good as the first two! (I didn’t eat anything when I came over to talk to Mark, I just got a soda). This time I got the

western bacon burger, and I have ZERO regrets!
We made it back to our room and laid out on the beds, talking over the last couple days apart and the plans going forward. Marquis got to Fish Lake today, but not early enough for BigMama to snag him and bring him to us. His legs are both hurting pretty significantly, so he’s planning to get to Ashland and then revisit the physical therapist. I’m really praying he gets better soon!

Ok, that’s all I got. We get to sleep in again, the bus to Mount Shasta leaves at 11:45, and I have to run by the post office again to see about my socks. Otherwise, sleep sleep sleep! Haha! Goodnight!