Start: 1274.1
Stop: 1284.4
Today’s miles: 10.3
Total PCT miles: 1135.2
I’m shocked today wasn’t a nearo, honestly.. we kicked ass!

We woke up around 8ish, well, I did-Margot was already awake, but lying in bed still. We got dressed and brushed our teeth before making our way down to the bakery. Apparently they have a pastry that comes from the area Margot is from in France-it was delicious!!
It was so smoky outside. From the door of the motel room it looked like we were in a cloud of grey/white. Some hikers were planning to hike south from here today, but the smoke is so terrible, I don’t plan to do that. Other hikers tried and turned back because of it. A trail Angel said that just because it wasn’t officially closed yet, it doesn’t mean it won’t be-there are more fires south of Etna, too-and another storm is expected tonight. NO. THANK. YOU. I’ll just have to come back and do Etna to my Grizzly Peak bail out spot either later this year or next year. I’m not messing around with fire and smoke for over 148 miles. It’s just not going to happen.

She headed to the outfitter and I went to the post office. I got my socks, finally, and I sent my shoes to Andrea, since I’m skipping ahead I won’t need them as soon as I thought I would, so now I’m all confused about what to do with them. At least if she has them I know I’ll be able to get them quickly.. being that the trail just keeps getting closer and closer to her house now.
We packed our stuff and checked out of our motel room. With fresh drinks in tow, we sat at the bus stop for over 30 minutes. It was late. I was getting worried.. a lot needed to happen to get the two of us back on trail today, and this first leg being late would mess everything up!

While we were sitting there, on the sidewalk, in the smoke filled sunshine and heat, a man walked up and said he and a friend were driving back to Mount Shasta with their rental car and we were welcome to join them if we wanted to skip the bus. HECK YEAH WE DO! Otherwise we would have to take 2 buses and wouldn’t get to Mount Shasta until after 2pm-and that was when the bus was still on schedule! With these guys taking us, we’d be there by 1! How awesome!
We hopped in and we talked as the hour drive went by pretty fast. Within a mile from our destination, Margot got car sick and threw up in a paper bag she was brilliant enough to bring with her. She felt so awful, but managed to get it all in the bag and then threw up again on the side of the road when they pulled over to let her get some air. Poor thing. The rest of the mile drive, she sat up front with the windows down.

We weren’t in Mount Shasta 5 minutes when a trail Angel, Noelle, arrived to drive us to the Burney area. She pulled up and as we were getting to her car, we hear our names being called: CEO AND BLUEBS! I ran over quickly to give hugs and say hi, Margot did too, and then we said our byes, not wanting to leave Noelle waiting on us after she came all this way to drive us another hour south of here. Hopefully we’ll get to catch up with them again soon!
Noelle took us through Starbucks, Margot got a large ice water to help settle her stomach. I got an iced coffee. It’s hot as hell still. She had us cackling the whole way to a tiny dirt road, where we left her and hopped in another trail Angel’s car, Dennis, to be taken the rest of the way to Hat Creek Overlook-the parking lot that Andrea and I made it to back on day 4.

We talked with Dennis the whole way there, too. Margot never got sick again, both of these angels were wonderful about the air and windows, she sat up front, and they took their turns easy and smooth-not much bouncing around. I know she was grateful. When Dennis dropped us off, and almost 4pm, it was hot outside, our packs are heavy, filled with 4 days of food, and we were slap worn out. She had been nauseous from the car sickness, and a mile or so in on the hike, I was nauseous from the heat.
Even with all of that chaos, moving around, jumping cars and the heat of it all: we managed to hike over 10 miles in 4 hours! We stopped to eat dinner around 6:30 and made it to camp by 8:30. It was already mostly dark though, so that part is frustrating. We’re losing daylight every single day. Part of it, I guess.

Tomorrow we’ll see how far we get. We’re 4 miles from Lassen National Park and we have to get all the way through the park regardless, because to camp within the park you have to have a bear canister-and we don’t. So, minimum, we have a 23 mile day, but I’m thinking we may be able to push farther. The elevation doesn’t look bad at all. So, here’s to getting back on trail, no fires nearby, and seeing our 4th national park!