When I woke up to the skies being light outside our closed blinds windows, I was mad. I just knew it was pretty out there and we booked this room for nothing!

Then, Margot opened the blinds and it was absolutely down pouring out there. So much so, that we decided to not go outside, to either the general store or the mile walk to the restaurant. It was coming down in sheets! I was suddenly very grateful for the amount of random food I bought from the store yesterday. Once my Synthroid settled for its allotted hour-I ate a microwaveable breakfast burrito. Was it great? No. Did I care? No.
We watched TV and laid around. Sometime in the afternoon the rain seemed to stop so we ventured out to the store for a drink and then carried on walking to the restaurant. Margot and I got a hitch most of the way there, which was great because it started raining again. So much rain!

When we walked in, we were quickly seated. I still had a little of my Mountain Dew left, and Margot still had some of her coffee, since we caught the ride there and didn’t finish our drinks on the way. We thought nothing of it, because the hostess that sat us said nothing about it and she had looked at both of our drinks.
Once we were sat, our drinks were on the table, and our waitress came over and very apologetically said we couldn’t have outside drinks on the table. I said, “oh, sorry, we walked here, can we sit them on the floor?” As I sat my mountain dew bottle on the floor by my chair. She said, “sure,” and walked away.

Then, she came right back, “actually, im so sorry, but I was told you can’t have them inside at all and I have to toss them..” so, I said, “ok,” and drank the end of my bottle before handing it to her (we’re talking a 24 ounce bottle here, clearly of Mountain Dew), and as this is happening, I hear chairs screeching and a man yelling, “you can’t do that!” My back was to him, but Margot looked mortified and all the people around us in the restaurant were staring in shock..
I didn’t see it, but Margot said he charged like he was going to smack the bottle out of my hands, and the waitress blocked him. What the hell? I would have literally lost my mind if this man touched me or anything I was holding. If it were such a huge deal, they should have told us at the door to either throw our drinks away or finish them outside. It was insane. If it weren’t the only restaurant open we would have left, it was that intense and uncomfortable.

The waitress kept apologizing, and it was pretty awkward. I don’t know why I didn’t just step outside to finish it, but either way-I had paid a ridiculous $4 for that drink and was going to drink it all, and it just didn’t cross my mind that it would be such a big deal.. I’m sure he thought it could have had alcohol in it or something, but that was also a little nuts to me. How gross would that have been? Lol, anyway-very odd situation.
I ordered the pulled pork sandwich, and the pork was luke warm, so that really sucked. But otherwise it and the fries tasted good. I did get a glass of wine when Margot got desert. We stayed a while since we had to walk back in the rain, trying to prolong the inevitable. The man never apologized for acting psychotic, but the waitress did profusely, probably thinking we wouldn’t tip her over that. Of course we tipped her well, and I would have regardless.

Anyway-we did indeed walk back in the rain, only half heartedly trying to hitch. I wanted to meet my step goal, and I knew not much movement would happen when we got back. I was right: besides doing laundry and each of us showering again-we pretty much lounged on our beds and watched TV in sweet, dry bliss-while the rain came down outside. It’s the perfect way to spend a zero.
I love you and so sorry for that jerk, he should have been minding his own business.
Boy don’t have a clue who he is talking too!! That’s just plain rude!
People are just so angry these days.