Start: 1618.6
Stop: 1637.1
Today’s miles: 18.5
Total PCT miles: 1489.3
I slept great again. And I also struggled to get up. Why am I always like this? We managed to get on trail a few minutes after 7am. Good enough, it’s cold!
The trail was again, stunning. This part of the trail is seriously something special, with views that are as gorgeous as they were back in the first few days of Washington. I wish I could describe it better, but the words are eluding me. And pictures really just don’t do it justice.

There were some patches of snow around, I like seeing it from afar, I still don’t like crossing it. Within 3 miles of the road to get down to Kennedy Meadows North, we came across a patch that Margot and I felt more comfortable crossing with our microspikes on. Three other SOBOs that we had passed a little earlier caught up to us, and they put theirs on too. For some reason that was validating for me.
It was sketchy, but short. If you slipped there, it would be down a water shoot into rocks.. so, I definitely wouldn’t die, but I’d more than likely break a bone. Thankfully, the 5 of us all crossed it just fine. They seemed really cool, but they weren’t going into town, so who knows if we’ll cross paths again.
Around that next corner, and at the top of the climb, we ran into a group of 8 trail maintenance workers. We chatted with them a bit, before carrying on downhill the rest of the way to the road. It was such a beautiful descent, with rocks all my favorite colors: purples, pinks, teals.. it was insane. I was super excited and stopping every few minutes. I’ve been collecting and sending some rocks to my friend, Kelsie, and I was happy to grab a few of these pretty colored ones for her. Margot is going to mail them for me when she gets into Yosemite Valley.
All of these rock colors has me missing Marquis. He’s ahead in the Sierra, not sure where, but either way, I wish he was here telling me why these rocks are the colors that they are. I get it’s probably “just different minerals” or something simple, but his excitement over explaining it is a joy to watch. I hope he’s doing well. Surely his legs aren’t hurting anymore, or at least not like they were.. so, I’m happy for him all the same.

We made it to the road at Senora Pass and didn’t have service to call the place we’re staying at to ask for a ride. We waited awhile, trying to hitch, but the two cars that passed, well-passed. I messaged mom on my Garmin Inreach and asked her if she’d call the number to Kennedy Meadows and ask them about a ride. We waited. No response. We waited. No cars. I messaged her again, thinking maybe she was already asleep. Still no response. Yikes.
Then, a lady passes us, but then stops, puts her car in reverse, and comes back for us! I quickly message mom and again telling her to abort calling them.. I still didn’t have a response from her, so I assumed she hadn’t seen my messages. Good thing, we have a ride now!
Rhonda is recently widowed, and on her way back from visiting her son in Utah. She was only an hour from home, and squeezed us in her pretty Camery. We talked the whole way down to Kennedy Meadows North, a pack ranch and campground with cabins, yurts, a general store and restaurant, plus rooms with single beds in above the restaurant for hikers to rent.

Rhonda let us out and made sure we were ok before leaving. My goodness she is the kindest soul. We went inside and got beds in the female dorm, I was so happy to learn they weren’t bunk beds. We picked our beds and got connected to WiFi. I talked to mom and found out that she did call, the man was on the way to get us, and her responses weren’t coming through on my inreach. She had tried calling back to say never mind, but the phone just rang and rang. Uh oh.
Margot got her stuff that was shipped to her, and I told the lady helping her about the miscommunication, in case she can radio the guy or something to tell him we aren’t there. She seemed pissed. We all still heard the phone ringing.. so. Anyway. I apologize profusely and tell her I’m more than happy to still pay him when he does return.
We then went across to the restaurant, and then waited for almost 35 minutes before getting a menu. They were overwhelmed with people! But, it wasn’t a big deal, they gave us sodas while we waited.. we were just hungry. During this waiting time, a man appeared at our table, beer on his breath, and he absolutely berated us for pulling him out of his dinner to come get us and then not even be there. I attempted to be calm, apologetic, and polite and explain to him that we didn’t think my mom was getting the garmin messages, since I got no response from her and I always do..
He did not care. He insulted us for being grown adults and needing “Mommy” to get our ride instead of calling ourselves. I again attempted to explain I didn’t have cell service, hence messaging someone responsible to call for us-and thinking the messages either weren’t going through or weren’t being received. Even Margot attempted to explain and help me apologize for the mishap.

He was so flipping rude, even after admitting he picked up another hiker while he was up there, a solo female hiker.. WHO WOULDNT HAVE OTHERWISE GOTTEN A RIDE.. but that didn’t matter.. he was irate. He made some comment, and went to storm off, and I may have yelled after him, “yeah, go have another.” I don’t know what the hell is happening with me and restaurants lately.. but my God it’s been ridiculous. Shit happens. He has to realized that, especially living somewhere with no freaking phone service! I’m still a bit pissed myself.
Anyway. The waitresses were incredibly kind. I’m sure they witnessed it all, but pretended not to. We finally placed our order: soup, salad, NY strip steak with a baked potato and zucchini. It was phenomenal. The steak was cooked just right. And then, to top it off, it came with desert! Peach cobbler, no less. It wasn’t Uncle Keith’s, but it was still pretty delicious.
We finished up and headed out back to the laundry and shower house. After quick showers we went upstairs and got in bed. It was already after 8pm and I was pooped. All this fussing was attempting to ruin the absolute otherwise perfection of the day. Our dorm room had Strider, who we all know we’ve met before, but we aren’t sure where. It isn’t the same strider that also fell down Cutthroat Pass the day I did. And then there was ChickenDinner: the girl ol cranky pants picked up instead of us.. I can’t see how that’s a bad thing, seeing how she got here and they got her money by having her stay..

Anyway, the 4 of us chatted a little and then all went to bed pretty quickly. I’m writing this the day after, because the plugs to charge my phone were no where near my bed, and I didn’t want to keep anyone awake longer than necessary. So, I can say, it took forever to fall asleep, but when I did, it was comfortable. No complaints there! Which may be a first when sharing a room with 3 other women. Ha!