Start: 2523.7
Stop: 2545.9
Today’s miles: 21.8
Total PCT miles: 2260.6
Neither Marquis nor myself slept very well last night. The ground was slightly slanted, just enough to make my sleeping pad slide throughout the night. We were still up and on our way around 6:30, immediately getting attacked by the scrubs and branches and bushes were were supposed to get through last night.

We finished the climb and made it to Mike’s Place.. which is a property with a home on it, assumed to be owned by Mike.. and he has a water tank set up for hikers so we can get water in an otherwise dry stretch of trail. I talked with Aunt Kathy while our water filtered, because it’s her birthday! She got the moon flower seeds and card I sent her. I’m really missing home.

We kept hiking and besides being hot and buggy, it was uneventful. By 4:30, we hit the road that takes you into the tiny town of Warner Springs. We walked the road to the gas station, the only thing open, and got some snacks that we really didn’t need. We ate and drank out at a picnic table, then continued walking to the rec center. It meets right back up to the trail, and they let hikers use their WiFi, they have bathrooms with running water, drinking water, picnic tables. We just hung out and cooked dinner there.. both taking complete advantage of the bathrooms.

As the sun set, we got out our headlamps and walked about half a mile to set up camp on the trail, but away from the road. It’s creep here. We had to clear out lots of leaves from the tree above us. And we keep hearing animals crunching around nearby. Marquis’ pack fell over unexpectedly, and while I jumped, he screamed.. we both about died with laughter. Good to know he finds it creepy here too! Haha!

It’s definitely an earplugs kind of night. I have no desire to know what’s moving around out there! Goodnight y’all.