Start: 2503
Stop: 2523.7
Today’s miles: 20.7
Total PCT miles: 2238.8
I didn’t sleep that great, but I feel like I expected that, so I wasn’t too upset when my alarm went off and I knew I had to get up. Marquis and I packed and left the campground early enough to be walking up to the Red Kettle Cafe just as they were opening at 7am.
We ordered breakfast (a breakfast quesadilla, another first for me) and a ton of coffee. Naturally it was wonderful. We organized our stuff outside, repacking to make our food from last night fit better, since we didn’t want to make that much racket at 6:15am at the campground.

We walked to the road the trail crosses and stuck our thumbs out, just before 8am.. and literally got a ride within 20 seconds. Ginger may have been the very first car to pass us, actually-it was that quick. She joked that she wanted to get her good deed of the day knocked out early! Ha! I really enjoyed the hell out of her. She made a pit stop by her house then drove us to a gas station to get fresh water.
Before we knew it, we were back at the trailhead and I was shoving my feet in my shoes wishing we were back in Idyllwild taking a zero with R&R. The views were pretty, and the overgrowth wasn’t horrible, but it got hot quick and the sun was blaring down on us. I ended up pulling out my umbrella to hide from the big ball in the sky. It was rough. But, Marquis kept me laughing-I’m not sure how this man does this.. he makes me actually laugh out loud with tears in my eyes when I am 100% miserable and ready to call the rest of this thing off. It’s impressive.
After 15 miles of baking in the sun-or hiking-whatever-we got to a cistern with our water in it. I feel bad normally, because these things are creepy as hell, and usually I can’t actually reach the water. This one, sadly for me, was actually high enough that I could reach the water. It was, however, covered with bees absolutely everywhere. Marquis is no more a fan of stinging things as I am.. so, I decided I’d take one for the team and show him that I can contribute to this duo Lolol

I filled us both a liter of water to filter, and we got the hell out of there before this situation turned into a “My Girl” situation. Marquis didn’t get my movie reference, and obviously my heart broke some. Especially since he wears glasses. Heartbreak hotel. Anyway-with water filtered and the bees at bay, we hiked on.
A few miles later, we got to the crossing with the next water source. We had to hike 1/4 of a mile DOWNHILL to get to it.. aka: we’d have to hike a 1/4 mile UPHILL with water to get back to the trail. Dammit. But, the good news was the water tasted fine and it came from a pipe from a cistern that required no reaching into a tank of water with crap floating around in it. Perfect.
While our water filtered, a mother and daughter showed up. We chatted them up, they’re section hiking and the daughter is hilarious.. she completely agreed with every complaint about this desert that I could come up with-so that was validating. We talked so long that when Marquis and I realized the sun was dropping a bit low in the sky, we had to dart out of there. We were planning to still hike up out of this valley to the top of the climb, and then down to a place called “Mike’s Place” that also had water, it was 10 more miles of hiking. Uh oh.

We accepted that we’d be night hiking. Marquis and I agreed we’d stop around 7-7:30 to eat dinner, then keep pushing. As night fell, we were enamored with the sunset. It quickly got pitch black.. and it’s one thing to have overgrown bushes scratch you during the day-it’s another completely for it to be in total darkness with nothing but your headlamp showing you the way. It’s creepy as hell! I was expecting a snake at every step, and completely wigging out.
We pushed until 8pm and stopped for dinner. Sitting on my ground sheet, we made our food and ate and laughed about the ridiculousness of this whole thing. Like how silly? We only sat long enough to make and eat our food, then we packed back up and kept moving. I almost peed myself when Marquis walked into a dangling bush thing that reminded me of a lamppost. Like he smacked right into it and my headlamp illuminated the whole thing. It was phenomenal. He’d probably disagree.
Meh-whatever-we kept going. The trail got more and more overgrown, until at one point I just knew we got off trail. We were literally climbing through branches. So, I pulled my phone out and we realized we were indeed off trail. We navigated through a bushwhack up and over a climb to get back to the actual trail. We followed my little blinky blue light back to the red line of the trail, and just kept hiking. We knew, soon enough, we’d be at the top of this stupid climb and make our way to Mike’s Place.
A bit later, Marquis almost whacked into another bush that looked like the lamppost he hit earlier. I laughed, he didn’t.. we kept hiking. Then, Marquis pulled out his phone and mentions that it’s not updating, because it’s still showing us where we ate dinner. I pull mine out-and it’s suddenly doing the same.. but my phone worked earlier when we were bushwhacking.. AFTER DINNER. Odd.. very odd..

OH MY GOD. Marquis realized that when we got back to the trail when we bushwhacked, we went the wrong way on the trail! We went BACKWARDS! Nooooooooo!! You have GOT to be kidding me! The lamppost I just cackled at like a hyena was actually the exact same one he actually DID walk into earlier! Shit.
As frustrating as it was, we turned around and started hiking in the correct direction. We passed the lamppost for the 3rd time, and I can promise you, neither one of us was amused now. When we hit the thick overgrowth that got us turned around in the first place, I stopped us, pulled out my phone with my GPS and we navigated back to the trail and we actually verified that we continued on in the right direction. Yikes.
We hiked on for maybe another mile before finding an “okay enough” place for us to set up camp. We didn’t want to commit to the rest of the climb uphill to Mike’s Place, since it was already 9:30 and we were beat. Between the overgrown bushes and the gnats and the heat: I’m completely over the desert. Like I say this whole heartedly-I hate this section and if I started with it I probably would have quit or skipped it because it’s beyond miserable. Throw in the possibility of a rattlesnake and I’m DONE. Ugh.

Anyway. We’re set up, we’re pissed. We’re going to sleep. Goodnight y’all. Please have a better day than we did.