Start: 128
Stop: 141.9
Today’s miles: 13.9
Total PCT miles: 329.7
I slept pretty dang hard.. and that 6am wake up call came way too fast. We were all up, packed, and on trail by 7, although I was really trying for 6:30. I just like my sleep! That being said, today started with a big climb again, and I wanted to be up it faster than yesterday.. because the last 2 miles of this climb is said to have sketchy snow.
The first half mile was nothing but overgrown greenery, soaking wet with dew. I was drenched within minutes, and babying my right leg so the scabs wouldn’t get reopened. It was a lot of switchbacks and once we got above the overgrowth it wasn’t too bad. There were blowdowns but they didn’t seem crazy like yesterday.
We got to a beautiful campsite and sat awhile admiring the scenery: huge mountain peaks with scattered snow and lots of waterfalls, pristine, untouched snow in patches all around. It really was something. The views from there only got better. We climbed to an alpine lake that was mostly frozen over, except around the edges. Silky went for a quick dip! Her polar plunge had me shivering so I skipped and kept hiking.
The next curve of the mountain had a downward sloped snow traverse.. nothing too crazy, but me being me: I walked and climbed down and around and up to the other side of the trail. I probably expended triple the amount of energy to go that way, but I didn’t care. There’s something about solid ground I have more trust in. DownUnda and Silky came my way, Pebbles went around too, but it a shorter distance because his long legs could reach rocks ours couldn’t.
From there we continued on to a snowfield with water rushing under it from all the melt. I was a little nervous, thinking I’d break through-but thankfully none of us did. It was pretty easy and smooth going, even for snow travel. We started up the exposed switchbacks that would lead us to the final ascent to Fire Creek Pass. Parts of all of the switchbacks were covered in snow.. and a good portion of it I was able to skirt around by climbing up the brush on the sides, between the switchbacks. They were so steep-but I felt way more safe than I would on the snow, potentially slipping to my death.. ok-dramatic, slipping to a broken bone. Lol
There was one section where DownUnda and I took the brush route and Pebbles and Silky took the snow-they got there before us, and then DownUnda slid right before reaching the trail, because it was so steep. I tried backtracking to her, the others jumped to her rescue too, and they were able to pull her up and then assist me back up as well. Fun times. From there, we walked across two traverses, one that was sort of steep, and then the highest one which didn’t feel steep at all. Thank goodness.
The other side of the mountain was also mostly snow free. We laughed and cut up the whole way from the ridge to a shady spot maybe a mile or so downhill, through some snow and then some beautiful green hillsides. The three of them glissaded down a safe hill, I did not-I slid on snow enough on accident to sit down and do it on purpose.
We had lunch together, marveling at our good fortune for passing this section when we did-10 days ago during the snow storm we had, another hiker went over this and almost the whole thing was covered completely and his videos looked terrifying. I have been so anxious over this section since first learning about it back in Stehekin! And now, we conquered it.. without even putting on microspikes!
The rest of the day was up then lots of downhill. Pretty stream crossings that were fine, and then one huge mama that about took us out at the bottom of the valley floor. We had to cross raging water to get to the trail, and there was no way around it. They scoped out the safest place to go, first Silky, then Pebbles. When he realized the river bed dipped kind of deep like 3/4 of the way across, he planted himself firmly and helped DownUnda through it, and then me, too. The water was so strong during that dip that my leg almost got swept away from me-I was so so grateful I wasn’t doing this alone. I probably would have slipped and gone for a very unfortunate swim.
The trail on the other side was a mess. Rocks and tons of overgrowth for almost a full mile. We made it to the new destination, 13 miles instead of 15, because we were all so wiped out. Silky had already started setting up her tent near 3 guys that passed us at the river bank. The sites were covered by blowdowns and one guy was basically set up on trail.. so the 3 of us made sure Silky was fine with it and we hiked on another mile to a creek with some nicer sites.
Pebbles, DownUnda and I set up near each other and left space to make a fire. We did our chores then ate dinner at the fire and had the best time. These two really make me happy, I’m glad I found them.
Now, laying in bed, im taking stock of my injuries. My left shoulder is purple from my dolphin fall yesterday. My legs are getting covered in those same sweat bumps I had on the AT, even on my knees. My scrapes hurt but are trying to heal as much as they can with me constantly getting smacked by something. My feet ache. All in all, I’m still having the time of my life though. It’s incredible out here, and I can’t believe that split second choice to jump to the northern border has worked out so well.
I still would like a hotel night soon though. This may be the longest I’ve gone without one-I’ve slept in a tent every single night since Saturday June 17. WHOA! I’m just now realizing these numbers.. that’s 13 days on my air mattress in my tent. I think it’ll be 16 before I get to town, and who knows if they’ll have a room. God, please let them have a room! And on that thought, I’m off to sleep! Goodnight!