Start: The Lookout (AT mi 1721.4). Stop: Thistle Hill Shelter (AT mi 1736.3). Today’s miles: 14.9 miles. Total AT mileage: 711.6 miles
I didn’t sleep well, thanks again to mice. I could hear them scurrying even with my ear plugs in, and then I’d randomly wake to a noise and shine a light on my food bag and mine and TBird’s packs to make sure they weren’t eating through our stuff. None ever were. But that didn’t stop my panic from continuing to wake me over every little noise all night.

When I finally decided to get up, at 7:20, TBird, DoubleDecker, and TownLegs were already gone, but everyone else was slowly packing up like me. One of the men was so heavy footed that it sounded like a herd of elephants every time he got up and walked anywhere. I’m not sure how people don’t realize they make that much noise sometimes.. or maybe they do realize and just don’t care, but I kind of think it’s more of obliviousness than it is intentional.
I got moving around 8, and started the day feeling nauseous and lacking an appetite. Cool. I forced myself to eat my breakfast stuff anyway. Id like to pretend it was strictly for protein intake, but it was actually so my pack would be just a tiny bit lighter.

I stopped at the first shelter I came to, the one I was trying to get to last night, because I needed water. To my great surprise, Lizard was there! I was so happy to see her that I gave her a sweaty hug that I’m sure she was less than thrilled about when we broke apart a second later. Whoops!
She ended up passing me early on, and I was hoping we’d meet at camp. However, her Hannah is coming to town, so Lizard had to pass the shelter I was aiming for to get picked up by Hannah at a road crossing. While I’m super happy for them and their quality time together, I can’t help but wish they were both going to be at camp when I got there. Lol
I could not for the life of me pick up my pace. I was slow, and the trail was mostly pine needles and roots-nothing awful at all, but I was stuck in slow motion. My head hurt and my legs felt like lead. The trail on paper didn’t look too bad. The trail in person was like a mini rollercoaster. Up, down, road, up, down, road, over and over all day. At the end it was up, over, up, down, shelter.

When I stopped to eat lunch at a river crossing sometime after 1pm, I was so out of it that I couldn’t make my normal lunch. I just ate some snacks and sat awhile. I forced myself up and carried on, mainly to get away from the bugs.. but when I tell you I was hardly moving, I mean it. I would take 5 steps on those inclines and have to stop. It just felt like my legs were too heavy to move. Twice, I just flopped to the ground in the middle of the trail and just sat there.
It was humid. It was buggy. I had my bug net over my face, and would occasionally feel trapped and tear it off, only to have a gnat swarm my eyeball and cause me to put it back on. So it goes, I guess. But, the main blessing, while it randomly poured at 6am, the rain was done by the time I started and never showed back up. So, it was a rain-free day-just not a wet-free day. My sweat soaked absolutely everything.

I finally made it to camp around 6pm. 10 hours of hiking and I went less than 15 miles. And the terrain, while having big rolls, it really wasn’t “hard” per say. TownLegs, TBird, DoubleDecker, Smiles, Sheep, and 2 others that I don’t know were already here when I got here. I was utterly done. I was still panting hard a solid 15 minutes after showing up and sitting down.
I set up my tent (in all its dry glory), and trudged down to get my water and wash off. I came back equally spent. I had to stare into space for a bit before I could muster the energy to cook my dinner. I did it though, and I forced myself to eat it all.

I talked to mom all throughout the day. Naturally, she’s worried about the Lyme’s disease, as am I. I’m honestly scared of feeling the way Towelie did before he got on antibiotics.. and I think I was starting to get the beginnings of that today. I just have to get into town tomorrow, and then I’ll have my doxycycline and be able to see if that makes a difference in the way I’m feeling. Mom got me a hotel for tomorrow night, since my service wouldn’t let me load the page to book it. And then Uncle Keith checked in on me. I really am so blessed to have such wonderful family.

I’m praying tomorrow is a smoother, better day all around, but I’m making sure I get up earlier just in case it’s not. The earlier I get to town the better. I can tell when I’m not feeling well because the little noises that make me batty start to grade on my nerves to the point of wanting to scream. Like currently, I’m in my tent, but I can hear someone eating their dinner (it’s 9:25pm, she got in late-poor thing), and it sounds like she’s loudly breathing in when she takes a bite-all of which sounds obnoxious and echoing in my ears even with my ear plugs in. I’m annoyed with myself for being this annoyed with her, because hell-the woman gets to eat her dinner, but it’s physically making me twinge.
You can only eat so much, right? Ha. Hope so. Anyway, here’s to feeling better soon! Goodnight 🙂