Start: Gentian Pond Shelter (AT mi 1906.6). Stop: Full Goose Shelter (AT mi 1916.2). Today’s miles: 9.6 miles. Total AT mileage: 891.5 miles. States Completed: Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire
Before dark, 4 more people showed up and we all managed to fit in the shelter. I slept pretty decent, considering-and all the people nearby kept me warm, too. The only issue: everyone got up early. Dear Lord did they all get up super early.

I gave up sleeping by 6:15 and started getting ready myself. The SOBO guys got up by 5am but didn’t leave until 7, which was really annoying since they stayed in the shelter that whole time. I was on trail by 7:15 and it officially had morphed back into the obstacle courses New Hampshire had been giving me.

It rained overnight and this morning, but had stopped when I got started. However, that didn’t stop me from getting soaked. The trail was muddy, boggy, and sloshy all day. The climbs were steep but short, thankfully-there were quite a few of them though. The downhills scared me a bit once I crossed the border into Maine. The rock slabs were soaked and my tread on my shoes were simply no match. I literally slipped on my butt all the way down a rock face at one point, and just remember thinking, “soft impact, soft impact!” Praying I wouldn’t break a leg when I hit the bottom. Luckily, all I have are some scrapes on my butt and back of my thighs.

Even with the terrain being crazy again, the idea that I crossed off another state and passed into Maine kept my spirits high. Instead of the angry, “are you kidding me?!” it was more of a, “ok trail, let’s do this.” It was definitely difficult though. Without a doubt. I fell several times, more of slips and slides, but a fall all the same.

I ate lunch right at the border sign with some NOBOs that stayed at the shelter last night.. Scout, Steak, and Aloha. They have another friend, Proton that already passed us by this point. They finished lunch before me, and I didn’t see them again until I made it to the shelter. To my happiness, when I did get to the shelter they all made room for me to fit in, too. With me, it’s now completely full. There’s the 4 of them, Kowalski, another NOBO from last night, Reef (a NOBO I met back in Vermont), and 2 SOBOs.

We’ve all had dinner and we sat around “helping” Proton with a crossword (they helped, I didn’t-damn those things are difficult). Now we’re all winding down and getting ready for bed. We have a plan to all hike out together in the morning to help each other get over Mahoosuc Notch-the crazy rock boulder field. I’m grateful to know I won’t have to go at that alone. I may get up earlier to get to it before everyone so I’m not accidentally left behind.. I still feel like such a slow hiker. Especially with all these folks having 2000 miles under their belts.

Once I finish tomorrow’s 9.7 miles, I’ll get shuttled into town and have a hotel for the night. That alone already has me excited to be through the tough stuff the trail will toss me in tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Goodnight 🙂