Start: Stealth Site (AT mi 1996.5). Stop: The Maine Roadhouse Hostel (AT mi 2004.9). Today’s miles: 8.4 miles Total AT mileage: 980.2 miles
I got up at 6:35 and set to work packing. I felt this urgency, knowing I had two huge mountains to cross before I could get to town. I love the trail, but man, knowing a nice shower awaits you is more motivating than one would think. When I got out of my tent (I pack the inside first when I don’t have to rush out to pee first thing), Steak and Scout were already packed and eating their breakfast. By the time I got my tent down, they were headed out. I knew I wouldn’t see them again until I got to the hostel lol

I ate my breakfast and then headed out too, telling Mr. Shakedown man bye and good luck. He was just getting up and admitted he didn’t sleep well, guaranteed he won’t forget earplugs on his big trip!

The trail was uphill but not bad for the first mile, until I passed the original campsite I was aiming for yesterday. Then it was straight up South Crocker Mountain. It had rock steps and nothing was technically “too” steep, but it felt like it just kept going forever. Apparently this is the steepest and longest on the trail so far, people just don’t hype it up.

At the top, the trail leveled out a bit before heading down 300 feet into a valley between the two mountains. And then.. you guessed it, right back up North Crocker Mountain. That one didn’t seem as strenuous, although it too was steep. I had it in my head that once I got to the top of this mountain it was 5.2 down hill miles to town. I was just praying the downhill wasn’t as steep as the two uphills I’d conquered already.

The tops were anticlimactic. But also it was threatening rain, so naturally my views were nothing but white misty skies. That’s ok, it was so muggy I was actually hoping it would rain, just enough to cool me off some. It only sprinkled for a minute, long enough to take my pack off and put the rain cover on, get it back on and start walking again. Haha, oh well. If I hadn’t stopped, it would have down-poured.

The last 5.2 miles were mild! I was so happy and cruising down that mountain. Some spots I could actually jog a little. The chaffing rash I have started to flare up along my panty line with only 2 miles to go. I got to where I was walking bowlegged and trying to pull my undies away from my skin. It wasn’t my thighs rubbing, it didn’t feel like anything was actually rubbing at all, it was the material simply touching my skin. So, with 1.7 to go, I stopped and swapped my undies and shorts for my sleep leggings. It was instant relief.

I got to the parking lot and called The Maine Roadhouse. Jen said she was heading to come get me. About 3 minutes before she got there, the sky dropped.. and I was happy as hell for my umbrella. I huddled under it with my pack and waited.. and then a lady in a SUV whipped through that parking lot so quick! Lol She said she stepped on it when the rain started.

I’m in love with this hostel. Two friends started it, and this Jen (they’re both Jen) is from Georgia. She felt like home. I got a private room, and the bed is perfection in every way. The loaner clothes (what we wear after we shower but before our clothes are washed) are so damn comfy, too. I almost want to zero here just to keep wearing these pj pants. After my shower, Jen took me to the general store and post office. I sent some stuff home, got a pizza and drinks.

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent sitting at a big table eating and talking. Runway, Sling, and Tinman were there, along with Steak, Scout, Luau, Proton, and their friends. Then Spaceman and NoRush appeared, too. Spaceman is thinking our rash is more of a chemical burn.. his hips look like mine, but like they did the first day, swollen and angry as hell. DirtyPasta told Hopper about the detergent, so hopefully they get a different brand.

I came up to my room around 7:30 and fell in love all over again with this bed. I tried to order me a duplex tent like David’s, but the camo color isn’t currently an option, so I emailed them to see if it will become one again or if I can special order it. The other colors seem more see through or too bright, and in a tent I prefer to leave the onlooker thinking it’s a dude inside and not me by myself. Camo does just that. While I have his and I’m grateful, eventually I will need my own.

I talked to my mom for a while and laughed and laughed. I’m so happy she’s coming to see me soon! It’s what’s motivating me to not move into this hostel and never leave. I miss her like crazy and she and I giggling on the phone like little school girls just makes my heart so much happier. I get sad thinking that not everyone has this type of closeness with their mom.. she’s literally my number one in all things. The thought of not having that relationship is heartbreaking.
Anyway, it’s off to sleep for me.. although I kind of want to stay awake to relish every second of this bed.. but that’s silly. My head seems to be swimming with thoughts today, so I have a feeling it’s going to take some time to shut it down. Hopefully not too much time. Sweet dreams, y’all.