Day 133: Punch Bowl Overlook

Start: Hog Camp Gap (AT mi 815.4). Stop: Punch Bowl Overlook (AT mi 798.2). Today’s miles: 17.2 miles. Total AT mileage: 1394.9 miles

Sunrise from my tent

Not long after I wrote out yesterday’s post, I made dinner. Then a lady and her dog showed up to camp in the same meadow I was in. I eventually went over to say hi, since her doggo was a beautiful big pup that I had to pet. We became best friends, and his mom was out for her first overnight camping experience on her “own” to try out her gear. We talked awhile, sharing experiences and, well, her letting me love on her dog. I finally went back to my side of the huge field around 7:45.

I didn’t sleep well, but not because of my location. It was perfect. My tent was on soft grass, the night was cool and breezy, there were no bears.. but my legs itched so bad and no amount of scratching helped ease my discomfort. I scratched like a complete lunatic all night. When I’d fall asleep, I’d wake up after I rolled over and start the itching all over again. I have a mix of heat rash bumps and what I assume are mosquito bites, although I’m thinking they’re more along the lines of killer mosquitos. You could play connect the dots on my legs and draw out all the constellations in the galaxy. I’m doing great.

So, I finally got up at 7:15, irritable and cranky. Of course I slept good after 5. Uuuugh. I packed and chatted briefly with the lady across the way. She was up and had her coffee and built a fire. There are morning people, and then there is me. I’m not talkative when I first wake up, and especially not when I slept like crap and my legs are on fire.

I started hiking by 8:10am and my bad attitude continued. I started up a climb first thing. The views should have changed my ‘tude.. the trail was gentle and there was a previous controlled burn in this area, but it was awhile ago because fresh bright green ferns and other small plants were covering the ground over the majority of the black burned parts. It had it own magical look, the new growth popping through the damaged parts.

Then the trail went up to a grassy bald mountain top, Cole Mountain, gorgeous 365 degree views of other mountains and valleys and the sun shining over all of them.. this perked my mood up. The descent was kind, too, before going back up the next mountain, Knob Bald. It was steep and I sucked wind the whole way up. With my huffing and puffing, the humidity also showed up, along with all of the bugs in Virginia. I was back in my bug net, frustrated, and sweating profusely-setting all of my bumps on fire. And then there was the spider webs.

The absolute second my phone showed 1 bar of any type of service, I called the motel in town. To my delight, the guy running the place answered. He said he could get me from either spot, I picked the farther one so I’d get my mileage in for the day. He said to call back when I was 30 minutes away, and he’d be there. Again, my mood was lifted, considerably.

I decided to turn on an audiobook, and luckily it helped keeping my mood from sinking again. So, I was listening and hiking and swatting at bugs and pulling off webs continuously. The trail went downhill pretty steeply, and then continued on beside a creek for several miles. It was beautiful, but so covered in mosquitos that I literally almost screamed out in frustration when I tried to eat my lunch. I managed to get my peanut butter tortilla down, but it was scarfed down so quick I barely tasted it.

The book distracted me well enough to enjoy the rest of the day. I think it was because I knew a shower, motel room, and better food was coming. I called Leonard, the motel manager, around 4pm. I was already close to the parking lot at PunchBowl Overlook, but it was the first spot I got enough service to call. It took him until 4:45 to get there. He runs everything at the motel on his own, so he had to check in a couple before he could close up the front office to come get me. He even brought me a Mountain Dew! My savior!

My motel room in Buena Vista is one that, well, I’m glad I didn’t decide to zero at.. it could pass as what some might call “seedy.” Lauren and I have stayed in two motels worse than this one, but not by far! Ha! It doesn’t come with shampoo or conditioner, just a bar of soap. So, I showered with just the bar.. it is what it is. The sheets are clean, so that’s a plus. And the AC works, as does the TV with my SVU marathon on. All in all, I’m happy.

After my shower I ordered some pizza and then attempted to upload pictures to the blog.. to no avail. I don’t have enough service, and the WiFi won’t upload them either. It looks like I’ll have to wait another day! It’s almost 9pm and I already feel better. I do wonder if I’ll need to take a zero soon though. I think I might need a reset, to keep my attitude in check. But, it won’t be tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’ll have Leonard drop me off and I’ll hike 10 ish miles to Glasgow and stay at the hostel there, and do my laundry and resupply there. I also think I’ll see about slack packing the following day, but we’ll see what that hostel looks like before I decide.

For now, all I’m deciding to do is go to sleep! Sweet dreams!

Day 134: Glasgow, Virginia

Start: Punch Bowl Overlook (AT mi 798.2). Stop: Glasgow, Virginia (AT mi 787.2). Today’s miles: 11 miles Total AT mileage: 1405.9 miles

It took forever for me to fall asleep. When I finally did, sometime close to midnight, I slept like the dead. I’m guessing the Benadryl I took for my itchy legs had something to do with that. I didn’t get up until 8:45 this morning but I got ready fast. I was all packed and at Leonard’s van by 9:15. I asked him if he’d take me through the Hardee’s drive through on our way to the trialhead.. he obliged and I bought his breakfast for him.

I ate my two egg and cheese biscuits on our 30 minute drive back to Punch Bowl Overlook. Leonard was chatty the whole way. Maybe one day I’ll be a better morning person but at this point I highly doubt it. He dropped me off by 10:25, I sat on the sidewalk and got my shoes on. Then it was an immediate uphill climb to the top of Bluff Mountain.

It was tough and the spider webs were on another level. My God it was frustrating. However, I knew I only had 11 miles to knock out before getting to Glasgow and another shower. I listened to my audiobook (The House on the Cerulean Sea-highly recommend, but then again I tend to highly recommend all books-go figure), and poured sweat, and lived in my bug net. Even annoyed as I was, I stayed in a good mood.

I had service at the top of Bluff, I sat on a rock and uploaded one of the many posts I was behind on. I took my time, not worried about the potential for losing any. I wasn’t hungry for lunch, so when I finally got a post uploaded, I put my pack on and kept walking. The trail meandered downhill the rest of the way. I saw no one! It was hot and buggy, but being so close to town meant nothing was bothering me.

I got to the James River Bridge parking lot at 3pm and realized I didn’t have service. I turned on my Garmin Inreach and sent a message to my mom, she graciously called the hostel and asked them to come get me. They appeared within 45 minutes of sitting there on the parking lot ground eating my lunch of left over pizza from last night. It was perfect! About the time I finished was the time LongWalker appeared in the parking lot to get me!

I hopped in the SUV and was driven to the hostel. I promptly showered and unpacked my stuff. I was going to do laundry but realized they had the same brand of detergent that the cabin had-so I got a ride to Dollar General to resupply AND buy some Gain to wash my clothes. We came back and I washed my clothes, then ordered dinner. LongWalker went to pick it up for me. I had a great cheesesteak sub. Plus, I got a sandwich for tomorrow.

I packed up then hung out in the living room, watching Netflix. Then, Charlie, the man of the house appeared. We chatted a bit and then he baked me some brownies! It was so good! I ate and watched tv.. enjoying the company. I was the only hiker here! It was just me, Charlie, and LongWalker. They said this was the first time all season they’ve only had one person stay!

Eventually, I ended up heading to bed. The mattress is less than desirable, but whatever. Beggars can’t be choosers. I’m planning to slack pack tomorrow, so, we’ll see how that goes! I’m told it should be a good, quick 15 miles. Now, time for some sleep before that 6:30 alarm goes off! Sweet dreams!

Day 135: Slack Pack

Start: Thunder Hill (AT mi 772.2). Stop: Glasgow, Virginia (AT mi 787.2). Today’s miles: 15 miles. Total AT mileage: 1420.9 miles

I slept something awful. I tossed and turned and itched.. I was hot on the flat mattress. Sheesh. Either way, I got up at 6:30 and got ready. Charlie had breakfast (French toast, yum) ready for me by 7. LongWalker drove me up to the Thunder Hill area and let me out on the Blue Ridge Parkway, at the AT crossing. I headed north on the trail.

It was misty and damp. It must have rained up here in the mountains, but it wasn’t raining now. It was just slick in some places. I past a couple places that would have had incredibly beautiful views, if I wasn’t still in the clouds. I didn’t mind though. The damp had the greenery shining, giving it a mystical vibe. I loved it! The spider webs were out in full force, but I put on my bug net and walked. Knowing I was getting picked up at the end of the day kept my irritation at bay pretty well.

The trail was almost all downhill all day. But not the knee jarring, oh my God kill me now, downhill. It was gently sloped, almost unnoticeably so. I stopped at a rock at noon to eat the sub I got last night. When I checked my app, I had already gone 9 miles (since 8:30), and still had 6 to go. I messaged Charlie and told him I though I would get to the James River Bridge by 3pm at the latest. I was assuming I’d be a little early, like maybe 2:45, but I didn’t want anyone sitting there waiting on me and me end up being late.

I ended up walking across the bridge at 2:05! Almost an hour earlier than expected! Whoa. But, LongWalker was already there, fishing at the river. I sat on the banks with him for a bit. We were waiting for one more hiker, coming from the other direction. When he showed up, Satellite, we packed in the car and headed back to the hostel.

When we arrived, Jerzy was there!! He got to the hostel this morning! As I was chatting with him, Thorny and Popeye, the guys that stayed at the shelter on top of the Priest, came out to say hi!! They’re here tonight too! I was so happy! Seeing so many familiar faces! I chatted with Jerzy while those two showered (they were there before me), and then they came out to let me know they were done with the bathroom.

I quickly showered, so Satellite could get in. I started my laundry, suddenly very happy with the Gain I bought yesterday. Afterwards, I sat outside with everyone. Satellite joined us after his shower. We hung out, talked, enjoyed each other’s company. A hiker appeared from the road. His name is LongShot and he’s doing a yo-yo! He started in Georgia, made it to Maine, and then turned around to hike back to Georgia! Incredible or insane, or both!

We all ordered dinner, I got baked ziti that came with a side salad and garlic bread. Y’all, I ate every single bite. I’m going to have to watch myself when I’m no longer burning 6000 calories a day. Lol. As if that weren’t enough, Charlie made peach cobbler for everyone! I ate all of that, too. I’m shocked I’ve even lost a pound (per this scale here I’m down from 194 pounds to 160). I’ll take it!

Sitting outside talking, most of these men are veterans. Popeye was in the Vietnam war, like my favorite Aunt’s daddy, Kennith. Listening to him talk got me a bit emotional, wishing I had Kennith here, too, and to get one of his hugs. I love that man so much, and his hugs used to let you know how much he loved you, too. They were the best. Because of that war and the agent orange they used, Kennith passed away several years ago due to heart failure. I think of him often, and I miss him terribly.

Anyway, Jerzy and Satellite were talking about their draft numbers for that war. They didn’t end up getting drafted, but Popeye said he volunteered. Charlie was in the navy. LongWalker, LongShot, and Thorny were all in the army. I was surrounded by some pretty amazing guys. Hearing their stories and listening to their explanations for how things happened and how different the world is now made for a night I won’t soon forget.

I talked quite a lot with Satellite, too. He is a retired lawyer and is finishing his AT hike this year, after 3 years of hiking on and off. His story is a pretty inspirational one. It’s people like these guys that make me truly appreciate every moment I’m given, not just on trail, but in life in general. We swapped some book recommendations that I’m excited about. He’s an avid reader.

Not much after 8pm, I was in my bunk and asleep. I passed out with the light still on! I’m writing this the next day, because I couldn’t even be bothered to stay awake long enough to type it out! I guess the lack of sleep finally caught up. I hope y’all slept well, too!