Start: VA 606 (AT mi 610.2). Stop: Pearisburg, VA (AT mi 637). Today’s miles: 26.8 miles. Total AT mileage: 1574.5 miles.
I got ready much like yesterday, ready to leave right at 7am. As I was in the living room getting my shoes on, I chatted with Cactus and Groovin who came in for coffee. I was drinking an energy drink, so I didn’t get any for myself. But I’m starting to miss the warmth of coffee in the morning, so I think that’s going to be making a return real soon..

Groovin took me through Hardee’s drive thru. I got 4 egg and cheese biscuits, 2 for now, 2 for lunch. We drove the 35 minutes to the trailhead, passing pastures, cows, and farms almost the entire way. I got out and started hiking northbound at 7:45.. it was quite chilly.

I started moving pretty quick, even for me, simply because of being cold. My fingers were getting numb and I was trying to pull my long sleeves down over my hands.. and then I moved as fast as I possibly could without actually running. The trail was smooth and easy going for miles and miles.

Sometime mid morning, I got to thinking about my house and I got hyper focused on the addition I want built on the back. I got so detailed in my head that I got excited and called my Uncle Keith once I realized I had service. He and I talked for almost an hour before I lost connection and never really got it back for long during my hike.. we talked about the addition and then absolutely everything else under the sun. I miss him so much. Part of me wishes I was already done with this adventure just so I can be at home and surround myself with the folks I love.. Uncle Keith being real high on that list.

While we were chatting away, the trail started going uphill.. I was sucking air and at one point choked on a spider that was in a web that went across my face. That was not enjoyable and my throat was itchy the rest of the day from the way I freaked out and coughed so hard making sure it wasn’t stuck.. so gross. Can you imagine that conversation? “So, Courtney, why did you get off trail?” “I got injured.” “How?” “Oh you know, choked on a spider, and then fell hard when I passed out trying to cough it up..” sheesh Louise.

Anyway. Once up the hill and connection lost, I hiked along the wooded ridge line and didn’t really see any views. I counted all of the people I passed going the opposite direction, there was 18 total: Smash, MashedPotatoes, HappyFeet, Moose, a section hiker, 5 guys I didn’t recognize, Cactus, Bones, Zebra, Sunshine, 2 hikers I didn’t recognize, and 2 men that looked like day hikers. Somehow I missed Soundscape.. he must have been at a shelter eating or a viewpoint or something when I went past. Also, LongShot and his friend were on trail too, but they got to their destination before I could pass them.

The top end of the mountain closest to the downhill ended up having some gorgeous views. I paused briefly at them all, snapped some pictures. I did sit at a shelter picnic table for 10 minutes to rest my feet and eat my biscuit. I sat on a rock at the Angel’s Rest view point, but other wise, I was moving all day. I think I may have stopped for a total of 15-20 minutes-and that includes pee breaks! I was cruising!

Then that downhill came. It was steep switchbacks all the way down. I would jog down the steepest ones, then speed walk the flatter chunks before jogging again. I felt unstoppable! I text Doc at 5:05 and told her I’d be at the parking lot in 30 minutes.. I literally crossed the road to get to the truck at 5:35:58. Ha! Just on time! But not a second early! Lol

I got driven back to the hostel by a hostel worker I hadn’t met yet. He was an older gentleman and very polite. Then, when we arrived, I was greeted by Butterfingers, TwoHats, and Bookworm! We talked all about my slack and how well it went, all in all 26.8 miles in 9 hours and 50 minutes. I was super impressed with myself.. and Butterfingers decided that’s what his plan was for tomorrow since it went so well for me today.

The 4 of us went to eat.. at the Mexican restaurant.. right after I changed out of my hiking shoes. I really love that place. It’s so filling! We all chatted and ate and enjoyed each other’s company. I’m now ahead by a big chunk, tomorrow Butterfingers will be a day behind me, but quite a bit farther than TwoHats and Bookworm. It’s so easy for hikers to get separated! It was nice to enjoy each other while we were all still in the same place.

We walked back from dinner and I headed to shower. I’ve officially used each of the 3 showers in the bathhouse now. They’re all equally awesome as far as cleanliness, water pressure, and hot water.. but I like the middle one best because the rug and shower curtain are purple. Such a girl sometimes, and so far from girlie other times.

I headed back to my room to organize and pack for tomorrow. The Praise Team were eating dinner in the kitchen, so I chatted with them a bit before handling business in my disaster of a room. They are seriously so nice! When I could delay the inevitable no longer, I set to work with my gear. I had to pack up my tent and ground cloth that I had been leaving draped over the chair and spread out on the floor beside the bed-I like my gear to air out and not stay stuffed in bags, just in case they were damp or something. Then I set to work on the food bag. It’s so stupidly heavy.

Finally, when I had everything packed that could be, I laid down to type this up. As I’m laying here, my eyelids have been fighting me.. I’m so absolutely worn out from today. But even still, my shuttle leaves at 7am again tomorrow.. and I’m excited about that because once we drop off Butterfingers, Groovin will drive me the half mile down the road to another hostel-Weary Feet-that Lizard and Finch are currently at! I’ll drop my pack off with the hostel and share the shuttle to Bland with them!! I’ll get to spend a whole car ride with my friends and I’m so ridiculously excited about it! Then, once they’re dropped off, I’ll get driven to the post office to grab my new shoes and then I’ll be brought back to the same trailhead-to hike the opposite way of Lizard and Finch, back to the hostel.

If none of that makes sense, maybe it will by tomorrow when I detail how the day went 🙂 Hopefully, anyway. My eyelids are starting to win this game I think, goodnight y’all.