As you navigate through my blog, you’ll someday find journal entries about my journey through this life, how I fell in love with traveling, and how that love turned into an obsession with backpacking to see snow capped mountains, rushing rivers, and beautiful landscapes, with a few laughs along the way.. but mostly, for now, you’ll find updates about my upcoming thru hike attempt of the Appalachian Trail.
Now to explain the reasoning behind the name of my blog.. What does that even mean?
I’m naturally very far from your typical “princess.” For instance, I refuse to wear make up and have a moisturizing routine (now that I’m in my thirties, its quite clear that I probably ought to put some effort into this…), I only dress up when absolutely necessary and I despise wearing heels (potentially why I may be forever single, ha), and I much prefer being outdoors with the sunshine, sweat, and beautiful views. I tend to be the funny, fun friend that doesn’t care what people think or about fitting in. I’d say I’m a little rough around the edges (in all the best ways, in my humble opinion—or weird in the opinion of quite a few others.. haha), hence where the “Unpolished” comes from.
Alright, so on to the princess part. We have my best friend, Lauren to thank for this one. Several years ago, Lauren started calling me princess as a jab for my particular and demanding personality. Apparently I have a bad habit of correcting people –namely my lovely best friend– and after more than a decade in the nursing field, I’d say I’m a bit too good at delegating and directing things to be done my way.. AKA: sometimes I can come off as a bossy brat. But hey! We can’t all be perfect, and I swear I’m pretty dang lovable! While I was brainstorming names for this blog, with the help of several friends at work one night (or several nights, and maybe this was against their will-whatever), I came across the word unpolished and thought it fit me perfectly. Then out of no where, I heard Lauren’s, “Ok, princess,” and literally laughed out loud. I haven’t been able to pull away from it since, even as I sit here typing this, I’m lounging in my princess crown pjs gifted to me by none other than she. It just works.
So there ya have it, folks! Anyway- thanks for stopping by my site! Navigate your way around, check back often, and I hope you enjoy what you see. One day I’ll add posts from my previous trips, like Kilimanjaro and Peru, hiking the John Muir Trail in California, and walking 550 miles across Spain completing the Camino de Santiago. But for now, y’all will be blessed with the excitement leading up to starting the Appalachian Trail, followed by my daily journals detailing my experience.. the good, bad, and absolutely ridiculous.