Start: Rainbow Stream Lean-To (AT mi 2163). Stop: Katahdin Springs Campsite (AT mi 2187.9). Today’s miles: 24.9 miles. Total AT mileage: 1162.9 miles
Y’all! I’m in BAXTER STATE PARK!!! I’m so flipping excited! I’m going to summit Mount Katahdin tomorrow and finish part one of my journey: Making it to the Top of Maine! Wow.

Ok, so, this morning I got up at 5:35 and started packing up as quietly as I could.. which isn’t quiet at all really. But as I was, the only other 2 hikers there started to do the same. We all had that same urgent “must get to Baxter” feeling going on apparently.

I was on trail by 6:05, impressively. I made good time even while trying to force myself to choke down my probar. I sat down to slowly eat this morning instead of eating while walking like yesterday, to see if I’d have a better result. I still gagged the whole time eating it, so I’m not really sure what’s going on with that.. I used to love those things! And I need the calories and energy they give. The other protein bars have me so hungry within an hour of eating them.

Anyway, the miles cranked out quickly. It wasn’t smooth trail per say-there we’re roots mangled and tangled and intertwined all over the place, with rocks here and there, too.. so while it was mostly “flat” my feet continued to take a beating. Even still, I pushed on, too excited to exit the 100 mile wilderness, figure out my fate for the rest of the day and tomorrow.. ahhh! So much was swirling around in my head to even give the terrain a serious thought. I stopped for water sometime around 9am and realized I had already gone over 9 miles! It was only 15.5 total to Abol Bridge! My back up plan for tonight if I couldn’t get into Birches!

At 10 am I made it to Rainbow Ledges and turned my phone’s airplane mode off. I waited and waited for enough reception to make a call to reserve a bed in Millinocket for tomorrow night, and for the shuttle from Baxter to the hostel. It took 2 dropped calls and a lot of repeating myself to make it happen, but happen it did! I sent my mom and uncle Keith a quick text, but I didn’t have time to wait for replies.. within 5 minutes I was already back in the “No Service” zone. Damn.

I put it back into airplane mode and kept going. I won’t have any more service until I get down to town tomorrow evening. It looks like that’s when I’ll be playing catch-up on my posts and whatnot. I passed several people hiking SOBO with ginormous packs on their backs. Clearly this is their day one, and man oh man, I remember my day one. I could feel for them! Their backs are going to be so sore tomorrow morning!

When I came out of the 100 Mile Wilderness to the road to Abol Bridge, Water Queen was set up doing trail magic!! There was practically everyone I had been camping around the last few days hanging out, eating hot dogs and chatting. She had pictures up of all the thru hikers she’s done magic for this year and “congratulations class of 2021” signs and banners! I know it’s sappy, and I’m not technically almost done, but I choked up a bit.

I sat and had hotdogs and my beloved Mountain Dew. Everyone was chatting about their plans for summiting. Water Queen told me the sign up sheet for Birches is already full for tonight. Birches is the Lean-To for thru hikers only-they only allow 12 people per night, and it’s first come first serve at 7am the day of only. The reason people want to go there is it’s 10 easy miles from Abol Bridge to Birches, and it’s right at the base of Katahdin, making the climb the next morning 5.3 miles.

There’s also a campground, Katahdin Springs Campground, next to Birches, but it gets sold out months in advance by people driving in to visit the park, and securing a spot there is pure luck and usually unlikely. So, the only option really besides those two is to pay to camp off this road, right outside the state park and be in line first thing to sign up for Birches the next morning and summit a day later, OR get up super early and hike from here into the park and up Katahdin all in one day, which is ~20 miles.

The trick with that is, you have to be at the ranger station by Birches to get your permit to summit no later than 11am or they won’t let you go up Katahdin. So, that’s 10 miles before 11, plus 5 miles straight up a 5000+ foot mountain, 5 miles back down, and the shuttle to take you out of the park leaves at 3pm. Haha-no pressure.

So, as we’re sitting around talking, I’m realizing that this last option is what I’m going to be doing tomorrow. I mention that I was going to start looking into campsites nearby as everyone was getting up and starting to walk. Sunny mentioned they have a campsite they snagged, but sadly there’s no more room because they already have 8 people staying.. no worries I tell her. It’ll be ok.

While we’re all walking the quarter mile to the store, we cross the actual bridge over the river-we see Katahdin standing proud out past the water.. and then see a bald eagle flying! Seriously!? It was phenomenal, and such a perfect piece added to an already awesome day.

Then, when I get to the Abol Bridge store, everyone from that group meets up with Cactus and Cousin Eddie. I go in and buy a beer, and when I come out they yell for me.. Cactus and Cousin Eddie have signed up at Birches already for tonight, but they’re going to stay at the campsite with all their friends (they’re part of the 8 and no one realized they had signed up) so they offer me one of their spots! I was ecstatic!!

I finish my beer and start walking the mile to the sign up kiosk thinking a ranger would be there.. there wasn’t. So, I signed in anyway and looked over the log ins.. Poptart was on there!! She is at Birches tonight!! TieDye has a campsite at Katahdin Springs!! He’s there tonight, too! How in the world!!?! I headed up the trail, praying like hell that they would believe me about Cactus not coming and giving me her spot, and wouldn’t turn me away after hiking 10 miles to get there. I was also so dang excited that I’d be seeing my friends. If not tonight, tomorrow somewhere on Katahdin! It’s all going to work out!! The trail provides!

The trail was beautiful and followed along a river for a long time. It eventually got rooty and painful, but I think down feather pillows would be painful after hiking 50 miles in 2 days. I stopped and got water 5 miles in, and turned on some music to keep me motivated. And at 5:25 I passed the sign to take me to the ranger station at Katahdin Springs Campsite, and moments later I saw a man through the woods getting water-with a tent set up back behind him. It took me a nano second to register and yell out a “TieDye! Is that you!?!”

I’m not sure if it’s luck or Devine intervention.. but it was indeed TieDye, and I’m thinking it’s more on the side of the Devine than luck. He got a campsite by finding a cancellation last night in town when he and his wife stayed in a hotel! He and his new friend, Rippin Riles had room for me to share their site with them!! WHAT!? I was so happy I jumped around a bit and squealed! I dropped my stuff and they told me how to get to the ranger station to register so I could get my permit to summit and not have to wait to get it in the morning.

I headed that way and signed in, got my permit, had all my questions answered. And, then like a crazy person, I walked an extra half mile to Birches campsite to surprise Poptart! I hung out with her a bit, she actually gave me a Poptart for tomorrow after I told her about my gagging business. Lol. I’m so dang thrilled I got to see her, she steadily keeps me laughing and is always in such good spirits! This day has seriously left me speechless when it comes to the gratefulness Im feeling.. for getting the chance to spend these moments with people I’ve come to care about. I said my byes and then got back to the campsite to set up my tent, do my chores, and eat my dinner.

It was so hard getting it all done, I’m pretty wiped today. But it had to be done. Today all worked out better than I could have ever planned for it to! Now, all that’s left to do is get some sleep and then summit that big ole mountain tomorrow.. and then start the second part of my journey: Heading Home. Goodnight, y’all. Prayers for good weather tomorrow.