Start: Top of Piney Ridge (AT mi 998.1). Stop: Manassas Gap Shelter (AT mi 982.8). Today’s miles: 15.3 miles. Total AT mileage: 1210.3 miles
Well, before I finished reading for the night, I was blessed with spotting a huge, fat rat just outside my tent, under the vestibule. I scared it away with my headlamp and shaking the tent.. but he was a big guy and every couple hours came back by to check on me. I was scared I’d wake up with him already chewed into the tent and stuck with me inside while I screamed and jumped around all hunched over.. because as spacious as my tent is, it is still just a tent. That never happened, but I slept awful because of the idea already planted in my head. I only saw him once more but could swear I was hearing the same leaves ruffling several more times throughout the night. Gross.

Because of my fitful sleep, I ended up not getting up at 6, or 6:30.. I pushed it to 7 when I knew full and well I’d be able to see everything around me. I packed and got my food bag, everything still intact. I ate my breakfast slowly: now it’s consisting of granola and berry cereal sprinkled with a vanilla Carnation instant breakfast, then doused with water to make it dissolve, almost like milk. I like it pretty well, it keeps me full longer in the mornings, but it takes forever to eat it. That part may cause me to change it up again come resupply.

When I was just about ready to go, Jerzy passed by. He had camped just before the climb at the water source where I filled up. It was a beautiful area, but I skipped it because it didn’t have any sites that weren’t slanted. He sleeps in a hammock, so it didn’t phase him a bit. We ended up leap frogging each other all day, I find him very enjoyable to be around. He’s from New Jersey and has that certain way with words that just cracks me up.

The trail was absolutely pleasant today. There’s no other way to describe it really. The gentle curves meandered through forests of huge old trees, sunshine, and birds chirping. I was so lost in the feeling of how good it all felt that I didn’t even pay attention to the mileage or remember to take many pictures. There were lots of trail runners out and about, one guy I swear passed me like 3 times.. I’m still confused as to how, there must be a looped trail that connects somewhere.

I ate lunch sitting on a rock at a 3 way trail intersection. While sitting and eating, people would pass and ask me for directions for things I was clueless about.. “is it this way to the cabin?” “Do you know if this way takes you to the parking lot?” “How do you not know?” “Well where did you park your car?” OMG. People, let me eat my damn peanut butter and jelly tortilla in peace? Can’t you smell me? Sheesh. My reply of “my car is in Georgia, so if it’s not the AT, I don’t know anything about it..” got a very odd stare and no rebuttal, he just walked away.. alrighty then.
Once away from that intersection, the trail went over some pretty fields of overgrown wildflowers. It was so gorgeous and very calm on my feet. It went back into the woods, where I ran back into Jerzy, and while we were walking and talking he spotted a huge black snake! Ginormous! I jumped back like it was going to chase me or something.. and when I passed it (camera out) it had already slithered the rest of the way into the deep woods. I could hardly even make it out, which I was both thankful for and totally freaked out by. How many of those things are absolutely everywhere??

When I got to the shelter I was aiming for at 3:40, I decided I liked it enough to stay put. I scoped it out and set up my tent in the best, flattest spot. Then laid on the ground and listened to an audiobook. I probably should have pushed the extra 5 miles to the next shelter, but I felt like I deserved an easy day. Why not? I’ll be in town tomorrow night either way, and I can’t check in at the hotel until 3, which means I won’t ask for early check in before 12.. so I might as well have some mileage to knock out tomorrow or I’ll be sitting around bored and dirty, unable to relax.
I was going to just resupply quickly and pop back on trail, but I decided since I needed to go to Walmart for camp shoes, I’d make it worth the trip and get some other toiletry stuff too and stay in a hotel and do laundry. After tomorrow, I’ll be getting into Shenandoah National Park, which is apparently very nice. I can’t wait to see it! I’ll make an easy mile day tomorrow and then make an actual plan to try to really start knocking out some mileage afterwards. It’s too much to think about after hiking all day and then doing camp chores and all that, too. I don’t plan to zero for a bit, but those needs kind of pop up unexpectedly.

Anyway, I ate dinner with Jerzy and a guy doing a section hike. A couple came in a bit later but I didn’t get their names. I hung my food on a bear pole-on the very first attempt. I’m pretty proud of that lol. And now I’m sitting outside by my tent waiting to need to pee one more time before getting inside and getting comfortable. I think I’ll read awhile, then hopefully sleep much better than last night.
I’m reading Alicia Keys’ autobiography and I’m listening to the last book in the series by Jojo Moyes, Still me. I’m completely captivated by both books. I kind of think it’s hard for me to not enjoy any book. There’s something about knowing an effort was made to create it, and I so admire all of these authors and their passion to create these books for me to be transported to where ever they’ve decided I should go within their words. It’s magical. And I’m here to love all of them I can.

Anyway, now that I’ve confirmed I’m a complete weirdo and this is probably one of the many reasons I’m single, I think I’ll let you go for tonight.. mainly because Alicia is just now starting to tell me about writing “Girl On Fire” and well-I love that song and sing it quite often (horribly, obviously).. so, I need to be in the know as to how that anthem came about! Haha.. goodnight y’all!