Start: Gravel Springs Hut (AT mi 958.7). Stop: Stealth Site near Pinnacle Picnic Area (AT mi 938.8). Today’s miles: 19.9 miles Total AT mileage: 1254.3 miles
I slept so good last night that I was startled when my watch started vibrating at 6:30 this morning.. I definitely turned it off and waited until 7 to get moving. I packed up as quietly as I could and walked to the shelter to get my food and eat breakfast. Section Hiker Matt didn’t appear to even stir with my racket, so I was happy I didn’t wake him.

I left a little before 8, and started the day off with my bug net on. The plan was to just wear it until someone passed me.. from either direction, really, so they’d be the home destroyers and I’d be spared the sticky webs. The only problem with that plan was that I saw not ONE SINGLE SOUL on the trail today. I mean, I saw people.. at the restaurant I got lunch at, on the side trail to get to it, at road crossings and a picnic area.. but literally not a soul hiking on the AT.

Normally, that would be the highlight of my day! No peopling! However, I was a spider web removal service of one for 19.9 miles of the AT today. It was beyond irritating. And I kid you not, I’d hit one about every 20-30 seconds. At one point, to cure my boredom I actually counted the seconds.. 29 was the highest I got to before having to start over. It felt like I played that little game for eternity.. but I’m sure we’re talking like 5-10 minutes, tops. Lol

Anyway, the trail itself was gorgeous. I’m loving the terrain so much (minus all the charlottes and their webs). It’s actual TRAIL. I’m still mesmerized by it, really. That I can walk and the only reason I “have” to stop is to catch my breath or pull of webs from my fingers.. not because I have to figure out how the hell I’m supposed to climb up that. Going uphill I just charge forward, occasionally pause to catch my breath or take a swig of water, and then keep it moving! It’s phenomenal.

Around 10:30 I got to Elkwallow Wayside, which is a camp store with Shenandoah National Park souvenirs, camping supplies, and a little convenient store/grill. The grill didn’t open until 11am, and I was wanting something hot for lunch, so I hung out at the picnic tables outside in the sun for the 30 minutes. It was so nice! I even laid out on the grass for awhile and stretched, too.

I ended up ordering a pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, and a side of fries with a soda for some caffeine. The sandwich was most definitely no where near the best I’ve ever had, but ya know what? I didn’t care, it was hot and it was decent enough for me to eat every single bite. It did have me thinking about wanting to visit Memphis, TN and trying their BBQ. My friend Dominique is from there and mentioned how good their BBQ is before. Might be time to try it out when I finish this thing..

After I finished devouring my food like a bear was going to snatch it from me at any second, I cleaned up my mess and headed back to the trail. I somehow picked the wrong side trail and ended up bushwhacking to the actual AT. Whoops. Back on trail, and with a few new scrapes from briars, I was on my way. A little after 1pm I had to stop to dig a hole, and when I got back to my pack, I realized I had service, so I sat on a rock and uploaded yesterday’s blog entry. Other than that, I practically didn’t stop moving for the rest of the day.. and my feet are currently fussing at me because of it.

I passed the shelter I was aiming for at 4pm. The comments mention that the water supply is down a steep side trail over a quarter mile. I decided if I was going to huff and puff anymore today, it would be over the next mountain and not for something that doesn’t even count towards my mileage. Plus, I still had some water to get over that beast. On the other side of The Pinnacle, there was a picnic area with tables, bathrooms, and running water. It was 2.3 miles away, and then the comments section said that there was a great stealth spot 0.1 past that area. That was my goal now.

So, I pushed forward, and snapped some pictures. When I finally got to the campground around 5:30 I almost had a limp because of how sore my feet were. I used the bathroom, delighted in washing my hands with proper soap and water, and then filled up my water bottles. I sat for a minute at a picnic table, then decided to leave my stuff and go check out the stealth site before toting everything that way. I was worried that either it would be a crappy site, some person magically appeared to take it, or it would be too open to set up right now, since technically the picnic area is a no camping zone.

As I walked down the AT though, the trail passed a “backcountry” sign, telling me that I could only camp if I had a permit, which I do-so that alleviated the worry that a random ranger would appear and make me take down my tent. I eventually found the spot, a perfect grassy area with great bear hang tree limbs nearby. So, I walked back and grabbed my stuff. I set up the tent, hung my bear line, and ate dinner.
Mom called while I was eating, so I chatted with her awhile. She went with Uncle Keith, Aunt Kathy, and her side of the family to Fort Morgan to spend a week at the beach. Talk about making a girl jealous! I wish I had the time to just hop on a plane and show up. But sadly, these miles won’t get completed if I keep taking time away from them.. lol

After dinner, I cleaned up, hung my food, and got changed into my sleep clothes before unpacking everything else. I’m actually pretty cold right now as I watch the sun setting in a huge orange glow. Through the trees I can see the sun, a row of pink sky, and the blueness of the mountains in shadows. It’s crazy how green trees can look blue from a distance. I’m assuming that’s how the Blue Ridge Parkway got its name.. the hills in the distance fade from shades of green to shades of blue and grey. It’s stunning. Too bad it doesn’t show up as beautifully in pictures as it does with the naked eye.

It’s not even 8pm yet and I’m ready for sleep. I think I’m turning in early tonight, and maybe I’ll wake up earlier tomorrow.. doubtful, but, I guess if I don’t then my body must need the sleep. Goodnight y’all. Maybe I’ll dream of being at the beach and hearing the waves crashing.. maybe you will, too.