Start: Punch Bowl Overlook (AT mi 798.2). Stop: Glasgow, Virginia (AT mi 787.2). Today’s miles: 11 miles Total AT mileage: 1405.9 miles

It took forever for me to fall asleep. When I finally did, sometime close to midnight, I slept like the dead. I’m guessing the Benadryl I took for my itchy legs had something to do with that. I didn’t get up until 8:45 this morning but I got ready fast. I was all packed and at Leonard’s van by 9:15. I asked him if he’d take me through the Hardee’s drive through on our way to the trialhead.. he obliged and I bought his breakfast for him.

I ate my two egg and cheese biscuits on our 30 minute drive back to Punch Bowl Overlook. Leonard was chatty the whole way. Maybe one day I’ll be a better morning person but at this point I highly doubt it. He dropped me off by 10:25, I sat on the sidewalk and got my shoes on. Then it was an immediate uphill climb to the top of Bluff Mountain.

It was tough and the spider webs were on another level. My God it was frustrating. However, I knew I only had 11 miles to knock out before getting to Glasgow and another shower. I listened to my audiobook (The House on the Cerulean Sea-highly recommend, but then again I tend to highly recommend all books-go figure), and poured sweat, and lived in my bug net. Even annoyed as I was, I stayed in a good mood.

I had service at the top of Bluff, I sat on a rock and uploaded one of the many posts I was behind on. I took my time, not worried about the potential for losing any. I wasn’t hungry for lunch, so when I finally got a post uploaded, I put my pack on and kept walking. The trail meandered downhill the rest of the way. I saw no one! It was hot and buggy, but being so close to town meant nothing was bothering me.

I got to the James River Bridge parking lot at 3pm and realized I didn’t have service. I turned on my Garmin Inreach and sent a message to my mom, she graciously called the hostel and asked them to come get me. They appeared within 45 minutes of sitting there on the parking lot ground eating my lunch of left over pizza from last night. It was perfect! About the time I finished was the time LongWalker appeared in the parking lot to get me!

I hopped in the SUV and was driven to the hostel. I promptly showered and unpacked my stuff. I was going to do laundry but realized they had the same brand of detergent that the cabin had-so I got a ride to Dollar General to resupply AND buy some Gain to wash my clothes. We came back and I washed my clothes, then ordered dinner. LongWalker went to pick it up for me. I had a great cheesesteak sub. Plus, I got a sandwich for tomorrow.

I packed up then hung out in the living room, watching Netflix. Then, Charlie, the man of the house appeared. We chatted a bit and then he baked me some brownies! It was so good! I ate and watched tv.. enjoying the company. I was the only hiker here! It was just me, Charlie, and LongWalker. They said this was the first time all season they’ve only had one person stay!

Eventually, I ended up heading to bed. The mattress is less than desirable, but whatever. Beggars can’t be choosers. I’m planning to slack pack tomorrow, so, we’ll see how that goes! I’m told it should be a good, quick 15 miles. Now, time for some sleep before that 6:30 alarm goes off! Sweet dreams!