I didn’t do a whole lot of anything today-not for the lack of offers. I was supposed to get up to go to breakfast with everyone at Cracker Barrel at 8am.. I turned off that alarm and slept until 8:40 ish.. and I don’t regret it!
Jerzy called and offered to bring me back breakfast. Naturally that took no convincing on my part. He brought me a loaded hashbrown casserole, with bacon and eggs on top, plus a side of biscuits and gravy! I delightfully ate it in bed! Jerzy wouldn’t let me pay him for it either. I swear, these hikers sure make for good friends. We take care of each other.

I watched some tv, but mostly worked out a rough outline of the next few weeks of trail. Which isn’t easy to do in the slightest and one day could literally blow the entire plan up.. BUT my mom wants to drive up to see me on a weekend. I was hoping for the first weekend in October, so she could bring my warmer gear and new shoes, but she said she couldn’t leave work early that Friday and asked if she could come the next Friday instead.. so that meant figuring out 3 weeks worth of mileage to be able to pick a location. Which, she realizes I may not make it there or I may go past there, she’ll just have to come get me at a random road crossing before going to the town I picked.

Either way, work or not, I’m happy I know I get to see her soon, and the logistics of it will be what it will be.. but the location should be nice! I’ll (hopefully) be coming through the area around Watauga Lake in northern Tennessee. I picked a marina by the trail (sort of) and now I just have to get there, and pray my shoes last that long. I guess if they don’t she can ship the shoes to me before then. So far, so good.
Cactus invited me to go with her and a friend to downtown Roanoke.. they were going to check out the city and a brewery. As much as I wanted to go and yearned for the companionship, I declined and spent my day Horizontal in bed. My legs were sore. More specifically my left knee.. I’m not sure if it’s because I practically ran yesterday, if it’s all just catching back up to me-the 20 days with no rest, or the fact that I didn’t take any ibuprofen today.. but I had no energy and I was babying my joints.
I ate some hibachi delivered by DoorDash, I immediately wished it was the hibachi by my house, because this lacked flavor, but I ate it anyway, and I rested, relaxed, and watched tv. At some point (after declining to join) Jerzy brought me some Poptarts that he had extra from his resupply. He had to be thinking “dear god this girl is a lazy mess” because I still hadn’t even brushed my hair since his last visit! Ha! I was taking my zero duties very seriously and not doing a single productive thing!

I talked with mom a few times, I talked with Lauren, too. Eventually I showered and packed up my gear. And then I watched HGTV until now, 9pm. It’s technically still on, but once I write this out I’m going to get some sleep. It did pour down rain today, pretty much all day, so each time I looked out the window I was happy with my choice to zero. It’s been a good one. And just what I needed.
I think that’s all I got! Goodnight!