Start: Unaka Mountain Top (AT mi 358.1). Stop: No Business Knob Shelter (AT mi 338). Today’s miles: 20.1 miles. Total AT mileage: 1855.1 miles.
I got up around 7 and attempted to quietly go get my food bag down.. I couldn’t have been that quiet because I heard the others stirring a little, but they mostly ignored me. I huddled back into my tent and made my coffee and breakfast. The views on top of Unaka Mountain were still spooky, misty clouds coming through the leafless pines as the sun started to rise.

I packed up, said goodbye to my buddies, and was hiking away a little before 8. I had 20 miles to knock out and not a second to waste! A little ways into the morning, the mostly downhill curved upwards to a grassy field named “Beauty Spot” and it was exactly that! Off to the left of the field, through the brush, you could tell you were still high on a mountain with other mountains around and fog creeping between them. I was above the clouds! It was the nicest view of the day so far! Then again, I had just gotten started, but still.

Over half of the day was spent going downhill, steep in sections with rocks, but mostly long curved paths sloping gently down. It was easier terrain, but it did make my knees a little sore. Towards the bottom, I ate my lunch on a log at a shelter.. mainly because the 2 guys there had taken over all of the space in the shelter and on the picnic table. They were doing a section hike, and at noon they were just getting started for the day. One tried to unload some of his Cliff and Kind bars on me and made a face at me when I declined-but I’m sick of those things and refuse to carry even an ounce more than absolutely necessary!

I walked along the Nolichucky River from above for a mile or so before getting into Erwin, Tennessee. The trail passes right by a hostel with a little store, so I decided to go there to get a soda. As I was walking up, MashedPotato was sitting there chatting to a friend on the phone! I left him to go inside to get some goodies, to return to his picnic table minutes later. I wanted Mountain Dew, but ended up with Dr Pepper since they were out.. I also got a Gatorade, ice cream sandwich, AND a huge honeybun.

MashedPotato and I talked a minute while I stuffed my new sweets in my mouth. He had just ordered pizza, which I would have loved if I hadn’t just eaten lunch and 2 deserts! He was planning to get to the same shelter I was, so I didn’t feel bad departing quickly, since I’d see him soon anyway. He and his friend were in the middle of booking flights for Puerto Rico to celebrate the end of his hike.. that sounds pretty nice!

The next 6 miles were mostly uphill. But the views around almost every switchback we’re looking down at the Nolichucky River surrounded by mountains jutting up around the water. It helped distract me from the climb, which I really appreciated. I finally got to camp around 5pm, found a spot in the back away from the other hikers around (3 section hikers on a gear shakedown hike, one of them is doing the AT next year, her husband has already done it), and another thruhiker, southbound from the start.

I ended up eating my dinner at the picnic table with the section hikers, after I threw my bear line. I was still eating when MashedPotato got there. He set up his hammock and then joined me and the others for his dinner, I was the only one still eating. He brought the rest of the pizza he didn’t finish for lunch, and I was jealous for a second time. We talked and laughed until the sun started to set.. and then the others all said goodnight, so he and I went over by his hammock and my tent and continued our conversation. The sun was going down, but it was only 7:15.. so neither of us were tired. He has a unique laugh, almost like a chuckle mixed with mischief that really cracks me up! I enjoy his company and will miss him when I get off trail and end up a minimum of 3 days behind him.. ahhh trail life.

I eventually came and got in my tent to lay down just after 8pm. I’m still not tired, but my body wanted to lay instead of sit. And I also had to type all of this out. The moon is shining through the trees, so although the sun is gone, it doesn’t really feel dark. There are so many trees blocking the view of the moon that I can’t tell if it’s full or not, I’m guessing it’s not but it might be getting close, since it’s so bright.

Also, tomorrow I’m going to hike just over 18 miles to Sam’s Gap and then get picked up by a Trail Angel, SoFarSoGood, that hiked the AT in 2019.. I met her in Damascus and when she told me she lives in Asheville I jokingly mentioned she should drive me to my rental car for Lauren’s Bachelorette weekend.. well, she took my number and messaged me yesterday asking if I still needed a ride! She has offered to pick me up, let me stay with her and her husband tomorrow night, and then drive me to the rental car place on Friday! The kindness of the trail folk truly is unmatched! I’m super excited to see her and her husband again and the stress free ride/stay is definitely an added bonus!

Ok, I think that’s all I know for today. Sweet dreams, y’all 🙂