Start: Plumorchard Gap Shelter (AT mi 73.7). Stop: Unicoi Gap (AT mi 52.5). Today’s miles: 21.2 miles. Total AT mileage: 2140 .6 miles.
I woke up with someone shining their headlamp into my tent on their way to and from the privy. Thankfully, because of the earplugs, I couldn’t hear them.. but I was definitely annoyed-seeing how it was 5am and all. I rolled the other way and slept in until 7. When I got up to get my food bag, for my breakfast ritual alone in my tent, Jonathan, MudLantern, and Twig were all awake and talking. I waved a tired “good morning” and carried on walking. Yep-the trail isn’t making me a morning person.
By the time I finished my grits and coffee and started to pack, the colors from the sunrise were just starting to peek through the trees.. barely. When I walked out of camp at 8, there was a slight pink hue, MudLantern and Twig were gone, Jonathan was back in his sleeping bag. I yelled out a “bye!” And got one in return.

I hustled up and over the double humped mountain with no name that I could officially tell-but housed “Bull Gap” between the humps, so maybe it’s Bull Mountain-which felt like an accurate name as I was hoofing it up and over it. There was another little mountain to cross before getting to Dick’s Creek Gap. I showed up just a couple minutes after 9:45 and Jon, TownLegs’ husband was there waiting with a Gatorade for me. I happily hopped in his warm SUV after quick introductions. I was cold!
We chatted the whole way to Unicoi Gap where he dropped me off with my day pack. I had missed Jon every time he had previously came to visit TownLegs, which was often.. I was happy I got to meet him now though, on her last day. I started hiking back towards Dick’s Creek and he headed towards Springer Mountain to be there when TownLegs finished. Depending on where they were when I got done, they’d either come get me or I’d hitch to their hotel.
The slack pack was a tough one. I immediately went up Rocky Mountain, which made me huff and puff and say a prayer of gratitude that I didn’t have my full pack. Then, the second I was down that one, I went right up Tray Mountain-another wind sucker for sure. It took me some considerable time, even with the lightness of my day pack.

Close to the summit of Tray Mountain, I ran into Catapult and Spirit, two flip floppers I’ve passed a few times, almost always while I’m slack packing.. haha. We stopped and caught up a few minutes before I carried on northbound while they continued south. Then, just over the summit and trying to find somewhere to eat lunch out of the incessant wind, I saw Trippin and DeepFried (who hike with the other two, so it made sense to see all four together). I chatted them up awhile, even though all of us were shivering but not wanting to miss the opportunity to catch up a bit.
They’re all four summiting the day after me, and when they noted my confusion, since we’re practically in the same spot, they told me they were going to zero on Thursday because of the cold rain coming.. ahhh. That makes sense now. While standing there talking, Twig appeared. Once she got in on our conversation I was afraid I’d literally freeze to death right there on the mountain. Eventually we all started inching away in our respective directions until we got to throw in some “byes!” And “hope to see you soons!”

I found a campsite log to sit on down the mountain some and mostly out of the wind. I was eating my bagel sandwich when MudLantern came by. We were both way too cold for anything but a brief encounter. We congratulated each other, knowing after this moment it’s doubtful we’ll cross paths again, and said our “byes” too. I tried to inhale my sandwich as my body shivered. It’s just too cold.. even in layers I’m not staying warm, thanks to my lovely body sweating when I climb these mountains-and then the cold trying to freeze that damp sweat.
I got moving and tried to keep it quick enough to get warm, but not overly sweat-which is a ridiculous thing for me to try to do with this body. One does not simply happen without the other in this body. Maybe I’ll get lucky when I’m reincarnated, but for now, attempting that is just laughable, if you can laugh with your teeth chattering.

Anywho-I thought the toughness of the day was over until I smacked into Kelly Knob. It was probably only so strenuous because of being cold and tired, but I swear it kicked my butt and had me gasping for air like I was back on day one. Sheesh. It’s almost over, shouldn’t this feel easier? I guess not. The trail gives so much, but she also makes you work for every bit of it.
I managed to get up and over, and the downhill was much more kind than the ascent was. I even jogged a bit down some of it. Jon came to get me from the trail head just a little after 5:30.. I had sat on the ground to wait for him when a couple passed and then turned around to come back and ask if I needed a ride.. “it’s just too cold to leave you sitting out here..” and as I’m explaining, Jon pulled up! Literally less than 2-3 minutes all said and done. The couple was happy I wasn’t stranded and we all got in warm vehicles.

TownLegs was back at the hotel, showering. I was so excited to hug her and congratulate her that I was probably very annoying to be around for Jon. He’s too nice to ever tell me that though. We got to the hotel and I immediately hugged her, then apologized, since she was clean and I was most definitely not. We caught up a minute and then she gave me some of her clothes to put on after my shower, while ours washed.
That shower was glorious and I probably stood there way longer than necessary, making sure everything was perfectly thawed before getting out. I put on fresh clothes and we talked while waiting for the washer to finish. Once the clothes were in the dryer, the 3 of us headed out for our celebratory dinner for TownLegs! It was delicious! I had country fried steak with gravy, Mac and cheese, a loaded baked potato, like 5 rolls, and I put a hurting on the appetizers we shared.. onion rings and fried pickles.

We stayed so long, we were the last customers out. Trail talk when you haven’t seen a friend since the disaster of the Whites can go on for a while.. haha! Once back at the hotel, they let me sleep on the hotel room’s pull out couch so I wouldn’t have to pay for a room. They were so incredibly welcoming, and Jon wouldn’t let me A: buy their dinner, or B: buy my own. Talk about trail magic!
They were entirely overwhelming with their kindness. Rides, drinks, dinner, clothes, a place to sleep. I truly am so very very grateful. And, not to mention, the company itself was my absolute favorite part. I loved getting to be there for her finishing day. I feel like I’m a Tourist cousin! (TownLegs’ tramily is named the tourists, if I didn’t mention that before.. TownLegs, TBird, TieDye, Smiles, and DoubleDecker). I can honestly say I love these people.. and I truly mean it.

We didn’t stay up long once we were back in the room.. we talked a bit before all hitting the hay. It was much needed today! Sweet dreams!