Start: 1458.7
Stop: 1462.6
Today’s miles: 3.9
Total PCT miles: 1314.8
It’s only 5:15 and I’m debating putting my food away, rolling over, and going to sleep. The only problem: I know that means I’ll wake up in a few hours wide awake, hungry, and have a hard time going back to sleep.. it might be worth it though!

Andrea, Margot, and I slept in until 7 something. I’m afraid I kept Andrea awake, or woke up her up, quite a bit with my rolling in the night. WHY CANT I JUST STAY ASLEEP?! My legs ache, and then when I roll over and straighten my knees, the pain is so severe sometimes I’m afraid I’m going to yell out.. so I guess it’s good I didn’t do that at least?
I was overwhelmed looking at all my stuff and my bear canister Andrea brought me, so I talked them into going to the general store for burritos instead. Then packing once we were back-especially since Margot and I still had some resupply food to buy anyway. On a whim, I tried on the microspikes Andrea brought.. because we may need them in the Sierra (Dear God please NO!). Mine didn’t fit!? What? How?! The sizing on the box clearly states these should fit me, but they’re so tight once I manage to stretch them enough that my toes inside my shoes were curling. Crap.

Margot’s didn’t fit either. Uh oh. We think it might be because of all the cushion on the soles of our shoes, we have to size up. So, before going to the store, we went to the lobby area, got on the WiFi, and I ordered us both a pair to be shipped to South Lake Tahoe, where we should be 4 days from now. Andrea will return these and get her money back. Whew. Gotta love REI’s return policy.
Anywho-we got to the store and Margot and I resupplied and I ordered the largest burrito I’ve ever had in my life. That thing was like the size of my calf. Massive! I got it to go, and we went back to our motel and sat at the restaurant patio, where apparently they serve breakfast too. The girls got something to eat there, and I had my burrito, and we all talked and laughed and complained (mostly just me) about how slow the WiFi is. Not to mention, there’s no cell service either.

We went back to the room to pack, and both Andrea and Margot were trying to talk me into zeroing. I just didn’t see the point in spending more money, on a motel and food, if I couldn’t even do the one productive thing I want to do: update my dang blog! I only have up to day 78 up-and I’m on day 91 in real life-that’s insane! So, I made the tough call to be a brat and get back on trail. Andrea was even willing to take us to Truckee for the night, with WiFi, but then the hotels there are so much more expensive-plus she’d have to drive us the hour back here-even if we also joked about skipping this 50 miles between Sierra City and Truckee. If only. Haha.

So, Andrea pit stopped at the post office for us, then drove us to the trailhead. We hugged and said our goodbyes.. I always hate it when she leaves. The good news I know I’ll see her at the end of October, when she flies to Atlanta before we go to Egypt November 1st. Damn, that’s getting so close and I still have SO MUCH TRAIL to hike. Cue the panic.
So, we hiked. It was gorgeous trail, uphill but gentle, along a river-the same river our motel was on. It was beautiful and sunny, and we only made it 3.9 miles. Haha. We knew we needed the rest, but I think we both thought we’d go a bit farther than this. However, when we got here, resting felt wonderful. There’s a creek beside us, the trail from here continues uphill for quite a few miles. So, why not? I wish Andrea could have hiked in to here with us and spent the night, then hiked back to her truck in the morning. That I’m sad about, otherwise Im pretty happy and my legs are, too.

But yeah, I think I’m going to go to sleep. Before 6pm. And wake up later to deal with the burrito fullness wearing off. Sounds like a later me problem, huh?? Haha. Goodnight y’all.