Start: 1577.4
Stop: 1594.7
Today’s miles: 17.3
Total PCT miles: 1446.9
I damn sure did not want to wake up this morning, but once I did I realized how hot I was-I was literally sweating so much my shirt and my hair were stuck to me. I guess I got over that chill I had the last couple days. I went to pee and then had to stand outside on the balcony until I started to shiver. That room was a sauna.

I came back in and started packing. Mostly done, all but my tent packed, I went to stand outside again, and Margot said I could just leave the door open for a bit because she was hot, too. Thank GOD. When I had looked at the thermostat, it had read 76 degrees. There has never in my life been a reason to have a room that hot before. I’ve refused to spend the night at friend’s houses over them keeping the temperature on 74. Yikes.

Finally, it started to cool off some and I could breathe again. I finished packing and I ate a burrito bowl thing I still had in the mini fridge.It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either. Once we were all set, we checked out of the room and walked to the general store for coffees. I also got a breakfast sandwich there. If I had known they sold them, I probably wouldn’t have eaten that other frozen thing-probably.
We made our way down to the end of the resort road to the main highway road. At that intersection, Margot pulled out her sign and I stuck my thumb out at the first vehicle coming towards us-and-they stopped. Two guys out fishing fit us in the backseat of their pickup and took us to Carson Pass! They were so nice, asking about the trail and all we’ve seen and gone through. They were wonderful!

At Carson Pass, we talked with the same volunteers from Saturday. They are complete angels. The one said, “I don’t want you to think I thought you looked unhappy Saturday, but you two seem so much happier today.” Gosh, they’re nice. We told them about the resort and how it refreshed us. They told us the weather for the next week or so should be fantastic, though cooler at night since the seasons are changing. We said our goodbyes and started down the trail.
There were tons of day hikers and weekend backpackers, lots of folks with cute dogs. Gazelle passed us at one point, and we met Rainbow, a guy in his tramily that wears a rainbow tutu.. super fun and happy guy. The trail was gorgeous, maybe even on the level of Washington for me in the way of views and huge vistas with nothing but more beauty to see as far as the eye could go.

There were tons of lakes in the distance and rocks.. and even some snow to cross.. although it was one patch of maybe 50-75 feet, and at an angle that wouldn’t be dangerous if you slipped.
I was loving the views so much, that I almost didn’t even stop for lunch. Actually I probably wouldn’t have if Margot hadn’t caught up to me and asked. I was glad she asked then, at such a scenic overlook.. because whatever I was or wasn’t doing, food or no food, I didn’t want to leave yet.
After we ate, we continued on. The trail climbed upwards but the views were so magnificent on this ridgeline, that I hardly even noticed. I mean I was of course breathing hard, but I didn’t mind the work to get to the tops of the climbs..I was just staring around in amazement, so happy I didn’t do this section in pouring rain and clouds-obscuring my views.

We got to where we were going to camp and filtered water.. then decided to hike a little over a mile more, since it was only 5:30. The spot we settled on is in the “corner” valley of a climb between two mountains-I was shocked there was spots at all, but we’re both pretty comfortable here. We set up our tents and ate our dinners outside.
It’s beautiful and chilly. I’m glad we’re farther up this climb than we could have been a mile back. That should make tomorrow a little easier in the morning. I’m so far behind my goal as far as getting to certain towns by certain dates, but safety comes first, and being hypothermic for 3 nights while climbing these climbs in rain would have been disastrous. Nothing made that more clear than hiking it today in all its pristine beauty. If this trail does nothing, it humbles you.

Ok, time for me to get some sleep. Well, ok, time to ball up in my quilt and get my hands warm. I can’t wait to see what views I get to see tomorrow! Goodnight y’all!