Start: 1691.6
Stop: 1719.8
Today’s miles: 28.2
Total PCT miles: 1572
I am beside myself right now! I actually did it! I actually set a goal and then somehow passed it! I told myself I had to get at least 25 miles today-no matter what, and I went 3 miles more.. I don’t think that’s going to happen often, but I’m taking the win!

I tried my hardest to get up early, but managed to finally leave camp at 6:50. I guess 20 minutes is 20 minutes, but maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to leave between 6:15-6:30. That’s the hope, anyway.
The morning started off with a climb, which is why I camped where I did last night. It wasn’t a bad one, although it definitely had my heart pumping and me pausing to catch my breath a few times. On the way up, Strider passed me! We chatted a minute or two about the storm yesterday and our plans for today, and she kept cruising up the hill. She’s fast.
It was so pretty, looking out between the trees at the massive mountains I’ve already walked through some how. When I see it, it doesn’t seem possible. At the top of the climb there was a beautiful little lake and a guy packing up his stuff. For the first time I got a good glimpse of the sky.. for the forecast to be zero percent chance of rain and 100% sunny-it sure doesn’t look like it. It’s overcast and moody clouds were rolling through. I was praying it wouldn’t rain again.

I was doing great on the downhill, although it was a little more uneven than normal because of yesterday’s rain carving tiny streams down the trail. I crossed through two creeks without even attempting to rock hop-the cold water coming to just below my knees in both. The third one I was able to keep from walking through-I would say I was able to stay dry-but my feet were already soaked from the other ones.
I started the second climb and saw Strider again, she was hanging out her stuff to dry while we had a patch of sun. I was thinking I’d do the same thing at lunch-there was a little more sun poking through the clouds, maybe my prayers were heard! I kept moving and around noon, right when I was wanting to sit and lay out my stuff, it started to sprinkle.
Instead of stopping to eat, I plopped off my pack, got my pack cover on and my lunch food out, and walked and ate in the rain. Maybe that’s how I made it so far today! Haha. I think because of the cold water crossings, my feet weren’t hurting like they normally start to by this time. I felt good and the terrain for several miles was a slow descent that felt more level than anything.. so, why not make the miles while everything (besides the rain) was working in my favor?

The trail opened up to a gorgeous meadow with a river coming down the middle of it. I saw something running up ahead, and the first thought was, “wow, that’s a hefty rabbit,” before I realized it was a coyote! I recorded it and watched it awhile before continuing on.
Before too long, the rain came down in sheets again. Right when I was reaching for my umbrella-thunder boomed through the valley. I’m sure it would have been fine, but I didn’t want to chance it. It steady rained off and on the rest of the day. I kept catching myself worrying about how Margot was holding up through it all. We have no service, so I have no way to check on her. I really pray she’s warm and dry.
I powered through. The trail went by a gorgeous waterfall, Toulumne Falls, and then up the side of it to where it begins, winding to and away from the water the whole time. It was stunning. somewhere up river, where I assumed the falls excitement was over, I went to filter water. The view from there was so gorgeous I walked back to my pack to get my phone for a picture. It was surreal. The sun was trying to shine through the rain.. the different branches of the river all converged through the rocks in the same spot-I was blown away!

Praying the rain would quit, but knowing it wouldn’t, I finally broke down and put on my rain jacket. I was getting cold now. The trail went around and through some slabs of rock and then eventually down to Soda Springs and Toulumne Meadows. I had my umbrella out now, seeing how low I was compared to the giants surrounding the valley. There was simply too much rain to not cover my head better since I had the means to do so.
Soda Springs is a little spot in Yosemite National Park that has a tiny wooden “cabin” built around some of the natural cold water springs there that randomly and without explanation, bubble. I would tell you more, but I didn’t read more than that. I saw the bubbles, and kept it moving-right over to the public pit toilet bathroom that I forced myself to use, and to my delight, my body obliged! Success!
I walked to the road crossing that takes you into Yosemite Valley and then to the Yosemite Wilderness Center in a parking lot not far from the junction. I kept all my stuff on, umbrella included, and popped my head inside to ask a ranger if they happened to have PCT hang tags for my pack. When I realized there were 4 rangers just hanging out there and one of them said, “we sure do!” I squealed, dropped my stuff outside and went in to get it!

They were all so nice! We chatted about the trail for maybe 5 minutes before someone with a real need came in. I happily said bye to them and hung my tag on my pack, excited as hell to finally have one. Then, as I have all day-I started moving.
The trail merged with the John Muir Trail (JMT) here, so all the junctions and signs made me do a double take to make sure I was going the right way. I walked the next 8 or so miles along the meadow floor beside Lyell Fork River. It was so absolutely beautiful. I saw so many deer, I couldn’t keep count. I snagged a picture of one judging me for catching it peeing. It was pretty funny.
I passed tons of tents already set up and as the sun started setting, I started to panic. The site I was going to go to as a last resort was still half a mile away, but as I was coming along I saw this spot that I grabbed before the sky turned black on me. I just don’t like setting up in the dark, especially when it’s hard to find the campsites to begin with. This one seems like it’s going to be a damp one again, and it was definitely already dark by the time I started setting up everything. Sheesh.
The rain quit around 6, but my tent was still wet from last night and this morning’s condensation-which hasn’t happened in awhile. I wiped out the inside as best I could, but I think it was futile-the inside already looks wet again. Luckily it isn’t really dripping on me, so I just have to try to keep my stuff from touching the sides.

Alright, it’s almost 9 and I’m ready to close my eyes! Pray I stay warm and dry too, and send some good vibes to Margot! Goodnight!