Start: 1959.8
Stop: 1985.3
Today’s miles: 25.5
Total PCT miles: 1837.5
Whew buddy, today threw me for a loop. A horrible, “I hate this and want to quit and go home or to a beach or literally anywhere where rattlesnakes are NOT” loop. But, it didn’t start out that way. Actually, the rattlesnake didn’t happen until the last 2 miles of my hike, but the negativity about the trail in general had been there for a few hours, and the snake was the icing on my frustrated cake.

I woke up late, both Strider and Hobble-it were gone when I finally woke up to pee at 6.. and then as I was peeing I could hear coyotes in the pretty close distance howling to each other-so, I got back in my tent and slept another 30 minutes. Why not? Ha. I didn’t want them coming over while I was packing to investigate the noises I was making.. at least, that’s what I told myself so I didn’t have to pack.
At 6:30, I finally started to pack and I was mad at myself for not just doing it when I was already up earlier. Without the bear can, I’m back to my old routine, which is nice and had me walking out of camp by 6:50. Not too shabby. And the coyotes were still howling and yipping, but they sounded farther away, so I was hoping I wasn’t about to round a corner into their pack-luckily I never spotted them.

The terrain definitely feels like the start of the desert: sand, heat, bushes and shrubby trees.. reptiles instead of marmots and chipmunks. So. Many. Lizards. Maybe I’ll try to count them tomorrow for giggles-because today had to be over a thousand, easy. And there was even a HUGE one that darted across my foot that had me screaming.. naturally.
The start of the day was a 7 mile climb that I actually enjoyed. The trail was easy to follow, it wasn’t overgrown, it was around and across the mountains easing up out of the valley instead of straight up and over. I got hot half way up and took my fleece off, but otherwise I was content the whole time. The other side: sucked. It started to get overgrown in areas, my legs getting scraped no matter how hard I tried to avoid it. There were down trees to climb over, the trail itself got rocky or washed out.

The trail went down to a stream, where I filled up, then I started climbing the next mountain of the day. Around 12:30 I stopped and ate lunch.. bites taken in between moving my headnet, because the gnats were out in full force, massively swarming me constantly from about 11am until I got in this tent around 7pm. They don’t bite, which, thank God, but they do dive bomb your eyes, nose, mouth every single second they can. I think they’re what caused my irritation to begin with, not so much the overgrown trail.. but that definitely didn’t help.
At the top of that second climb, I got service and called my mom. Man, something about chatting with her and hearing about her day really helps my mood. I was starting to lose service when I walked, so, I stood still for about 15 minutes on a hillside getting gnat swarmed so I could chit chat with her. How do moms always make everything better? Even when you lie to them and tell them everything here is fantastic? Simply the best.

Anywho. Coming down that long descent, I encountered my 3rd snake of the day. The first 2 were garder snakes that were small and fast and happy to get away from me. This 3rd monster was HUGE, as in very round and very long.. it was rattling at me while sliding down the hillside above me TOWARDS me on trail below.
When I tell you I started screaming.. I mean I screamed so loud and so long as I ran past that devilish demon that after I got to camp, Strider and Hobble-it told me they heard me. I never saw them, not once all day! Not only did I scream as I ran past it, but as I turned to look back, I saw it turned towards me on trail, almost like it was going to come at me-still rattling-and I screamed and ran even farther down trail. My heart was still beating in my ears over 25 minutes later-after I stopped to fill up my water bottles. Even now typing this my adrenaline is starting to spike again!
I was so scared to turn any corner with the sunlight shining on the hillsides ahead. I was panicked and walking fast as hell, jumping at small branches and limbs laying on the trail, shrieking at the lizards and overall completely over this day. My fear of snakes is a real one, clearly, and I wonder if the more I think about it the bigger that bastard will seem to get. I swear it was massive. I’m definitely going to have nightmares.

It was maybe 30 minutes later when I got to camp and Strider and Hobble-it told me they heard me scream and that they weren’t that far ahead of me, because Strider saw me run, too. This makes me laugh now, because I did so much cussing and talking to myself out loud during that last 2 miles to camp that I’m sure I looked and sounded like a raging lunatic. Too bad they didn’t get it on camera.
I set up my tent and unpacked inside it, because.. bugs. And we all chit chatted for a few minutes before everyone got into bed. Strider started to get a migraine today, so she isn’t feeling all that great. That makes me super sad for her, since tomorrow is her finishing day, and this is her very last night on trail. I hope it passes and she sleeps well, so her hike can end on a good note.
I’m a bit stressed out about tomorrow. It’s 16.6 miles to the road at Walker Pass and then I need to get hitch into town to resupply before getting a hitch to where Marquis is.. and I really don’t know how easy that will be to do. I haven’t heard from him and when I tried to message him today, I lost service before the text went through.. so hopefully he’ll be there tomorrow afternoon and we can get started going south. He’ll be clean and laundered, I’ll be 4 days into my stink, so I need to look into when I’ll get to shower and do laundry next, too.

So stressful. Especially without service. Hopefully I’m able to get more than 1 bar tomorrow so I can get some stuff figured out. I also let Margot know my plan, so hopefully she gets service soon and can check in and maybe she’ll be willing to jump down to meet us too! Ok, I’ve done enough panicking and worrying today. Only so much “planning” I can do from my tent. Goodnight y’all.