Start: Annapolis Rocks Campground (1050.7). Stop: Raven Rock Shelter ( ATmi 1061.1) Today’s AT miles: 10.4 mi Total AT mileage: 36.1 mi

Y’all! I slept SO. GOOD. It started raining again around 5am, and I think I only woke up that one time.. I fell right back to sleep after I realized what the noise was. When I woke up at 7 and checked the radar, I went back to sleep until 8:30! Hahaha The radar showed 100% rain to 9 and then it went down to 50% at 10. At 8:30 I packed up the entirety of the inside of the tent after changing clothes and brushing my hair and teeth (I spit the toothpaste outside the tent and then covered it before leaving). At 9 I decided I’d goofed off enough, put on my rain gear and stepped out into the rain. Went to a privy nearby (still no #2, rude), got my food bag from the bear pole, made breakfast (biscuits and gravy), and then miraculously while I was eating the last few bites, the rain just up and quit. So, I quickly took down the tent, packed up my food bag, and put all the wetness into my pack, all the while praying I wrapped my dry clothes and sleep stuff well enough to not get drenched by accident.

Then, I was off. The clouds kept threatening rain all “morning” (the 2 whole hours of it I had left), and finally a little after 12 the sun popped out. It happened to be right when I was going up a steep incline, so I paused and took off my rain gear. Sunshine and plastic = sweaty! I kid you not, 4 minutes after I got my pack back on, I heard thunder in the distance. So, I picked up the pace. I can’t be stopping every 5 minutes for wardrobe changes. I passed a few people, none were headed in my direction, except for one-but he was already stopped for the day at the shelter I was passing.
I was going down a steep descent when I swear the temperature dropped by 10 degrees. Now I was almost shivering. I passed some trail maintenance volunteers (holy shit they’re incredible for what they do! I am so grateful to anyone who has ever done that job), and a lady goes, “aren’t you cold?” Obviously, I’m an idiot maam, is what I think.. what I say is, “oh yeah, I got hot earlier. I’ll put my jacket back on when I stop for lunch..” ha—which is exactly what I did about 10 minutes after I passed them LOL.
And thank goodness I did, bc it randomly starting hailing. Cool cool. It passed quickly though.

It sprinkled, threatened to downpour.. all in all it was still a gorgeous day. A lot of muddy ruts, steep inclines and declines, and even some rock scrambles (I may have slipped on my butt once.. whatever). Oh, also of note-I passed two privies today and then ended up digging a hole less than 2 miles from where I’m camping tonight. Where there’s ALSO a privy. At least the ground is soft for digging I guess (damn you petty bowel syndrome).

I made it to camp just after 5 (I was really slow going today for some reason), and laid out all my wet things while I went to get water. I set up my tent when I got back.. and filtered said water and ate dinner (beef stroganoff, delish). I met a few hikers at camp too. A man and his dog, Rain (of course I forget the man’s name), a lady and her dog (it was yippy so i don’t remember either of their names, 2 couples and another solo lady. One of the couples is Adam and Kay, they’re pretty awesome and we started the same day, we’ve just missed each other every day til now! The other couple showed me how to use the bear cables (SO MUCH better than that stupid pole, and Adam said the pole took him and another dude to get their bags up one last night, so I feel better).
Anyway, I’m exhausted and heading to sleep. I wonder what’s in store for tomorrow 🙂