Start: Thistle Hill Shelter (AT mi 1736.3). Stop: Hanover, New Hampshire (AT mi 1751). Today’s miles: 14.7 miles. Total AT mileage: 726.3 miles. States Completed: Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont
I slept so good, once the eating noises were done and after the couple that showed up at 10pm quit shining their headlamps in my face.. haha.. tents do not block bright lights, and they had to set up their tent. Thankfully, once their lights were out, so were mine.

I didn’t get up when I planned to, I slept until a little after 7:30 lol—can’t guarantee good sleep, so when it comes, you take it! I packed up and forced myself to eat more for breakfast than I did yesterday. I had the Belvita breakfast cookies and a probar.. I was about ready to spit the last bite out because I was just so dang tired of chewing, but I got it down.

I hit the trail around 8:15 and it was another slow moving day.. albeit faster than yesterday, thank God. I had less ups and downs, so they were longer inclines and declines, but it seemed to be more manageable. I just kept telling myself to keep moving forward, get to town, and then you can rest. It was my mantra on repeat all day long.

I only took my pack off twice. Once to filter water and dig a hole 😉 and then again later to put my rain cover on my pack when it started to sprinkle some. I was *shockingly* begging the rain to come for a little while, simply because I was so sweaty and knew I’d be in a hotel bed tonight so who cares if it pours? It didn’t. The sprinkles lasted about 5 minutes after I put my pack back on. Whatever. And I skipped lunch. Well, my typical lunch anyway. I just ate another protein bar while I slowly chugged on. Get to town. Get to town.

The trail was beautiful, as always really.. and actually not very muddy (good thing it didn’t rain, I guess). I remember thinking this morning how it’s been a few days since I’ve seen a snake-and then this afternoon.. a quick slither to my right, a medium sized garter snake. He was way too fast for me to get my camera out, but it was the very first time I didn’t really react. Ok, that’s a lie. I yelled out a, “JESUS CHRIST” when I saw him, but I didn’t jump or get the cringe-y feeling I normally get. You know I must not be feeling myself at all! Lol
The last stretch of trail was on roads through a neighborhood to a town, then across a bridge and into downtown Hanover, New Hampshire. That road walk was so painful for some reason. I think I need to get some shoes with cushion, because it felt a lot like my feet were just going to snap off at my ankles. The ache with each step was unbelievable. But-I enjoyed the views! The houses were gorgeous-expanded farmhouses that when my nosy self looked on Zillow, all cost over a million-or two. Well, ok then Norwich, Vermont.

The bridge that took me into New Hampshire crossed over the Connecticut River. And then downtown Hanover is home to Dartmouth College. I’ll be damned if there wasn’t actual ivy on the brick walls of some of the student housing I passed while on the side walk. Ivy League indeed.

The town is very cute, my hotel is very nice. Once I checked in, I went ahead and asked the lady to reserve tomorrow night for me, too. I didn’t even want to see the room to know I wanted to stay tomorrow. I went to the top floor to my room, instant gratification. Yep, I’ll stay here again. Hell, I might move in and not leave. It’s got a big king size bed, a writing desk (which maybe I’ll use to do some mile planning), a couch.. ok, it’s incredible.. the only thing it lacks is an actual tub (Lauren, I bet you’re getting a kick out of me learning to love baths LMAO).. but the shower is spectacular! (I’m going to send a picture to Uncle Keith tomorrow, I want this shower pan haha)

I didn’t shower right away, because they don’t have laundry here.. so I knew I needed to do my running around town first-so I don’t have to put back on dirty clothes and go back out. I ordered some Thai food and sushi online from the place semi next door, then I walked over to CVS. I picked up my prescription, some probiotics (heaven help me if I get a damn yeast infection while hiking-I’ll take the diarrhea over that ANY DAY, but hopefully this will help solve both potential issues), a razor, some baby wipes, and Gatorade. You know.. essentials.

Once I checked out, I went and grabbed my food (neatly sitting on a table with my name on it ready to go.. talk about efficient), and headed back to the room. By this point my head was swimming and I was limping-but I knew I was so close to relaxing. SO. CLOSE.

I ate what I could of my food (I still have a ton of pad Thai left) and showered. Since then, I’ve just been hanging out in this big bed with my feet propped up on one of the 5 pillows. I’ve got my steroid cream on, antibiotics are in, and I’m all caught up with family and friends that have checked in on me. Sometime tomorrow I’ll figure out the bus situation to go get my laundry washed somewhere in a neighboring town.

I don’t think I’ll be double zeroing now when I get to Lincoln, New Hampshire. That was the plan originally because the car rental company wouldn’t rent the car unless it was rented for 2 days-something about preserving their fleet or whatever. But, now, since I’m zeroing tomorrow, but the hotel and rental car are already paid for in Lincoln, I have a new plan in place. I’ll get off trail in North Hampton, get shuttled to my hotel, get the car the next morning, and do that chunk I missed as a day hike-slack pack. Then, I’ll still have the whole next day to rest up and pick up Andrea from the airport. I think it’s going to work out just fine. Not to mention, my body needs tomorrow to rest up and hopefully start recovering some, whether I wanted to or not.

Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. It’s way past my bedtime! Sweet dreams, y’all. Thanks for following along and for checking in on me. Love y’all bunches 🙂