I slept incredibly well in my hotel bed.. they seem to be getting more and more comfortable, which may not be such a good thing, hahaha!
I was originally, pre Lyme’s Disease issues, planning to double zero here instead of the zero in Hanover. However, because of that blip, I don’t get to double zero now. The goal was to get the rental car early this morning and then slack pack over the last 17 miles to have me all caught up to the spot where Andrea and I will start the White Mountains together. I’m guessing this slack pack is going to take me anywhere from 10-12 hours, because of the terrain difficultly.
I got up and called the rental place first thing this morning. Actually, that’s a lie, I did it from the bed.. there was no “getting up” involved. I was told I couldn’t get the car any earlier (aka now) because the compact car they plan to rent me hasn’t been returned and cleaned yet. But it would be by 10am, like my reservation says. Ugh.
So, then I got up-and went and did my laundry (that I was supposed to do last night but got too tired after that dinner and margarita). I ate the free continental breakfast while my clothes washed, and decided today will be the zero. My new goal is to do all the things I need to do today, and then get up super dang early in the morning, and be on the trail by 5am for this crazy slack pack hike. There are 3 peaks I have to cross in that 17 miles.. it should be fun. Ha. Then, sometime before I finish I’ll message Cholula my timing.. when I get to the trailhead, she’ll pick me up and drive me back to the car. Depending on how long it takes me, I may get to go shower and change clothes before I drive down to pick up Andrea.. or I may have to haul ass and go straight there. Her flight comes in late-which is the only way this is even possible. So, it all works out.
After my laundry was done I put on my rain clothes and walked (under my umbrella) to the rental car place. It was pouring today, so maybe it was a blessing that my car wasn’t ready. I got there and the man tells me the compact car still isn’t there, but because of that, if I didn’t want to wait any longer, I could have the large SUV for the same price as the compact car. He put me in a Nissan Armada. It is a boat, so it makes sense that it was raining all day! Ha. That thing is HUGE, and I haven’t driven in months. It took me a little bit to get readjusted to vehicle life.. especially such a large one. I was happy about it though, I’d rather this than a dinky little car anyway.
So, I got the car and drove back to the hotel. I had a little bit of online stuff to do for mom to make sure her flights were right and whatnot.. she’s officially coming to Maine when I get there!! I’m super excited to see her! I miss her so much. Once we got all that squared away, I went to the post office to get a package she sent me. It went to a different business, but the post office manager was so kind to walk with me to make sure I got it without issue. Such sweet people up here in Littleton!

I had mom send me my birth control, the ground cloth from my old tent (I really don’t like the piece of plastic the new one has), my thicker weight rain jacket (for wind protection too in the Whites), and a compactor trash bag for Andrea’s pack. We can’t have her sleeping bag and sleep clothes getting wet! And these bags are like cents compared to $50-60 for a dry bag the size of your pack. Ridiculous.
With my goodies in tow, I drove to the hotel TBird and that crew was at.. I picked up DoubleDecker and Smiles and the three of us went to the shoe outfitter. They didn’t have a single pair of shoes that fit me well.. they were either too big, too small, smooshed my toes, or my heels slipped out when walking upstairs. Good God it shouldn’t be this hard to find comfortable shoes!
DoubleDecker got what she needed, socks and whatnot, and then we headed to another store for Smiles. He ran in and we sat in the car. I called REI when I found a store “close” by.. aka a little over an hour away. The lady said she had the shoes I wanted in my size and that she’d hold them for me! Alright alright alright!
We ran through McDonald’s and got all of us food.. $65 later, we were sitting on their hotel room beds about to eat, when we realized everything was there but my Big Mac. Haha. Of course. I hung out a few anyway, and ate my fries. TownLegs has been having shoe trouble too, and was planning to go with me to REI. She called them though and sadly they didn’t have her size in store. So, she ordered them and had them sent ahead.. but she’s still stuck in shoes over a size and a half too big! She was working on finagling them to get her though this next bit until she can get the new ones.
I drove back to McDonald’s and got my Big Mac, the girl was practically waiting for me lol she knew it got left! Once I devoured it, I set the GPS to REI! An hour later, over gorgeous mountain passes with no service, I was in another cute ski town with a huge REI. This has to feel the same way that people feel when they get to heaven and see the pearly gates. Those big wooden handles on the doors just reassure you that you’re about to be saved. From foot pain that is..
The lady had my shoes, still Altras (wide toe box) but the style with more cushion.. I tried the 9 and it was still too big, but the 8.5 were perfect! I walked around the store and actually got so excited I hugged the lady. I know, I’m too much sometimes. But you know what? She said that was the best part of her day.. and mine too! Haha
I also got some stuff to spray on my rain gear to make them more repellent. I got Andrea her fuel (kinda can’t fly with that), and a water resistant pouch that hooks to my pack strap for my phone. Because I guess buying new shoes wasn’t enough.. I miss shopping! Lol
Driving back took an hour and 20 minutes. I was going to go meet Cholula, Curmy, and Derby for dinner, but I was wiped out after all that driving and doing all day, and I still had more to get done. Zeros are supposed to be relaxing, laid up, not moving. I definitely did not do that. Oh well.
I ran by subway and got a sub for tomorrow’s lunch on the mountain. I ate Taco Bell for dinner. Then ran into Walmart and a grocery store to get my resupply for the first 3 days that Andrea is with me. When I got back to the hotel, I sprayed my rain stuff outside (luckily the rain has stopped, for now), then brought it all in and hung it up in the bathroom.

I set to work organizing my gear, food, and stuff for the slack pack. I have a little pile of things for Andrea, stuff she wanted and stuff I hope she wants because I don’t wanna carry it or throw it away. By the time I went though everything, the stuff in the bathroom was mostly dry, so I laid the ground cloth out over a chair and hung the jacket and pack cover in the closet with the door open. I washed out the shower and then took one. I was aiming to take a bath, since I have the tub and I bought some epsom salt for sore muscles.. but sadly the water didn’t feel hot when it was filling up the tub, so I just drained it back out. I can’t sit in lukewarm water. I barely like baths as it is.
Now I’m clean, my stuff is laid out for tomorrow, and everything else is clean and organized so Andrea won’t have to walk into a disaster zone. I have an early early morning, and I’m nervous about it all. I pray it goes well and fast. The quicker I get done, the longer I have to relax before Andrea arrives. I don’t like the idea of rushing and being late to get her.
Anyway, thanks for following along, y’all. Sorry I didn’t take pictures today. I just didn’t think about it. Goodnight! When you’re reading this, I’ll probably be hiking over those mountains.. so, say a quick prayer for me 😉