Start: Stealth Site (AT mi 2069.3). Stop: Monson, Maine (AT mi 2078.6). Today’s miles: 9.3 miles. Total AT mileage: 1053.9 miles
Just before 3am, rain drops started to splatter down on top of my tent. In a panic, I jumped up and started closing the open vestibule. TieDye was up grabbing his clothes hanging to “dry” and reminded me to get mine, too. I went ahead and peed while I was awake and standing in the sprinkle. I bet I’ll never leave the vestibules open ever again.

I fell back to sleep pretty easily. Then, what felt like moments later, my watch alarm went off. Ugh. TieDye’s alarm went off at the same time, so we were both up awake and slowly moving. The rain didn’t pour by any means, but since it was dripping onto the tent still, I ate my breakfast in the tent and took my sweet time packing everything inside before venturing out of the tent to pack it.

We got started just after 7am and I was on high alert looking for exciting animals. It looks like yesterday was the only day that was going to happen, because all I caught glimpses of today were squirrels, chipmunks, and singing birds. I enjoyed it though.. even if it did decide to be very buggy very early on (resulting in me wearing my bug net over my head), and extremely humid.

I took a break only to dig a hole, and later to eat a protein bar. Originally I attempted to eat the protein bar while walking, but the trail took an upwards turn that had me about choking on the thing with all my heavy breathing. The uphill was called “Buck Hill” so even the trail knows it wasn’t a mountain, but my legs and lungs were sure acting like it was. Thankfully, it was short lived.

On the downhill, the rocks got slippery at times. I did an awkward slide that kept me on my feet but bent down tight on my knees.. it’s hard to describe and I’m still not sure how I didn’t just land on my butt-and honestly I wish I would have, because it would have probably hurt less. TieDye took some slide stumbles too.. which he says his pack took the brunt of the impacts, thank goodness. Between the two of us, we spent a fair amount of time falling! Lol I have new shoes waiting on me in Monson, another great thing to look forward to!

We made it to the road crossing and parking lot just as TweetyBird and Starburst were getting into a car. I waved bye to them, but when I did the driver saw and then stopped to make room for the 2 of us, too! At first I thought it was a hitch, so I felt guilty that the driver stopped for us.. but as it turns out, she’s the shuttle driver for the hostel, so my wave technically saved her a trip.

When we got there, the driver went to get us each a free beer and to my surprise, TBird, DoubleDecker, and Smiles all came running out to hug TieDye! Almost their entire tramily reunited! Townlegs is the only missing link, but she already reunited with the majority and had to hike out to attempt to meet a deadline so she can see family. It was so awesome to witness. I got in on some hugs, too, and was grateful to see these people who’ve been such a big part of my hike. Helping my shin splints, Lyme’s Disease, and of course the friendship and entertainment, as well. I will say, it made me miss my tramily though.

Speaking of my tramily, Curmudgeon, Derby, and Towelie all have summited Mount Katahdin! Lizard, Sauce, FarOut, and Beaver are all very close to doing the same.. I’m just guessing, but I think they’re on day 5 or 6 now. I’m expecting some more epic summit pics to come rolling in while I’m in Bar Harbor with my mom. And then I’m praying like hell I can catch up to them, or at least some of them, by the time I hit Virginia. Curmy is such a fast hiker and will be starting in Harpers Ferry the day I start back at the 100 mile wilderness. He’d have to take a lot of zeros for me to catch him! Lol Derby has completed his thruhike and so will Beaver, so I won’t be getting to see either of them in the south, no matter how fast I try to hike.

Back to the hostel-I quickly took a shower and TieDye and I got our laundry in the machine, that way all my chores would be done by the time mom got there. I was able to get service and call her when I still had 6 miles to hike this morning.. she had made her first flight and was about to catch her connecting one. Then, when I was in the shower she messaged that she had landed and was on the way to get the rental car, she should be there by 2-2:30.. it was exactly noon now. Perfect!
We walked over to get a sandwich at the general store (grilled cheese for me), and sat in the courtyard to eat with some other hikers. I finished before TieDye and headed over to the post office to get my new shoes-which I did without a single issue! Now, when I start in Monson, I’ll have fresh shoes. More importantly, they should last longer since the terrain won’t be as tough when I flip back down to West Virginia.
Shoes in hand, I walked across the street to the Appalachian Trail Conservatory office. The sweet lady there gave me all the details I could ever need to know about hiking the 100 mile wilderness, the process for getting permits at Baxter State Park to even be able to summit Mount Katahdin, and the plans for when and how to register for the shelter before the climb. Plus, I finally got my 2021 thruhiker tag!

I made my way back to the hostel, got our clothes out of the dryer and took TieDye his, then shoved mine in my pack. I settled my bill with the hostel ($10 for laundry and a shower). I also discussed the details for getting a food drop into the 100 mile wilderness so I don’t have to tote 7 days of food all at once, especially for the first 2 days which are the most difficult. She wrote out the details and told me to take some time to do the logistics of it all, and on the 23rd to be there before 11am if I decide I want to have them drop me food half way. I’m thinking I might want to do it!
By the time I wrapped all of that up and got inside where everyone was watching a movie, my mom showed up! After hugging the crap out of her, I introduced her to my friends. Once we said our goodbyes, mom and I headed out of town. We stopped for some drinks for the ride, and then drove down Maine backroads all the way to Belfast, Maine.. a cute coastal town south of Bar Harbor. Our reservations for Bar Harbor aren’t until Thursday, so we’re spending a night in Belfast in a cute cottage across the street from the bay.

We checked in, unloaded our stuff, and headed to dinner. The first restaurant we tried was slap packed full of people on top of people, so we went to a more empty restaurant down the way and had some burgers. I can’t have mom catch covid on a trip to see me.. that would just be awful! We ate, we talked, we enjoyed the scenery. Afterwards we walked to the water and looked in a few shops.. man I’m so happy she’s here!
Now, I plan to enjoy every second with her.. I won’t be posting updates while we’re on our side trip, so this will be my last post for a bit. Also, while I’m thinking about it, service is apparently not great in the 100 mile wilderness, so I may not be able to post those daily blogs until after I’m out and have reached the summit of Katahdin and come back down to town, but I promise to still write every night and attempt to upload when I do get service. It may just be that you’ll get a whole bunch of posts in a single day when I get service again! Haha

The plan is to be on a plane headed to DC for the second half of my trek on 7/31.. so it may not be until then when you start seeing updates again. I apologize in advance if that’s the way it goes down. Much love to you all! Thank you for following me on my journey 🙂