Day 8: Trail Magic

Start: Unnamed Campsite (AT mi 1107.6). Stop: Alec Kennedy Shelter (AT mi 1120.1) Today’s miles: 12.5 miles Total AT mileage: 95.1 miles

Day 8

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and then some other familiar buzzing noise. Flies. For whatever reason, 5-10 flies were buzzing around our campsite and irritating my peaceful sleep, which meant I might as well get up. It was almost 8am anyway, if I ever plan to leave camp before 9, I may need to set an alarm.. and so far I just can’t bring myself to do that.

I got up and got moving, slowly. Made some coffee and ate a protein bar, still completely stuffed from yesterday’s burger. Lizard ended up doing the same.. except she doesn’t drink coffee, so while I sipped mine, she did some yoga stretches on her sleeping pad. Maybe I need to start doing that in the mornings, too. But then I’d really never leave at a decent time!

Today was filled with ups and downs, rock scrambles and pine needles. While beautiful, with the sun out and shining, I’ll be honest.. it totally kicked my ass. The uphills were a struggle for catching my breath and for my quads, too.. but I enjoy that burn and struggle so much more than the careful slow step down the rocky declines.. on those I can catch my breath and cool down, but man it makes my right knee ache with each step.
I also took another tumble today, as well as one yesterday.. not sure if I mentioned that. I just randomly fall all the way to the ground with no obvious culprit besides lack of grace. I felt fine afterwards both times, but I’m sure my little slips to hug the earth aren’t helping my knee any.

However strenuous today was.. it was also pretty flipping awesome, because we got our first ever trail magic! A mom brought her 10 & 11 year old and their same aged cousin to hike into the trail some with trail magic! I got a coke and a cheese and jerky combo stick thing. So yummy! And she let us offload our trash! (It’s a big deal, we literally have to save all of our trash from food, snacks, wipes, everything until we pass a town or a state park with trash cans.)

When we got to camp, Adam and K were there! I thought for sure I’d never catch up to them! And Patron, Polka Dot, and Gandalf were already there, too. We briefly met them yesterday at the restaurant. They’re pretty funny, and none of them knew each other before starting either, they all just met within the last week! Patron is a huge Lord of the Rings fan, so he gave us each a ring (very nice one too, might I add), and said it’s to remind you to embrace your own journey (or something like that). Very cool. I put mine on my pack since my hands are swelling and then returning to normal with all the hiking.

We all cooked and ate our meals together.. we told our dinner mates about my falls, saying we may have to change my trail name to Tumble. Then I learned what Brown Blazing is! So; for the hike, we follow the “white blazes” that mark the entire Appalachian trail. Blue blazes mean a side trail, like the shelters or some other trail that intersects. Lizard told me today that pink blazing is when you speed up or slow down to be able to hike with a crush, I told her yellow blazing is when you “taxi” ahead to meet your friends to stay at their pace.. BROWN blazing is when you have to dig poop holes instead of going in the privies! YALL! I’m a brown blazer! Maybe my trail name should be BB. Hahahaha! Because of this convo, I told them about my Petty Bowel Syndrome, they said I should be named that, and PBS for short.. and when people ask why, instead of explaining just say, “I’m very knowledgeable.” LMAO!

Well, my food is in a bear box and I am all toasty warm laying in my tent in my most prized possession: the sleeping bag. It’s not nearly as cold as it was at the beginning of the week, but I’m keeping this baby with me for the foreseeable future. It just makes me happy.

Tomorrow, Lizard and I plan to do a nearo (nearly zero miles), and go to a hostel in Boiling Springs. We were considering also taking a zero (no AT miles hiked for the day) after that, but the town is small and the reviews of the area aren’t great. We’ll play it by ear, but if we don’t zero there, we’ll have big days the following 2 days, and then be able to zero in the bigger town of Duncannon. We shall see what happens! I’m excited for an easier day either way.. and so are my legs!

Day 10: Short day at Darlington Shelter

Start: Quality Inn (AT mi 1131.9). Stop: Darlington Shelter (AT mi 1138.3). Today’s miles: 6.4 miles. Total AT mileage: 113.3 miles

Day 10

Today was supposed to be a 14 miler. We got up and out of the hotel by 8, ready to crush the day. And the morning went smooth, too. Lots of rolling hills and farmland up until mile 5ish-which started the incline. I’ve realized I hike better in the morning after my vitamin I (ibuprofen) kicks in, but once it wears off, I dramatically slow down. Because of this, I intended to get as close to half way as I could before 12, so that after lunch I could take it easy and still make it to camp before the sun sets.

There were beautiful overlooks and gorgeous views today, mixed in with the mystical looking undergrowth in some areas that reminded me of Alice and Wonderland. A lot of the trail followed along beside a river, so the greenery just seemed that much more lush.

There were so many trail runners out today. One man stopped at the same overlook I was stopped at and started to chat with me. He holds the record for the fastest time to go from “rim to rim to rim” in this area.. so from the highest point we passed yesterday morning to the highest point i was almost to, and then back again. He took the title for the record (less than 7 hours) on his 65th birthday! And to think he thinks I’m crazy for hiking the AT.. hahaha! I guess we are all on our own quests in life. Someone’s crazy is someone else’s mission. It takes all types.

I made it to the Darlington Shelter with intentions to eat lunch and stretch, wait for Lizard and allow her time to do the same, and then follow her out (her speed picks up in the afternoons where my slows). But when I got to the shelter, Adam and K were there already! They got here last night and are taking a zero day here at this shelter! I was sooo excited to see them!

Apparently last night there was over 20 something thru hikers at this shelter, and the majority moved out and into Duncannon (the town we want to zero in). I decided I’d let Lizard chose our plan of action: A. Stay here, which is a 6.4 mile day, and then an 11 mile day tomorrow into Duncannon, followed by a zero.B. Continue on to the next shelter, making today a 14 mile day, and tomorrow would be a 4 mile day into Duncannon, followed by a zero.. OR C. I’d stay put and do option A while she pushed through to Duncannon tonight (she’s been on trail a week longer than me, AND she knows almost all of the hikers ahead of us that stayed here last night). I personally don’t think I’m up for an 18 mile day yet.. even if it is guaranteed to have a zero the next day. Hopefully I’ll have my trail legs soon and an 18 miler won’t sound so soul crushing.
I didn’t tell her my opinion at all, so she wouldn’t make her choice based on knowing my preference. Once we realized there was a decent water source close by, she chose option A, and I happily agreed.

Now it’s early afternoon and we’re all just relaxing and stretching, I’m thinking about taking a nap under some trees or maybe I’ll read for a little while. My socks and shoes are off and this is just what I needed today. I’ll update the rest of the day later tonight before bed. I foresee a pretty awesome, chill day.

Which is exactly what we had! It was awesome. I decided to splurge on a new lightweight tent, although not as big of a splurge as I was considering, only because the more costly tents were either sold out or would take 9 weeks to get. This new one will arrive at the next post office in a week, which is perfect. I’ll go from 4 pounds of tent to less than 2! So necessary! Lizard got a couple little things too, and I got a lighter weight diddy bag. I have a pile of things ready to send home tomorrow!

We sat around a fire that Curmudgeon, Curmy for short (aka Adam) built us, and chatted about life. K is now Cholula (because she has a zillion packets with her lol). It was an afternoon well spent, and dinner was more of the same. This is one group of folks that can really make you laugh. I kinda think this might be one of my most favorite days on trail yet..

Even though I’m currently the only person in the shelter (my first shelter night) and the group of dudes camping out nearish where Curmy and Cholulu are at are most definitely having a rock band jam sesh at the moment, and I can hear it all like they’re performing just for me! Haha I might be pulling out my earplugs in a bit if they don’t settle by the time I’m finished listening to my audiobook, LMAO. And to think I was worried about snorers! I’m guessing these guys are more of weekend warriors than thru hikers. Too bad they haven’t offered me a beer!

Anyway, here’s to an awesome day! Cheers!

Day 11: Kind of Outdoorsy

Darlington Shelter (AT mi 1138.3) Stop: Kind of Outdoorsy Hostel (AT mi 1149.2) Today’s miles: 10.9 miles. Total AT mileage: 124.2 miles

Day 11

I woke up to a little bit of brightness plus the sound of a one man bro sesh happening not too far away, aka: some manly talking; but never hearing anyone respond to the voice that loudly talking. I looked at my watch: 5:45 am. Hell no. So i closed my eyes and rolled over. The next time I awoke it was 6:47am and more than one man was loudly talking. Ok, fine. I’ll get up I guess.

I was slowly moving out of my sleeping bag when Cholula and Curmy came up, all packed and ready to go. We made plans to meet in Duncannon, they headed out and I started slowly packing, while occasionally glancing over at lizard’s hammock-not a sound.

I ate breakfast, listening to bro sesh 101 discussing women and enemy “beat downs” and when I was ready to head out it was almost 8. Lizard’s hammock was still silent, so I wrote her a note in the shelter log book so she’d know my plan to get to town and either reserve us a room at the “motel” or get us hostel bunks. (Also, while in the privy, I saw a mouse!! The one thing I was dreaming about last night— that I put on chapstick and mice we’re gnawing at my lips because I slept in the exposed shelter.. not my favorite thing).

I took off, feet high on the Vitamin I.. and thought I’d make incredible mileage times like yesterday. Ha! The rocks had another plan! Every single time a sweet little breakaway came, less than 0.10/mile later = rock scramble. I felt like I was inching along all stinking day.

It was beautiful, and while completely overcast, I still enjoyed it. It was refreshing to not have the sun bearing down when things got difficult and slow going. There were tons of rocks, lots of day hikers and trail runners, and a few great overlooks. While I felt slow and like at this pace I’ll never finish this trail, I still came into town before 2pm, for an 11 mile day. It may not be fast, but it definitely wasn’t bad.

I got to town and walked straight to the Doyle Hotel, known to be “hiker friendly” and far from classy. The doors were locked and the signs were off. I couldn’t figure out where to go, and Lizard had Curmy and Cholula’s number,So i went down the block a little and got a bunk at the hostel. She told me she only had 2 bunks left, so I got mine and asked if I could go ahead and reserve Lizard’s too. She let me, and so I text her to let her know, but also that it wasn’t a paid reservation so if she had plans to meet her other friends here, she could without feeling obligated to stay here.

I showered, bagged up my dirty laundry, made my bunk and relaxed a bit. I met some of the other hikers here that zeroed today that are going back out tomorrow, most of the folks lizard hiked with before I started. Heater is also here, because she hurt her foot and is letting it heal up some before meeting her friends pizza and day hiker up ahead a bit. She’ll come back and finish a 44 mile section later once she makes it to Katahdin with her tramily.

Lizard got here, showered and then we went and did laundry together with Curmy and Cholula at the laundromat. Curmy brought a case of beer.. laundry is so much better with beer and good company.

After laundry, we drank a few more beers outside their hotel (they got a room at that Doyle hotel by going upstairs and knocking on the private door of the owners lol, I wasn’t that ballsy), Patron came out and joined us, and then we all went for pizza at the only restaurant open in town. It was actually pretty damn good. Although, the beer probably helped that a little bit.

Curmudgeon & Lizard

When we finished eating, we went back to their hotel, sat out in the big second floor landing together and all just hung out at talked and drank a few more beers. Honestly, meeting these people has been as awesome as doing the trail itself. The people make the trail.. the trail. They’re like my tramily now.. I hope it’s mutual. I’m quite fond of each of them.

Lizard and I tiptoed back into our hostel, with lights out and glaring eyes annoyed at the disturbance. I’m on a middle bunk of 3 high, with my little curtains pulled. It’s comfy and I’m content. We aren’t hiking out tomorrow, it’ll be my official first zero day!

Plans will include going to the post office to send some stuff home, going by the grocery store to resupply food (after making a semi plan of how many days of food I actually need), and resting these sore feet. Our friends will all nhike out in the morning, and I’m ok with that. I just hope we all get to catch back up soon 🙂