Start: South Arm Road (AT mi 1946.3). Stop: East B Hill Road (AT mi 1936.2). Today’s miles: 10.1 miles Total AT mileage: 934.9 miles
Last night as I was about to climb up to my top bunk, I realized there was an empty bed out on the screened in porch that Sling was sleeping in. I darted out there and quizzed him on who’s bed this was “no one claimed it yet” and if it cools off at night out here “cooler than in there.” Done! I grabbed all my stuff and parked right there on the porch! I was sound asleep in minutes!

I got up just before 7 with only enough time to pee before breakfast was being served. Lol, I think my body is tired as hell. Even still, I ate my yummy food and drank my share of coffee before heading back downstairs to change clothes and get my pack.
I went with Hopper to drop Eagle off at route 17, which is where I’ll be going tomorrow.. but then she drove me on to Rangeley, Maine to pick up my package that David sent me. He sent me his dynema Zpacks Duplex tent (fancy waterproof one that takes forever to order online) to use while on trail. I cannot thank him enough for his kindness! And I can’t wait to set it up, either.

Once I got the package and mailed my tent home, Hopper drove me over to South Arm Road so I could slack pack the 10 miles I missed. For reference, we left in the shuttle at 7:30, got to route 17 at 8:30, and I started at South Arm at 10:30. These towns are not close together and the roads are small 2 lane roads winding around big mountains. I learned so much about Hopper during those hours. I think that’s why I love the cabin so much, the people that work here are absolutely amazing.

I got started and had a decent climb to start. Everyday seems to start this way. Even still, it wasn’t technical, it was the rock steps neatly placed, all the way up. It was tough, but not in a miserable way. The bugs were out, the sun was out, and it started getting hot. The downhill got a little tricky at times, but it was enjoyable.
I passed several NOBOs that were confused as to why I was hiking southbound.. I ran into Kindle and Upwards, and chatted with them about Runway getting injured in the Notch. She’s been staying at the Cabin and making me laugh the last few nights.. Kindle and Upwards stayed with her at a campsite just after the notch but before the arm while she waited for help to come “rescue” her out.. she was able to walk but unable to use her right arm to grab, hold, maneuver or carry her pack. She couldn’t go back through the notch or climb the arm, so she was stuck.

While she stayed at the campsite with those two, her hiking partners, Sling and Tinman hauled ass up the arm to get to the next shelter where a caretaker was and could help get the rescue people to the right place to get her out. It sounded like a pretty dramatic day for all of them. Today Sling and Tinman hiked out and I passed them at a stream at the bottom of my mountain.. I sat at the creek and had lunch with them. Hikers really are the best people.

After I ate, I carried on south and they went north. Within 10 minutes I ran into Reef. We stopped and talked awhile before I started my second big climb of the day. It was a bit more rough than the previous one, less perfectly placed rocks, more scrambling. But once I made it to the top, it was smooth, pine needle path walking to the road. Mind you, it was 4 miles to the road, so not like a 15 minute stroll or anything.

The only issue: while I was headed up that second incline, my back started burning like it was on fire. Then, my hips started rubbing on my pack. I looked myself over and realized I was getting chaff rashes everywhere my pack was touching. I tried to turn my pack around, but the frame is too long for me to see over it. I had to muster through 6 miles with rashes brewing. It hurt.
I thought maybe it was my shorts waist band rubbing my hips so bad, so at some point I just took them off and walked in my undies. Naturally, it’s at this point that I cross paths with Proton, Luau (I think I called him aloha in another post lol), Scout, and Steak. Classy. And embarrassing, but whatever.

When I made it to the road, JoJo was waiting for me. It was 5pm and we giggled that every day I’m 15 minutes later, no matter the terrain lol. She drove me by the store and I resupplied for tomorrow, and-of course-got a strawberry milk. That stuff hits the spot! When she got me back to the cabin, I was happy I had time to shower before dinner.. the problem was the fresh, raw skin stung too bad to be touched.

I tried getting into cool water and even that was too much. I had to wash my hair with my head bent to the faucet instead of standing under the stream of water because of the pain. I literally cried when some shampoo soap touched my back. I had raw, inflamed skin across my back where my pack rubbed, across my shoulders where the straps were, under my arms, on my sides under my sports bra, and on both hips.
I went to dinner and was moving my body gently, because the clothes were sticking to the raw areas and when it would pull I would wince. Hopper took notice and when I showed her after dinner she said she thought I should consider zeroing tomorrow and scrub my pack down and let it air dry to get the salt and grime off just in case that contributed to my ailments. I really do love the people here.

Runway gave me a Benadryl and before bed I put on some hydrocortisone cream. It seems to be helping. Oh! Dinner: salad, baked ham, corn on the cobb, sweet potatoes, rolls, plus brownies and ice cream.. I partook in all of the above!
Anyway, I’m laying here in my bed on the screened in porch praying I can fall asleep. Being a side sleeper with wounds on my hips is not very fun or relaxing. There’s always something! It’s like God knew I’d need a legit reason to not hike out tomorrow.. found it! Well, goodnight y’all.